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Show THE BOY AS WE KNOW HIM. All In This Particular Capacity Are Labor Savcrc. Mrs. Hello Do Rivera, whose epcclal knowlcdgo of public-school llfo has mndo her famouJ, narrated at a recent dlnnor n number of public-school episodes. epi-sodes. Ono concerned the smnll boy's winter win-ter hatred of cold water. "Ills teacher," began Mrs. Do Hlvern, "said ono morning morn-ing to n llttlo boy: "Jimmy, I'm ashamed of you. Your cheek la all black nnd sticky. Go to the hydrant and wash It.' "Jimmy went out to the hydrant, moistened hla wash rag, and rubbed soap over It. Then, rag 'In hand, ho returned to the schoolroom. "'Which cheek did you say?' ho Inquired." |