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Show INVITE WORLD TO TAKE PART. Foreign Powers Asked to Take Part In Conservation of Resources Conference. Washington. So thoroughly Impressed Im-pressed Is President Itoosovelt with tho necessity of conservation of the natural resources of tho world that on Frldny ho, directed Secrctnry ot State Bacon, at .tho suggestion of tho National American Conservation congress con-gress In session hero, to extend a formal for-mal Invitation to foreign powers to participate In an annual conference to deal wit hthls Important problem, to bo held at The Hniruo next Son- t ember. Tho announcement of tho proposed International gathering was made by President Roosevelt following a luncheon which ho gavo In honor of tho commissioners from this country, Canada nnd Mexico, who aro In attendance at-tendance upon tho American Canscr-intlon Canscr-intlon congress. In addition. Embassador Embas-sador Bryco of Great Britain, Senator Sena-tor Knox and others wero present. Stnntor Knox, who Is to bo secrotary of 'stato in Mr. Tnft's cabinet". Is In hearty sympathy with tho Idea of n world's conference. All of the forty-flvo forty-flvo nations represented nt Tho Haguo peace conference will be invited in-vited to participate. |