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Show ! DAIRY NOTES. Plenty of sunlight In tho cow stablo means healthy nnlmnls. It Is host to rnlso your own dairy cowo If you can possibly do so. Then you know what you have. It requires grain aa well as rough ness to produce butter fut, and buttei fat at prosont prices Is what. pays. Oil meal contains 32 por cent, pro (!iHi ,eln consequently It Is good for milch Om cows, hut should not bo fed too lib B orally. BJB A quart of milk, by actunl chemical Bfl analysis, is wild to possess as much H nutritive vuluo ns u pound of beef BB BB Milk ut n stated hour both morning BB nnd ovotilng nnd keep everything about tho stnblo nnd thu dairy clean jH nnd fresh. BB You should not, only know how BB much each cow produces, but how BB much it costs to do tho producing. |