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Show NORTHWEST NOTES At Dillon, Mont, Tow Tawlor, a saloon sa-loon swamper, shot and killed Qcorgo Sebrlng, a restaurant cook, and then committed suicide. No motive Is flven. Flro nt Vancouver, Wash., practical-ly practical-ly destroyed tho Plttock & Leadbetter lumbor mill. Loss $200,000. Tho causo of tho flro has not been ascertained. ascer-tained. Farmers of Washington will loso n largo amount of their grnln crop this year, owing to tho fact that much of It has been blown out by heavy winds' in cortaln sections. Tho KnnsnB-Colorado Railroad company com-pany was incorporated last week for Iho purpose of building an electric nr steam railway from Canon City, Colorado, to Cardon City, Kansas. Tho pompauy Is capitalized for $5,000,000. Land Commissioner Dennett and Law Clerk Dalllneor loft Washington last week to make a tour of Inspection of local land offices and surveyors general gen-eral offices In Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Washing-ton, California, Utah, Now Mexico and Arizona. Tho stago between Fallon and Rawhide, Raw-hide, Novada, was held up and robbed by two men on Juno 13, tho robbers securing tho Wells-Fargo treasure box, containing, lt Is bollovod, a good sum of money consigned to tho banks and mining companies at Rawhide. Tho state board of prison commissioners commis-sioners at Helena has abolished the prison contract system, taking over Conley & McTague, tho former prison contractors, their penitentiary equipment equip-ment nt Deer Lodgo, on a lease ol $4,200 a year, appointing Frank Con-ley, Con-ley, warden, at n salary of $3,00V annually. an-nually. Captain E. L. Dlrthound, pioneer, do slgnor of tho Georgetown loop, path' Under on tho Union Pacific railroad In Its original surveys through n thousand thous-and miles of territory In Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming nnd Utah, and one of tho first onglnecrs of tho Pan ama railroad, died In Golden, Colo., last week. A preliminary cstlmato of 17,710,000 acres of spring wheat sown, or mors than 631,000 acres more than last year, and placing tho condition on Juno 1 of winter wheat at 86 per cent, against 77.4 per cent a year ago, and of rye nt 91.3 per cent, ns against 93. C per cent on May 1, Is mado In tho Juno grnln report. Stato Pollco Officer Otts of Raw-hide, Raw-hide, Novada, has been found guilty of assaulting Carl Young and fined $100 and costs. Tho troublo grow out of continued 111 feeling between tho two men, ns Young has been violently opposed to tho presence of tho stato pollco In Rnwhlde, and Otts In particular. partic-ular. Otts says ho will appeal his enso. Requisition papers for M. O. Reed have beon Issued by Governor Dick-erson Dick-erson of Nevada. Reed has been arrested ar-rested In tho stnto of Washington for passing fictitious cheoks In Goldflold several months ago. At tho tlmo his crime was committed ho escaped, but was arrested a few days ago In Seattle, Seat-tle, and will be returned to Goldlleld for trial. Many castorn papors nro sending Inquiries In-quiries to tho papers of Reno, Nevada, asking for particulars of the tragic death of "Nan" Harrison, or bettei known as "Nan" Sutherland, tho singer, sing-er, at the hands of William McCaus-land, McCaus-land, her Jealous lover. There Is no foundation for tho report that sho might bo "Nan" Patterson of Floro-dora Floro-dora fame, Whllo at Reno last week Clarence W. Mackay Increased his other gifts to the Unlvorslty of Novada by $28,-000 $28,-000 for tho boneflt of athletes. Fifteen thousand Is for a building for training quarters and ten thousand Is men Honed for n quarter-milo track. The gift Is conditional on tho .raising of $1000 by tho alumni nnd tho same amount by tho students. Whllo. driving near Reno, Novada, Mrs. Georgo Winters shot and killed J. A. Beatty, with whom sho was riding, rid-ing, took tho body from tho buggy and , drovo to Sparks nnd gave herself up. Mrs, Wlntora'clnlmed she shot In sell defense Beatty wnB a business man of Sparks and tho woman Is the wife of Georgo Winters, a son of the late Theodore Winters, tho prominent horso breeder. Following a dispute over tho title to a mining claim, Martin Lorenzo, n prospector, shot and killed Jack Be)l, his former partner on Happy creek, In Novada. Bell and Lorenzo met In the hills and a dlsputo ensuod. Bell pointed his rifle nt Lorenzo, declaring de-claring he would shoot, wtieroupon Lorenzo fired, toppling Bell from his horse, Lorenzo then walkod to his prostrate too, firing two more shots Into his body. ' Suit has been fllod in the United States court In Butto by Justice of the Peaco Patrick Colllgan, representing represent-ing tho pcoplo of WalkervlUe, asking that tho zlno mill of tho La Franca Copper compnny, controlled by F. A. Heinzo and located upon the Lexington Lexing-ton proporty In WalkervlUe, bo forever for-ever enjoined from operating, that WUlkorvlllo may onco more become a IK place of rosldenco. Tho pretty sixteen-year-old daughter of W. L. Baker, owner of a moving picture pic-ture show nt Moscbw, Idaho, shot twlco at William Martinson and Ira Morgrldgo, two young "dandles," who sought to mako an appointment with tho plucky girl and hor younger sis. ler. To save $40,000 In wages and at tho samo tlmo control to somo extent tho dust which troubles travolors Is thu plan of M; J. Buckley, gcnoral super-lntendout super-lntendout of the Oregon Navigation, who this year proposes to allow weeds to grow along the tracks wherever it Is possible |