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Show if What is Best for Indigestion? lL . Mr. A. Robinson of Diuiuquln, Ontario, lias been troubled for years with indlges- Jtion, and recommends Chamberlain 's Stoinaeh and Liver Tablets as "tho best medicine I ever used." If troubled with ludlgestion or constipation give them a trial. They are curtain lo prove beneficial. Thoy aro easy to tako and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at All Dealers. 111 the way of PAINT There's naught to dodge, nothing to fear in tho quality of our store-full of Rcady-to-uso paints and paint In bulk. Thoy won't blister or chip off are unaffected by sun, rain, cold or frosty weather. Summer or winter our paints fill the bill completely and economically. Wo carry a fine lino or paint brushes. Riter Bros. Drua Go. Logan and Garland, Utah. Franklin, Preston and .Montpcllor, Idaho, t -M. I If you Farra'Homc or want a t Land of anY kind, and want to borrow or loan money, Apply to iSHUMWAY & j THOMPSON, : Bell phones 31-1 blk, and i 9-2 red, Garland, Utah Garland Harness Company, J. Y. JENSEN President I C. 0. Anderson, Manager. Dealers In Harness, Saddles and Saddlery Hardware. Repairing a Specialty. Pearl Annex, Garland, Utah. i&'J?J2S$ Plumbing Call on tho Leon Mortensen Plumb ing Co., Brigham City, - Utah. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H jThe Tremont "1X0"! 1 I Liquor House B WINESD Iiouors and gD L a a wdward' Prp' jj CIGAiRSi Mi mr SELLING" AT THEPOIXOWlNG"'TRrCESr H 1 Case of Beer $3,50 On Return of Case $1.00 Rebate .1 Barrel Bottled Beer $10,50 On Return of Bot'lcs $3.00 Rebate. H And Everything Else in Proportion, IS- 'I'll 1 Includes Hooker's Hcftt and Fisher's Suit Lake Iiccr. mt -a- - ' Wo 80 hnndle PAHST and KLUE HI1UION Hcor. H PLEASE CALL AND SEE US, rat i Western Inventors. Tho fallowing patents wcro Issued this weok to Western Inventors reported ly I. Sw ift & Co., Washington I). 0., Patent Lawyers; Colorado II. i Holt, Grand Junction, Junc-tion, orchard heater; G. A. Manful, W. F. Mcrryinan, Denver, respirator. Kansas 12. N. Hagley. Pittsburg, shipping case; E. Utz, Wichltea, Grind-Ing-mlli. Utah W. Cox, Provo, grinding attach, ment for sewing machines: . E. Sneve-ley, Sneve-ley, Salt Lake City, feather stock. Copies of any of the above patents will ho sent to any of onr. readers upon tho receipt of ten cents by D. Swift it Co. Washington I). C.our special patent correspondenls. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured, "For twenty yenrs I suffered from a bad,caso of granulated sore eyes," says Martin Loyd of Henrietta, Ivy. "In February, 1003, a gentleman asked mo to try ChamboiiaiiiM Salvo. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given mo any trouble sincc.M This salvo is for sale by All Dealers. A-Y-P Exposition Rates Via Oregon Short Line, :)8.30 fiom Garland lo Seattle aud return; on Sale daily commencing June 1st. Ask agents for further part Iculars. My20-Oct2 Subscribe To-dayl If you receivo a copy of tho Garland Globol with "Sample copy1' written on tho corner, remember that it Is an invitation invita-tion for yon to subscribe, 1 .00 will give you tho Globo 52 weeks and you cannot alTord to bo without your HOME paper. George Meldrum Painting and Paper Hanging. All Work Guaranteed, Natural Wood Finishing , A Specially. Trcmonton, Utah H. BOYD DRAY AND TRANSFER. Dealer In ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Boll phono No. 39 red, GARLAND UTAH. 3oYD & pUANCIS Dealers in "Ffiic Pantiles; Ice Cream, Soda Water, Etc. Oranges, Bananas and Fresh Fruit in Season ( Garland, Utah ' lSinOXPORDS jl LADIES' Ha i Were $2.50 Now $1.75 M " 3.00 " 2.50 U IS MISSES' and CHILDREN'S if 1 Were $2.25 Now $1.75 g J? I " 1.90 " 1.50 I ifa i " 175 " ,-40 1 m LITTLE BAREFOOT'S M II Were50cte Now 40 cts I " $1.25 " $1.00 m All our 15c, 25c and 30c Lawns pa I M Going at 10c, 17 -12c and 20c 1 W. L GROVER & SONS, WHERE THE TEAMS STOP. mmwwmhmbwmmbIb I I We Can Fill Your I For auytlilng In the lino of Lumber. Hardware, Furniture I mid Buildlii.' Mntorlul-from u bunch of lutli nr shitiglo-i I to it coniplclo house or burn wo lire cnpitl)le of furnish- I Ing you at reasonable prices. Hj And every bill wo 1111 Is n bid for vonr next order. I Wo build for your future lis well us your present patron- I age, and that can only he done by building to please. I ( If you start out with a fixed determination of getting your I t" bill filled with tho best goods your money can buy, you I mlngt just as well come hero first as last. ' I No orders to largo for prompt attention nono too small I for the strictest care. H UNDERTAKING OAUKFUI.IA' ATTENDED TO I JENSEN BROS., fcARL' I lis n 1 Given Away 1 S Charge tf 'I j.1:!! A FINE GOLD RING I !;; To every BABY under one year of age simply to advertise our business. K i, Wo have on salo at 'Rock Bottom" prices an elegant lino of high J 'J.,' quality Gold Filled, Rolled Gold, Gold Shell and Splld Oold Jowolry M in latest styles and patterns Call and sr.o our Jewelry department v and got our prices before buying elsewhere (STlVD BRING X IX THE BABY. The houso whoso goods wo handlo havo author. V' Ized us to give every baby brought Into our store a Gold ring-no .'! conditions requlned -whether yon trade with us or not, R E E '?, I',' COUPONS given away with ovory O A 8 II purchaso to tho V , amount of 50 cents or more. Wo will glvo a TEN-OENT COUPON W, jO with every COc cash purchaso of any kind of goods in our store J 1$, These coupons will bo accepted by xis ns CASH In our Jowolry do-' V . partmont toward tho purchaso of nny article of Jowolry wo carry In ft ; stock. Trade where your trade is appreciated. You hnvo to buy !! your necessities somewhere why not trado with us and get full V. ;.; value for your money. Come and see our goods, whether you buv $ . or not. - . ' J r . !. Ol We deal in Dry Goods, Notions, Gents' g Glassware, Crockery and Hardware. $ Garland Mercantile Col S Wm. Preston, Mgr. Q |