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Show ii M-V-i i Ga Aa Ra Encampment. Take Your Flowers to The Train Early Tuesday Morning. All next week tho big National Annual Encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Republic will bo hold in Salt Lako City, beginning Monday morning and ending Saturday night. Evoi'ybody is going. On Wednesday tho grand parade of vetorans takes placo. Gov. Wm. Spry has issued a proclamation designating Wed. Aug. 11th, as a legal holiday and recommends that tho 11001110 of tho state suspend business and attend tho Encampment. Mrs. Lucy A. Clark, chairman of tho floral committeo for this district, shipped a big consignment consign-ment of llowors to Salt Lako yestorday morning and requested request-ed the Globe to announco that next Tuesday a carload of flowers would bo sent. Sweet peas, roses, hollyhocks, etc., aro wanted. Got your llowors ready early Tuesday morning and tako them to tho train. Mrs. Wm. Prostoii wont to j Wostou Monday to spend a few , 1 1 days. , A fino son was born to tho wife 1 1 ; of Geo. Carter Tuesday. All on , ( : tho improve. R. E. Baxtor has purchased j jl from W. R. Vanfloot tho house j VlH and two acres of good land just .f - west of tho 0. S. L. Ry. track ; Editor Victor E. Madson of nM tho Box Eldor Nows, Jos. F. , il Hansen of tho Hanson Furni- turo Co. and Nols L. Hanson, i Morchant, all of Brigham woro , Garland visitors yestorday. f Thoy camo over in J. F. Han- son's touring car. Editor Mad- "'1 son was hero in tho interest of tho big Peach Day edition of, tho Nows. i ll |