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Show WRIGHTS BREAK HLIJEC1IS Make a Ten Mile Cross-Country Flight in Aeroplane at Speed of 42 Miles an Hour. President Taft Arrived at Trial Grounds In Time to Witness Landing Land-ing of Aviator and Participate Partici-pate In Demonstration. "Washington. Orvlllo Wright on Friday evening attained tho zenith of hard-enrned success. In a ten-mllo cross-country flight In the famous aeroplane built by himself and his elder brother, Wilbur, nnd accompanied accom-panied by Lieutenant Benjamin D. Foulers, of the Army Signal corps, ho not only surpassed the speed requirements require-ments of his contract witli the government, gov-ernment, but accomplished the most tlilllcult nnd dail.ij. .ninu ow planned plan-ned for a heavier-than-alr flying machine. ma-chine. Incidentally, ho broke all speed records rec-ords over a measured course. His speed was more than forty-two miles an hour. Ho made tho ten-mile flight In 14 minutes and 42 seconds. Ho weiU up nearly 500 feet in his crossing cross-ing of tho vnlley of Four-mile run, and his average altitude was about 200 feet. President Taft arrived upon tho pa-I pa-I rado ground at Fort Myer Just In tlmo 1 to see tho aeroplane land and to par-' par-' tlclpate in the wild demonstration ' which welcomed the triumphant aviators. |