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Show Deacon Came Out Ahead. Deacon Buttorworth purchased a barrel of hard cider from Alonzo Skllllngs nt Calamity Confers last, weok, paring AIonzoJ4 therefore. The deacon handed Alonzo a $5 bill and Alonzo glvo tho deacon back t. It " wasn't until tho deacon had drovo almost al-most half way homo that Alonzo discovered dis-covered thnt he had paid tho deacon l worth too much change, and ho Jumped on n horse and overtook blm and told him about It. The deacon said It wasn't his fault because he glvo him too much change, aad told Alonzo that ho ought to- watch closer and that ho hoped It would' be a lesson to him, and the deacon kept the' dollar. dol-lar. The deacon will load prayor meeting In the church noxt Wednesday Wednes-day cv'g as usual. "Bungvllle Bugle"' Items in Bcston Post. |