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Show r NOTICE. A nicctlngof tbe Oar&nd Commercial Club i- hereby called for Monday even-lap, even-lap, Feb, SO, at 8 p. ui., at the club room in the Idler tiros, Uloek All tnrmbcrs, ud those wlhlug to join, ait requested tot pro cut us the charter membership will tu dosed ht this meeting tiy order of I be Uourd of Governor. Cctnmon' CoUla aro tht Cause of Many Serious Diseaus. I'hytlclansvt ho have gained a national reputation ax analysts of thu cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided u long list of dan gerous ailments would never be heard of. l'.vcry one knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, aud chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggravated and rendered more serious by ea",h fresh at tuck. Do not rUU your life or take chances chan-ces when you have a cold. Chamberlain' Chamber-lain' Cough Heimdy will cure before these, diseases develop TliNrcnuly contains con-tains un opium, morphine or other harmful harm-ful drug and hau thirty years of reputa- Uon hack of it, gained by It cures under every condition. For sale by W A Hay. W. A. "Hay was a Malad visitor Thursday. Thurs-day. Washington's Hirthday wja generally observed In this city Thursday, the majority maj-ority of the business bouses closing at noon. The employees of the Kugnr Coin-! pany were granted the usual holiday res' . In the evening tbe attraction nt the AiiBctncnt Hull was the "Old-Fashloned Dress yall" under thh auspices of the Garland fiunday School mid was well at tended. j0jujjj I am Closing Out I . ' Ladles' furnish- ; M e"lire,,ne of f " ri:d Tr Gh"' !1 . Consisting of LnriirV lMirni.shintn, 1 Ings, Millinery, hats, Good,, E.c.at L I DreSS GOOdS i j than cort to m,ke room for my NotlOnS. ' BLK(ANT LIKE OP SPRING GOODS 1 A. Murie, ""Z. GeGGGGeeeee gggggggggggg '9 I f . do,,. I jts Week's Arrivals I 1 m B trade with us g trade with ua g H I wo both lose Our Spring Line of Gent's Ladies' and Children's Shoes -we both lose g J I I -JUST IN I niont.v I M IgggggggggggI CM and 8ee heml IGoxi M I EVERY PAIR siilfey EVERY PAIR f I GUARANTFED UNION-MADE rcXDcWOOOticWG GQGGGGGGGGGGGG . H Habit of I BJjlLIp"? Habit of I T"A;;,Kn; I ' U W MIL J j j nooTHK's. I THE MOST POPULAR STORE bootheh. H gcxacxjxjxjx: IN BOX ELDER COUNTY IggggggggggggI I Kdison Invented th phonogaaph, but thu tlrst talking machine wast made from a mail's rib. . The Beat Phytic When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant In effect, take Chamberbaln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 85 cents. Every box warranted. Wrt a free sample at W A Hay' drug store and try them. Sasser Restaurant Next Poor East of Uoothe's Mrs. Ava nscr, Proprietor. Hegular Meals and Lunches are Served The Hest Placo In Tho City. Centrally located. 1 too ins fiOc Garland Utah. Notice. Garlaud, Utah, Feb. 14, 1000. To Tub Ma'kaokh Gahi.anh Glouk: Somu time ago I announced through the columns of tlic Garland Journal that, until further notice, all communications of a general character to thu patrons of Thu Utah Sugar Co., would be made through its columns. 1 now give notice that all such communications will hereafter here-after be made through thu Gaiii.anii Gmiiik a paper that Is not only published but printed nt Garland. Mosiaii Kvans, Hest. Mngr. Tho Utah Sugar Co. Lime! Pirst Class Lime FOR SALE 30CperBushei ' THE UTAH SUGAR CO. I G. S. liowry, Painting and Paper-Hanging, Garland Utah. W J FIFK A J FIFE The Garland Livery I FIFE .BROS., Proprietorr. 1 I Livery, Feed and Sale Stables ' Up-to-Date Riggs at all Hours Hones and Mules Dought and Sold 1 ... . IIackMeeU.llTraln.tI)weyvtll Garland, Utill " -H You enn alwitv vet what vou want at H M. Hanson & Sons, I Brigham City's Most Progressive Department Stored- H A complete line of new and up-to-date H Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gent's H Furnishings, Shoes, and Groceries always H on hand. H Reliable Goods at Justifiable prices I is our motto B We can supply your wants in both staple and fancy articles. H Be sure and innptct our goods before making your purchases. Highest price paid for eggs and poultry H 3TWc do hualnessjfj ,!H M. Hanson & Sons, I North Main St., .... Brigham City, Utah. H 1 Our 1-4 off I On summer suits and overcoats will continue to the end of H this month . Ha JUST RECEIVED An addition to our Spring Line ot Ladies' and Child's ( ip Shoes which makes our Spring Line Quite Complete. (!$ Call and examine our shoe's and compare prices before you buy m Yours Resp. W. A. RAY. BSBBBsl tg,, , i' rt' '2jagsMSMSSSSM |