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Show M AN ACCIDENT. Tuesday afternoon J. A. Wlxom.cdl-tor Wlxom.cdl-tor of the (iloli", linil tbe misfortune of having bis little ringer taken of! In tbe job pross W hTcthc boy were running tbe. press Mr. Wiom seemed to have n pre. sent mi nt that muni! accldcul was about to take place and cautioucd the tioys to he very careful aud not pet hurt, lie jH wrut to tbe reur of the press, where tH J.lltlc A 7ii r Kvnns wan proclllng it to Increase, tbo speed aud cautioned the jH iMiya again to be careful at the xamu lime jH taking hold of the pma with the boy. The upward motion of the press caught jlWJ the little linger f the left hand ticlwccn jH the working of the plate adjuster and KLm wwrcri it below the knuckle. Dm. Frnni:ke iind Green were summoned ud tVB (treated the wound. The accident VM Becmlluiw the lo of tbe entiro tluper. lu imhalf of Dm, Fruncke and Jrecn the Globe extends thanks for the efficient rervkt". rendered by them and to Marshall H, W.H. Vr.ntleet. |