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Show High Crowns and Turndown Brims. In nutumn millinery thoro still Is 11 tendency to wenr hats with turndown brims, having exceedingly high nnd prominent crowns of velvet and cascading cas-cading plumugo so set ns to hldo tho crown In front completely. Another now plumage sotting Is to cover tho hat crown totally and Increnso tho crown dimensions by this means enormously. enor-mously. Volvot poufs, rosottcs and bows will turn out to bo tho autumn trimming for straw hats, In dark colors, col-ors, as woll as for many of tho sum-mor sum-mor hats In bclgb and mustard shades. Wo may expect a rathor hoavy offect to onsuo, but that wo shall havo to got our oyes accustomod to. Thoso who object to It must Insist on tho lightest stylo of feather hat trimmings. This foaturo makes a groat dlfferonco bccatiBo ot Us prominence. |