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Show Electricity In Japan. "Whllo all tho progressive nntlons ol tho occidental world havo been vying with ono another In tho utilization ot waterfalls for tho production of cle& trie power, Japan, a country whore wntorfalls nbound, has almost entirely neglected Uils source of mechanical onorgy. But lnovitably, In vlow oj tho extraordinary development which Japan has recently undergono, such 8 state of affnirs could not endure. A beginning has now beon made, and the work will doubtless bo pursued wltb characteristic Japanese cnorcv and in telilgencc. Several Japanese companies compan-ies havo recently been organized for the establishment of hydoclcctrlc stations. sta-tions. Tho most Important of them, with a capital of 110,000,000, proposes to furnish 40,000 horse-power of elec trie enorgy for distribution In Kioto nnd tho surrounding region. Tho Han-shin Han-shin railroad is soon to bo suppllod with electric trains, nnd another comi pany proposes to furnish electric pow-er pow-er to Nngoya. |