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Show Cave Which the Indians decorated. Two gold prospectors rocontly discovered dis-covered In tho Santa Susanna mountains, moun-tains, nbout CO miles from Los Angeles, An-geles, Cal., tho largest and most ro-niarkablo ro-niarkablo cavo In western America. Whllo looking for indications of gold thoy found an oponing which thoy entered. en-tered. Tho oponing led to a groat cavorn, consisting of many passages, somo of thom wldo but most of thom narrow nnd lofty. Tho passagos lead Into great halls, somo containing an acre, studded with stnlngmltes nnd stnlnctltos, In somo cases bo thickly that It la difficult to got through. Tho wnlls of ono of theso halls aro covored with rudo drawings, somo almost al-most obliterated but othora still clear. Tho drawings represent Incidents of tho chnBo, showing Indlnns on foot pursuing benr, deor nnd othor nnlmals. Ono wall painting shows tho benr pursuing pur-suing tho hunter. Tho work Is dono with n soft, red atono much used by tho Indlnns for thnt purpose. Scientific Scien-tific American. |