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Show SIX GIRLS HI8 PALLBEARERS. Polish Society Leader Stipulated for Them In His Will. Hartford, Conn. Mlchaol Wylor, a well to do mnchlno bulldor, who died at tho hospital hero of typhoid fover, lived up to a roputntlon of being n Boclnl leador, which ho had gained among tho wealthy class of tho Polish Pol-ish colony In this city, by stipulating In his will and last directions regarding regard-ing Ills funeral that nono but women pallbearers should carry his body to his last resting place. Following his wishes, six young Indlos, among tho prettiest In tho Polish colony hero, all attired In white, acted ac pall-bearers, pall-bearers, nnd two others served as flower bearers. |