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Show TOEPDFF DIES I , NATURAE DEATH I Most Hated Man in Russia is I Dead But Not at Hands r of H.s Enemies ' N I Six Attempts Had Been Made on His H Life Within the Past Three Years, In One Instance a Man Who H Resembled Him Being Shot. H St. iPctersburg. General Dmitri Pc-. H odorovlch Trepoff, commandant of the H lmporlal palace, died at (5 o'clock Sot- ' H urday evening In his vllln nt Peterhot jfl of anglnn pectoris. H General Trepoff, whose name was H Indelibly linked with reactionary re- H presslon In Russia, was a remarkable H man. He wns a natural despot, a tjs U rant by Inclination, education and con- 81 vlctlon. Ho wns one of those men jfl who havo constantly appeared in Rus- IH slan history Just at the tlmo when con- II dltlons wero most promising for put- l ting an end to despotism to turn Rus- CI 'slan rulers from liberalism to reaction. II It was he who became the guiding II spirit of the reaction after Nicholas II had Issued his Manifesto In the fall of 1900, promising the peoplo a share 4f j In the government. Holding tho po- fl v sltlon of master of tho palaco, In " league with the court Intriguers who wero determined to rcstoro the old l regime, he constantly had tho cmper- or's car. - II In nil six actual attempts an the life of General Trepoff hnvo been made within thrco years, and only last July General Kozloff of tho headquarters was assassinated nt1 Pcterhof by a tcr- l rorlst who believed ho was firing upon Tropoff. General Trepoff would have beon 61 I years old in December. Several months ho had been Buffering from a heart affection and asthmatic troubles. and somo tlmo ago was forced to abandon a largo amount of his routine work. I |