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Show j ATTACK UPON SOLDIERS Fanatics Rush Camps and Bolo Boys In Dlue as They Lie 8lceplng In Their Tents. Snn Francisco. A special cable dispatch dis-patch from Manila say's:' In revenge for tho punishment Inflicted In-flicted upon them by tho regular troops for tho killing of Lieutenant Roscoo Treadwell of tho Philippine scouts, tho Pnlnjaucs nttacked a detachment de-tachment of tho Twenty-fourth Infantry, Infan-try, colored, on tho night of tho 10th, and before they could bo driven back they killed two nnd wounded elghtot tho colored soldiers, r Early in the evening of tho 10th tho bandits rushed' the' camp of Treadwell and1 succeeded in .killing the officers. Tho colored troops enmo to tho rescue nnd drove tho fnnntlcs from tho field, killing and capturing n largo number. Tho Twenty-fourth then went Into camp near Unraucn, I.oyte, near the Bccno of the engagement. Tho band returned during4 tho nlghL bolocd the outposts and rushed the camp.j In tho confusion of tho darkness the regulars regu-lars wero badly cut up beforo 'they realized re-alized that tho Pulajancs wero upon them. Tho colored troopers were attacked at-tacked In their tents, tho natives slashing tho canvas with bolos and falling upon tho sleeping soldiers. Tho men of tho Twenty-fourth woro aroused by tho shouts of their comrades com-rades and wont Into tho fight with their pistols nnd bayonets, nnd finally rout ml tho i;ulp.Jr.no3, killing and. .wounding many'' df 'them. 'In tho dnrknoss n few of tho Pulajancs escaped. |