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Show i ITEMS OF INTEREST, Next Wednesday, Feb. 11,1m St. A'nl-cntlne's A'nl-cntlne's day. The Commercial Club meet at JuuVo Van-jnwdcln'sofnceFeb. Van-jnwdcln'sofnceFeb. 12.ut8,, n-NOTC-ThU Imim U mainly u write-up of the flty nnd buines men nnd contain but few news Item but our next Uve will bo lilll with newsy huppenlnxi of our buntllni llttlo city, icjnber The Garland Commercial Club mcet-nFcb,tfth, mcet-nFcb,tfth, J An'W rslonel prc0 B,tJ" will be itlvcn at ' tho Awuwment Hall Wuhtmiton'i Jllrlhduy. Keb, 22nd, for the benefit of thu Garland Sun.luy tjjiool. II W, I Orover ha aolJ hi homo (n North Car- I Jaml ,nml will erect u flno frame structure on hU r Jut .opposite tho school house, ' M, A, JVtho Informed us yesterday Uiat tho I coal altuafpt) is very cnoounwiiur. Ono cur cumo in Thursday find two moro oro (XpocUvJ oon. ! Mr. nml Mr. Mosinh Evans returned 2 yestesday from n three week's wijourn In I the state of California. From Salt Lake ' CJfv they were nicompancd by their j ilm'iglitcr, Miss Essie Evans, who has ! been In jittendanco at the State Unlvcr- klty for some tlmu past, Mr nnd Mrs, M, A, Uootc, M. nnd j Mr", T. 11. Edward, anil Mr, mid Mrs. Hcbor Cutler nil of this city, attended I thu Mask Carnival at llrhjlmm last Wed- 1 iieslnv evening. I J The mail service from this city I to points south has recently been I much improved. All south mail 1 leaving here nt about 3:30 p.m. over the Malad Valley railroad rail-road connects with the south j bound passenger at Brigham and letters mailed here reach Salt ) Lake the same day. All mail for Brigham goes in a separate pouch nnd also is distributed at Brig-, Brig-, 1 hum the same evening. Since writing the abovu wp were told 1 flint Gar)aml s to have a dally train ser-I ser-I vleo direct from H L City In a few days. ' Good I |