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Show EVER FULL OF LOCAL PRIDE. Quality Which Made Lincoln Popular and Lovable. 1 Perhaps Lincoln's most winning quality with young nnd old alike was his slncero belief In his fellow towns- men nnd their community, says Fred-edlck Fred-edlck Trovor Hill In tho Century Local Lo-cal prldo never hnda moro buoynnt champion thnn he. For him Sangamon Sanga-mon county In general, and Now Sa- lem In particular, was tho promised land, nnd ho was confident that tho peoplo wero eqtinl to tho tnsk of developing de-veloping It Recording to Its needs. Thus when it wns first suggested that the shallow, Bnng-bountl Sangamon river wns nnvlgablo and might bo' mndo n grcnt highway of commerce, he eagerly championed tho theory and' worked with voice, pen and hand to realize a practical result. Tho Sanga. 111011 is still unnnvlgablo nnd New Sa. lem has disappeared, but Lincoln's plea for Improving tho waterway re-mains re-mains as evidence of his slnccru be- J3I Uef In the futuro of tho community . S nnd to show us what ho could do with J a weak cnuso nt the ngo of 23. yj Tho nigumcnt Is not remnrknble, -but It Is exceedingly Interesting ami i J suggestive. Although ho wns young I S uml boylhhly enthusiastic, Lincoln did 1 not overstate tho possibilities nor un- i i doi estimate the difficulties of his case, s'-j and desplto the really laughable at-tempt at-tempt which wns afterward made to I, force the passage of tho Sangamon r'Hjf thero wns nothing ludicrous In his plea. What he claimed sounds reason- 1 nuie, nnu wnat lio hoped for poB-jIblei ' ' ' IW oven In tho face of fnTlurc. ', Jw This early effort plainly indicates .-jM Lincoln's natural aptltudo for logical 1 If) stntomunt. Hut It does moro than vW that. It displays n trult which few 'IttW lawyers possess; for the nblllty to' 3W present facts clearly, concisely ani TU effectively without taking unduo ad " j vuntago of them Is n rnro lognl quality, ; It requires not only ability, but cou'r age; not only tact, but character. It ; Is ono of the Infallible tests which distinguish the legn.' pravo froin the jurlit ', |