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Show Circulating the Scriptures. The 10IU Issues or the American III-hie III-hie socltty were :i,7r'J,;UK) volumes. Tho sun never sets on the iepiv.enta tlves or this society, which as-erts tbnt some one Is busy eery hour of tho day and every day of the jear circulating cir-culating the Scriptures. This total means Unit seven olumes weie Issued every minute of every hour of every day or the year. The Issues or 10IU were the Manliest Manli-est since 11)11; chlelly beeum-c of after war conditions. The nemgc i or annual Issues ror the Inst ten jeais bus been oer ri.OOO.tXXl volumes. For the period or thu war, HUMiun, it was over B.870.0IXI, which means that on nn average U volumes or Scriptures Scrip-tures were Issnt'd every minute of the ers or the war by the American ill-hie ill-hie society. |