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Show p IliBYBUSINESS1 -J CITY FATHERS H Tbe City Council mot In rtgulni 'PtMftH -lon Saturday night. Counc Lime.. 0flfl rchln- Chadwlrknnd Btoelo wore H Wtnt. Reports of cliy officers wcrojrodd, H wproTe(l and nrcompanylnir bills al. WtflSoV JH W wftlcr superintendent Denn stnt- w H tat Mmetnng was obstructing M tte waler bctwe-cn tlio upper nnd low. J J J ir intake. Ho was lnstrucotd jo lo- IP H ftte the obstruction nnd remoe It M He also reported n mud hoIo.Jcnus. M ti by n overflow of water, nenr the H roorth ward chapel. Tho roael sup. M rTjior was Instructed to mnkt the """H' neensnry repairs. t H T),e question of accumulation or H frvel and obstacles in eulbert i, mill H u to the responsibility of tho city and H the Irrigation board In such mnttcrs. H He mayor was Instructed to arrange m x meeting between tho Council nnd . ' H uu Irritation Hoard so that an under f H lUndlnfi an to just what could 0 ex- L H pfctfl from either sldo coul 1 Wo H ' retched. HM H The water superintendent alfn re-M re-M jerted that the Fort Ditch Irrigation H Co. wished to purchase a pump from M the city. The matter' wax left to the H waterworks commit tee tor lnvostlpa. 1 tton. """"""B Fire Chief I'ratt appeared nnd pre; H tented the matter ot tho city furnish-H furnish-H Ids better lire fighting equipment. In-H In-H dueling a new truck. He inferred to MH; the Sandy department nnd asked tho 117 H " council, to liivcstl'ntc. Ho. said that "j fl '-atlmllnr equipment tcgSandy's could ' H tcnrranrel for, for nbout $1500. He H mrccsted thai tho city pay one.hnlf ' H o.' this amount and let tho firemen :SB--mIUio balance. by popular .subscrlp. rH tion. Tho matter was "taken under Girdatr H 41 Klisement. A sum ol' $0.09 wns given put of H ,n0 elerartnont for tholr transport!-liltliif transport!-liltliif rH" "n to "10 st-ato Bremen's rnnvontlnn B ncit month, M In regards to sprinkling tho streets n retnrBm toe city street supervisor Was In. Hog i JBl tructpd to nscorjnln whether or'not es and B' prlnkllns might bo curtailed In cor. daoaCB tain parts of the city. her ilHf The special committee's report of e for iB "he financial stundlni; of tho city was read, thawing that during tho first six .B. months tho city had expended $9,391. B and that snmo donartmonUi lin c ex- JMH tctded tholr pro rotiu It was tho sen. Km e of the council that no lnrgo np- iv B iroiirlatlons ho mndo In older thut Uio BV t'l mlirht haw n rood flnanclul stnn- V ding at tho end of tho year. Bm The prniKisltlon of equlppltu: the N-Bi Tiyf PiinioRlo library was hold up for AS; the time being. BB A letter was read from tho County BBk Auditor spedfyliiB tho amount ol' ns. AS wtmcnt for American Pork which BV will amount to $1,084,470.00 for the ffjT cemlng yrar. In ow of tho fact that " BVJ ':r 'J desires to ft out of debt It saBW' 'a div.,c i ti1(lt tho pJ,y rrtj0 t,H j.onr j- rrniil lo tho snino rs Hint of last IN W rflr nni1 a resolution wns passed to that effect BVj T1e meotlnK then adjourned until mM, ,ho fo'lowlnR Tuesday, nhon other holiness was nltendbd to. -: MhiiKs if Adjonrnert ,S"sxlmi of f'llj JB Counrll Tuesday MH; Tllc touncll met In adjourned reg Bfl "Inr session Tuoday olBht. All woro Bi j ' ir " tVi it i ilu ijGiJKiy II t BBrBr4WT !BJ BBBBBBBBF ifl 9Br vBBBk ! ' v , Ji fB .N.itoui In "Slrmwr "iii.iri Henlli" l, at tho UICAI.AHT. J I'lMIIiSllAY AM) rnilAi-XT. V Uvular IVIrnsi. . r Present, except Councilman Hob-lnson. Hob-lnson. A communication Di read from o Salt Iko notary Club, nMUng nut Aug. fl bo sot aside as flood Itonds '. The matter was loft to the C euniy Commissioners as n county afalr Tho matter of doi? tax collections for 1P21 wns dlsertssed nnd th0 mar. Elal was Instmcted to hae com. P'aints made and arrests of all de-1'iuiuent de-1'iuiuent onora. It unfl niso th0 wn. (. of the council that similar action lo taken with delinquent Irrigation tf.xes. Tho8 Coddlngton was appointed to locato nnd care for all flags nnd bunt-Ing, bunt-Ing, etc., belonging to tho city. The petition presented some time npo, asking that the curfew ago bo rrlsed fiom II to 1C years wns read fii.d tho ik1Ipo nnd prison committee vns granted more tlnm for further Investigation Tho major reported that the his. lory of the town being compiled un-dr un-dr tho direction of tho schools wrs I rogrcxslng nicely and It was expect, (d that It would be off tho press 1k-foro 1k-foro the present jear ended Tho ordinance regarding the color of telephone poles wes read This re-qi:lrep re-qi:lrep all poles to be painted black hr a dlstanco of 10 feet from the piound and white the balance. The mr.rshnl nnd street committee will confor -Willi the Light and Telephone rimprnles and hac them confer with c!ly ordinance They will also be ipked to moe all oIes frem the cen. lr 6f Hie streets The mnyor repoi'ted that no action hnd-len L-kcn by tho Salt Ijnke k I I'tnh It It Co. In regards to the trquesl mndo by tho city that they npalr their roeds through town Tim tcrorder wns Instructed to write P A", Orem nnd to ask that Immediate pctlon be taken The cemetery committee asked ud-idlllonnl ud-idlllonnl time In rivards to Incrcns. Iiip the price of cemetory lots. I Councilman Chadwlck reported that j be hnd secured the sen Ices of Italpb Hf:rriit to Irrigate the Cltj Park at . $l.r0 per turn. I The marshal rciortod lIpU a sneetij lird been placed In the culvert near) le Kellv corner He nlso reported il-ct sltius from business houses, which wero hung across the sidewalks ii opposition io a rllv ordlmnce. had leen remoed to conform with II I The mitter of beggars In town. nsV-ilnc nsV-ilnc for alms without proper credent-jlr.ls credent-jlr.ls was dlfcussed nnd left In 'io br.nils of the innvor nnd cltv ninrslml t. - p"-m Tim i e'lti'o slriuld be l-n. te-ted from linpos'crs who nsk for nlms. The dumiitn? of rnrliifo In freot ifnr Iho cltv diimnln" iround vrn illseupsed and the tnnrshnl re-portpil re-portpil tl-ii sullnble s'ens iirohlbltlnT such hnd lxen ordered Other signs t-cre ordered nlnced p1oii tho S""'0 rord eonfnimlng with the new trnflle oMllnnncM A new trnlTIc ordliinme was illscus sod end pawd The ordinance con-, forms with the new Stale bws goi-CMiIng goi-CMiIng triifllc nnd -H! be 'mind In this Issue |