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Show BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I For Grownups and I Youngsters Whiu bettor ibod enn youns or old eat than IIOVAI I' lllu D nnd buttor? Whut can take the place of this ombiiintJoi v.hlch will sullsfy every appetite and build hwnii and stronRth? J Wo "iMnelves hnvo come to rcnllro tho reat food value II ROYAL BREAD I fl The bread that made fa badJ mother quit baking lmt M: "d benuso of that, wo uro making Ix-tter bread today Hum over before. We v.wi $100,000 worth of 1'lnli County har, )leat ;lour cnch ycnri I ItOVAJ. Iimuu cost') more to nvikc, but no more I ,0 huy Th0 best and most nutritious food on tho market n"' 'ho money. Sold by all NelpliUorliooil flrocers every- '"'re la tho .Mountain 'CtateH. ) Royal Baking Company i n t i I I ' SPECIAL EXCURSION RATE ls Orcm I.lne fundnys rnd HoP drys. Amerlcnn Fork to Salt Lake C.ty and return $1 r.r,; Plennn' Crne to Salt ' Lake f'ltv II T'. t-clrdlns t-clrdlns vnr tnx. J 2 .tf Wll Y ? continue paying high prices for your groceries? Why holp ijH pay for the upkeep of an expensive delivery and more ex- H pensive credit system? You derive no benefit from either. H Try our CASH AND CARRY WAY once and you will never H t0 back to the other. OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. jWAwJ SOME OF OUR EVERYDAY PRICES H HAMS BACON - CHEESE NEKTO fc 40c Eastern limns . 34c lb. A lvh 08hill mnmm. m.vr. jjB .Jac hnstcrn Uroaklnat llf,,. ts.n into you. ufH i0(! bait 'iiioon 18c lb. H J0o Full Civaiii t'liww '23c lb '- '""H Hotllos Xi'ktu $1.30 M 5 Small Bottles Xokto 59c BVfl SOAP 2 Small Bottles Xclcto 25c bVI 10 bars Crystal White j ld.rKo littlt-s Nt-kt.. $2.05 H goal, 57C i'i'K' Hottli'.s Nokto 95c M 1 case (Yvstal Yviii'ttV I l.ai'iro Hnttlo Nokto 20c H Soa. . .' $5.40 SNOWDRIFT LARD H 10 bars A. . Naptlm fl Hi. ncl, Iil I'uio l.itnl 79c M nap .. G5c 10 Ih. net, Pail Pmv VaV 1 caso A. B. Nnptha Lnnl $1.55 M Hoap $6.15 1 Hi:;, net lresh Snow- IjYAtI 12 Hai's Cioiiio Oil Soap 85c - drift 43c H 40c Ik pk. Sea Foiuii 29c 4 11k. net, Fresh Snow- H !;")( I- pkr. (h)!(l Dust 33c drift 79c W&V '20c l. pkf,'. Sal Soda . , 15c S lift net. I'Ycsli Snow- H JAR RINGS, 5c ,,rirt ' S1'55 M Heavy Rubber New Stock FLOUR H 12 doon .litr Rings ... 00c 4H ll. Sack Straight M 4 (lo.tMi .Inr Rings .... 25c (initio $1.40 H 20c Ih. Parowax . . .15c lb. Hi. Suck dermatic .... 40c 1 PPAN1TT TUITTPP ( Ills. Conillicnl 35c H PEANUT BUTTER ,, )S o(l) ()j)(s 5Dc H l.:i.'). r ll). IVnnut Hut $1.09 npnn,,c H 70c-2 1-2 lbs. Peanut BROOMS BVmj Baiter 59c $1.25 I-, .Vtie Bmonis . . 79c M .'tr.c 1 lb. Peanut Butler 23c 4.V -Alop Stick 29c M QlArQ5 AMERICAN H OlVrVVjrvjro FORK H |