Show ELDERS PICK YOUTHS MATE young albanian has no choice in the selection 0 of woman he la Is to marry matrimonial arrangements in albania concern the elders of the clan who summon a lad they judge ripe in years or distinguished in battle prowess and inform him that lie he may marry it would bo for hini him a brooch breach of etiquette to inquire the name of the lady selected and on learning it he betrays complete indifference but he devotes himself henceforward to tho the task ilsk of procuring fuel provisions liquor and music for the entertainment of the gru guests ests on the wedding morning he dons reluctantly the new suit woven sewn and embroidered by his mother and welcomes tho the guests who each bring a present of sugar and coffee before they form the cohort that goes to fetch the bride after the ceremony feasting begins the men in one room and the women in another have a copious repast followed by dancing and singing albanian weddings are generally fixed for monday and the celebrations often continue throughout the week |