Show outlet for their B 1 aa iK ul jp I 1 D orgies and tn lerAs H 1 I 1 on T the other linni c H th tile 1020 cenon tiam jj wa 1 shows that for 04 ilist time in our hia gsg bifi ti ii 11 tory more than lint our population lives in urban herrl tory this move nt from the coun to the city Is idt going on the onci much vexed isola 0 V v i tion of the farm lint been largely reino died by the telo N phona and radio 11 u i tem country life has nd ON 4 A CT A vre I 1 A 4 e q t 1 1 cc is country L life if h in n america next on j ak 4 4 V reprogram the he program az sy by JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN S society going buck back to tile soil la Is there to be a now new kind of country life in america anti and will tile tho landed aristocracy of the future be able to make the farin pay financially these interesting quest questions long and others othera that naturally suggest themselves are raised by mrs udith stuyvesant Vander blit ot of now york bar harbor and BlIt biltmore more when nhe ehe says buys I 1 am going coins to live at Blit biltmore mOre many women in america aie are tiring of the tha empty round of mere social affairs before long ions we may see bee a country ufa life in america similar to that we now see in england and when this interest becomes general I 1 can think ot of no more remarkable country tor for home existence than america th there aro would not be so much unrest and unhappy ness hems if people took a real interest in life and I 1 know of nothing more interesting te than developing it a hord herd of 0 blooded cows to the highest degree of 0 perfection I 1 the mrs airs vanderbilt who says these things liaa has been described ns americas acas most interesting widow george IV vanderbilt who died about ten ye arengo was tier her husband he wag waa a grandson of commodore cornelius vanderbilt 1794 1877 the founder of tile the family and the accumulator of the first of its many millions george W was born in 1862 ho he have to work for a living and devoted much time to travel and study ills name will bo be remembered in now new york city lor for several benefactions bene factions chos who before ills hla death concluded ills his autobiography thus purchased acres of mountain landon land on french broad river near asheville N C and laid it out ng as tt a vast park erected mansion and Bt tables ables stocked this estate and spends much of ills hla time in superintending super intending its improvement 1311 biltmore imore one of the finest country estates in tile tho world Is in lan fan highlands of western north carolina tile the land of the sky long famous for its beauty and climate the alio farm farin consists of about acres on tho the french broad alan was not satisfied with nature hills were moved a lake dug and forests planted the mansion Is modeled after the historic orleans chateau cliate ail of 1310 possibly the most beautiful in france tho architecture Is french renaissance the banquet halt hall la Is SO 80 by CO 60 feet with a 70 foot ceiling cel ling A tapestry gallery 75 feet long contains the onest finest private collection ln in the world tills this opens onto a Il library biary 62 by 40 feet in front of the mansion Is a three acre esplanade from it a ramp lends leads to the piazza of tho the main building in the tha caso case of the beell vanderbilt marriage it Is understood that the united states gains gain a n citizen instead of losing an heiress it la iq stated that mrs cecil inherits under a proviso in tier fathers will that she roust must return tier her american citizenship alp this most interesting vidu wl looks absurdly young for the mother ot of a married daughter of twenty four and retains tier her striking physical ch charms arins it has long been social gossip that there tire are many suitors for tier her liand hand she married in 1808 her father was col george warren dresser and on tier her mothers side she belongs to the Stuyvesan ts and fishes lust last spring mrs airs Vander bilts laugh dough ter cornelia stuyvesant vanderbilt was married within with much uch pomp and ceremony at Blit more to lion hon francis amherst cecil former secretary of the british embassy at washington her mother thereupon departed for a long trip in E europe and it was confidently asserted that upon tier her return she would yield to some one of tier her many suitors well mrs came back from europe europa tho the other day declared herself to the customs officials as a plain farm woman and proceeded for tho the first time on record to talk about her personal affairs for publication and hero here are sonic some of the things she said after intimating that matrimony had no place in her der program I 1 am having a little house built for myself on our estate down in north carolina and the mansion goes to my daughter and her husband they are also going to forsake what to is called society life and aid mo me in operating my dalry dairy my bly Dilt dittmore more home has been r really eally an immense dairy farm arm for or some som time now I 1 have hoad of 0 blooded cows and I 1 am going to tale take a personal interest in devel developing ping these to the highest degree of perfection in developing my farm I 1 am not only getting a great deal of pleasure out 0 of f life but I 1 also feel that I 1 am doing pom something ething for my country the life of a society woman Is a 11 hard one it consumes a vast amount i of energy and what does it give in return nothing cut but dairying brings in i handsome protia and you see bee something tangible as a result of your you r eff ortal I 1 have never cared tor for society I 1 have always been interested in doing things that I 1 thought amounted to something we are born with the creative spirit and it if wo we dont 10 lo something worth while with it it Is quite apt to become destructive this writer will wili not here try to answer tho the questions raised either directly or indirectly by mrs vanderbilt obviously several large volumes would be necessary it if tile questions can bo be answered at all general ob serrations rations ser ions which tire aro naturally suggested would seem to include these most americans doubtless would think her lacking in common sense if ahle had decided for society and against biltmore especially as she can easily combine the best of both city and country life she Is wise to build herself a 11 little house the mansion Is preposterous post erous as a country home no doubt tho the dairy herd can bo be made a paying investment it will not however pay for tile the upkeep of Bilt biltmore inore this lady bountiful can of course accomplish wonders for the community and tier her sentiments do tier her credit reports in the american and british press would seem to indicate that thol old time english country estate life la is rapidly breaking up owing to heavy taxation and financial difficulties in tills this country however a popular trond trend toward life in tho the open both in recreation and residence la Is a sign of the times in the cities it Is noted too that many women of wealth and social position are seeking in business an BeJ held field prospect of large financial gain according to present standards BlIt biltmore more na as an object lesson in ma making I 1 c country life pay its way Is of no practical value almost anything la Is possible with a vanderbilt income and until country life ns as mrs vanderbilt conceives it Is made to pay its way it la Is not likely to be the rule of the landia the vicinity of all our large cities Is dotted with bostl costly y country real residences that only the few can afford to occupy and with country estates estate Alf that none can make pay these are not the real thing they ore are merely the transplantation of city life in the country its the surest kind of a sure thing that the country estate which pays its own way means work for somebody therell be waving grain but eer it delights the eye going to know just exactly why providence provided him with eyebrows there are fresh vegetables and also weeds thero there are fresh eggs but the hens beng will lay where you cant find em un less somebody watches out theres I 1 golden cream but the lowing kine must be milked agricultural labor lg 19 scarce and high priced and neither skilled nor permanent heres where the independent income bulks large there are city people who fear and hate the country they are to the hotel and apartment born they are creatures cren turea of the crowd and the social whirl they have their being in terms of jabz and moving pictures to the thinking american our twentieth century civilization in the big cities neither safe nor even sane and it seems obvious that in some way the flocking of the population to the cities must be coun ter balanced by a return to tho the soil it if the prosperity and welfare of the nation Is to continue and yet to many a good american perhaps perli aps to the average american life on the land seems tile the highest and best of callings lie he cannot see why it should not be responsive to In intelligence and skill I 1 it t holds forth to him visions of health happiness and financial independence and a real home |