Show IT PAYS TO MARKET HOGS or OF QUALITY I 1 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY aune JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DE C all 0 19 FIC OF CHOICE 0 I 1 OF atso r I 1 I 1 there Is less in price ice variation duo to quality in hogs them than in tiny othe r an animal in tile llvy alv stock king kingdom doal yet quality speaks even on tile the bioff log market with top prices going to the sIl smooth looth plump porkers corkers por kers according to tile sears seara roebuck agricultural foundation during tile the vast past year choice atit backs bacis in the lightweight class on tile the chicago market averaging froni from to pounds pou nila brought from 37 cents to per hundred over ovel co common ninion hogs or oc tile same class clasa at the beginning of the year lightweights were selling 87 37 cents it hundred over tile tho con commons inions through february digil lilg liest est prices for were 81 cents over the low lov price during march april may an and june julie th alio 0 spread narrowed only to widen again through july and august 11 in october top tell prices in tile lightweight class were hovering around 1000 while low quotations were two dollars less per hundred butcher and baron bacon at ate are e graded its as el cli olce loice good and medium in the heavyweights heavy beRvY weights and choice good medium and coin common nion in other weights formerly there existed n grade known as pl prime lale which possessed tile lie maximum of condition furm forin and quality allty at present it Is extremely to get this arn grade de in the desired market weights choice hogs have the conformation and quality that are desired in arline hogs but are not quite so well finished good pure bred sires are relatively cheap now an and their use would insure hl higher gher quality litters next spring |