Show faw U S ir u UR CHAT C B 1 I TUB TIIE SE chaigr 1 WITHOUT THOUGHT ON OUR PART but to lo go through different seasons without hardships or worry these times wi wa have to give preparedness serious thought that north wind halt so cutting it there la is an extra sack ot of flour in tile tho basement and the wool shirt ehart la is cov revered ored with a leather vest vast 30 anyo of worrying through gli seems booms longer than three months of living through by taking thought wo we cannot add one cubit to our statue but by not taking thought wo we can add a great deal to our misery lets live through this winter r necessity demands that your mon ey do its share it if we cannot save you money w we e will not complain mf if you do not buy if we can save gave you money you owe it to both that you should buy WE ARE PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS NEW 0 FALL GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY ladles ladies dresses tho the latest styles in serges i canton crepe satin faced canton and silks priced from to 2450 an exceptional fine line of ladles ladies hats in all the new A shapes and shades to outing flannel dark and light 19 c mons mens leather vests real value brown split lea ther will not peel extra heavy 1085 ca 0 B lack black horse hide leather collar adjustable cuff 30 inch length very dressy 1650 get your flour now iv it is going to be higher 0 school shoes complete stock dry goods furnishings 4 MARYSVALE C CASH A ah STORE STO R E you get A little better for A little less are you ready for old man winter win iter in tf HOW ABOUT A NEW STOVE OR isa ax SOME WARM BLANKETS A fa FINE f v LEATHER VES OR WARM UNDERWEAR WE C CARRY COMPLETE LINES OF everything OF THAT NATURE CALL ANO AND LOOK EM OVER ALSO ALL KINDS OF CAMP SUPPLIES KANAB EQ EQUITABLE UIT ABLE 11 fsr I 1 the store of quality 4 R F r r i t FH y ax r y h y T r r r v v r r legion 0 time BY THE LEGI LEGION ON BOYS OF KANAB 1119 A AUAU 0 ac 9 kanab acab automobile obile jj and garage co J 19 I 1 itt i R W rider proprietor SE K and master mechanic FORD SALES AND SERVICE s L agents for it nash and studebaker V F 5 agency for celebrated REO RE 0 TRUCKS t expert repairers with prices in reason call write Ny rite or telephone your auto troubles or wants N watch V Us grow kanab I 1 1111 ga garfield afield county telephone co the garfield county telephone company utah connects junction Cir circleville cleville panguitch and andare fro donia arizona and III ny ninnor places this company has spared no effort to provide for the f farmers of this conini community unity the best facilities for instant communication not only with their neighbors but with the large trade centers in III fact if they so desire they can reach the most dist distant tint points such its as chicago etc etc for in information formation address benj beni cameron sr panguitch utah WATCH FOR HER AD miss doe deo haycock k will open a beauty parlor in the benr future mr and anti mrs george dodds and family loft left for st george monday whre here they will go through the temple REPORT mado to the bank commissioner of tho the state of utah of tho the condition of 0 the STATE DANK BANK OF escala tn 3 located at escalante escalanti Esc alanto in tile the county of garfield state of 0 utah at the clone of business on tile the ath day of october 1924 RESOURCES loans and discounts 91 1 overdrafts 63 furniture and fixtures I 1 duo due from other hanka banks 67 exchanges tor for clearing house cash items gold silver currency total cash on hand 1 interest paid 2192 total pash cash collections 0 TOTAL liabilities capital stock 1 1 00 surplus fund I 1 0 net ne undivided profits 1697 1 I lameres In teres exchange u 15 total less lesa expenses and taxes vald paid etc net nei divided profits deposits subject to check demand certificates cashiers checks certified checks 00 dividends unpaid total demand deposits time certificates savings deposits total time deposits TOTAL 75 STATE OP OF UTAH county oi of garfield Garfi old as lester spencer being first duly dul sworn according to lawn law deposes says that he Is cashier of the above named bank that the above and fore ore going report contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on tho the ath day of october 1924 LESTER SPENCER subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day addy of october 1924 19 fr N COWLES notary public seal my commission expires day of december 1925 state of utah office of bank commissioner 1 I seth bank commissioner of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company tiled filed in my office this day of october Octo iier 1924 SETH bank commissioner A miss greenhalgh dau daughter Fliter 0 thomas dreen greenhalgh haigh of atrial Mt K annh rial lit in a hospital at salt lake city wed IN THE SIXTH JUDICIAL dial COURT IN AND FOR FOH THE COUNTY OF GARFIELD UTAH lloyd garrison state engineer plaintiff vs W A wilson et at defendants defend ants NOTICE AND SUMMONS THE STATE OF UTAH to all unknown claimants who aro are owners ot of the right to the use ot of water from the door deer creek system who have not tiled filed claim or otherwise made appearance in this action or who have not been personally served by notice and alid summons you are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been brought lu in this court tor for the adjudication ot of certain water rights on said deer creek system and that pursuant to the provisions ot of chapter 67 session laws ot of utah 1919 the court Is proceeding to mako make a general determination and adjudication ot of all the rights in and aad to the use 0 of the waters of said peer creek system and to that end the state engineer did on august 8 1924 begin the survey ot of said stream as required for or the purpose ot of collecting data necessary for the proper determination det erml and adjudication of all said rights in accordance with the provisions of 0 said chapter 67 session laws ot of utah 1919 9 you are required require reoul red A to ff tile le I 1 with tho the clerk ot of said court within sixty days from and alter after service ot at this notice it if served upon you personally otherwise within ninety days atter the first publication hereof a written statement under oath setting betting forth the facts relating to your claim ard and rights to and in the waters of said deer creek system in the mannor manner provided by said chapter 67 a form for which Is furnished herewith or if this notice Is served by publication will bo be mailed by the clork clark of said court to all known claimants ot of rights in the waters of sald said deer C reek creek system and which may bo be obtained upon application either to said bald clerk or to the state engineer it if you tall fall to tile file such auch statement of 0 claim within tho the time above stated you will be forever barred and es as topped from subsequently asserting any rights and shall be held field to have forfeited all rights in and to the use of the waters of said deer crook creek system theretofore claimed by you J T PARTRIDGE clerk of court first p publication october 24 1924 last publication november 1924 NOTICE FOR publication publisher I 1 department odthe of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah sept 20 1926 NOTICE Is hereby given that thai jos i eph S dunham of kanab butali who on january 15 1920 made home homestead entry no f tor or S sia see sec 10 NW N NE E 14 SWI SW S SV IV V NE section 15 township 40 south range 4 west salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before clerk ot of the district court at ganab kanab utah on oil tho the 3rd ard day ot of november 1924 claimant names dames as an witnesses samuel L lewis lorin B henderson leander J dunham charles charlea L hill all of kanab utah see sec 6 act 09 A ELI F TAYLOR ho register holister gister K date of first publication sept 27 1924 date of last publication oct 28 25 1924 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THIT THE STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GAR FIELD in n the mater of the estate of rufu B liston deceased NOTICE OF CREDITORS creditors will pread present lit claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at R ea S calante Gox coxfield Gartl field eld county state 0 of t utah on or before tho the alth day ot of bruard 1825 1925 ALMA LISTON administrator odthe of the estate of rufus B D liston deceased of first publication october 1924 last november ath 1924 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state sinie engineers engineer s office office salt lalie lake city utah Oct october olier 1 1924 NOTICE la Is hereby given that vera F ford whose post office address Is chanab kanab kano county utah has made in accordance with tho the re of the compiled laws of utah as amended by the ses sea slon laws lawa of utah 1919 to appropriate one 1 cubic toot of yater water per second from deer spring wash in kane county utah said bald water la is to be diverted at it a point which bears S 1320 ft and E 2640 ft from the NW corner section 23 township 40 south range 4 west S L M and used from jan 1 to dee dec 31 of 0 each year to irrigate 80 acres ackes atland of land embraced in parts 0 of SW NE N shii SE SE see sec 23 T 40 S R 4 W S L at this application Is designated in the state Engine engineers ees office as file no all protests against tle the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a feo fee of and filed in this athla office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of 0 this notice LLOYD GARRISON state engineer date of first oct 10 1924 date of completion of dubli cation nov 7 1924 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP KANE STATE OF UTAH the federal land bank of berkeley a corporation plaintiff VS william W ada P sees seeg DONT FIGURE HERE 1 1 ii tinni ti FIGURE ON 4 per cent rn interest terest with our savings department re 0 I tate on nn D b re j X the V very e r y best be al to I 1 t at all times in the way of regular meals lunches soft sot 11 to f drinks candies bakery goods fruits in beagon te try our ice cream theatre and dance vu at X I 1 A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK TOURISTS 19 headquarters headquarter s for traveling public in in general or to norton nor to cafe caf to te 40 4 11 1 miller and the kane 1 farri loan association a corporation defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE SAIE to bo be sold at ab Sherif sheriffs fM baledon sale on the day of november 1924 at 1200 noon at the front door of the county court house in id kanab kane county statte state of 0 utah all tho the right title and interest of tho the above named defendants of in and to tho the following described rol ral property Tty situated situate d in kane county utah utah to wit lots 1 2 3 and 4 of section elev en 11 and lots 3 and 4 of section twelve forty four 44 south of range seven 7 west of 0 salt lako lake base and meridian containing acres more or less dated this ath day of october 1924 TERMS OP OF SALE CASH W E H hamblen sheriff of kane county utah by N M X JOHNSON deputy first publication october 11 1924 last publication nov lot 1924 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KANE STATE OF UTAH W the federal land bank of berkeley a corporation plaintiff VS heber J meeks clara B meeks also alao known as clarissa meeks william W ada P and the kane national farm loan As assoria socia tion A corporation defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE to be sold at sheritta Sherif ta sale on the day of november 1924 at 1200 noon at the front door of the county court house in kanab kano kane county state of utah all the right title and interest of the above named defendants afi pf ln in and to the following described real property situated in kane county utah to wit lots nine 0 9 and ton ten 10 the south halt half of the northwest quarter of if section seven 7 township forty our 44 south ot of range six 6 west of tile the salt lake base and mer aier uan and lot one 1 the quarter auar cr of 0 the northeast tor ter of oc section twelve township four 44 lunge seven 7 we west 81 t s salt a it I 1 dase base and meridian containing eor dated day of october 1 l TERMS OP OF SMA SALE CASIL CASH W E BLI of kane inane county ti by N M 11 JOHNSON bedul first publication october 11 lont last catlon nov 1821 1521 IN DISTRICT COURT ofa OF I 1 3 SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT AND VOR THE COUNTY KANE STATE OF UTAH the federal land bank 0 of f berk a corporation PI plaintiff ain tiff va V 8 Wl larn W See amiller ada P S d 1 and the kane Nat national loinal F loan loa association a Corpor corporation atlon p defend sni curfs SAU SALE to be sold at sheriffs sale bale oa 01 I 1 day ot november 1 1924 at 12 noon at the front d door ol oj I 1 co county anty court house in hanain kanab K ka county state bt bf utah all the ri rig title and interest of the above ii kaffl defendants ts of in and to the folio folloni described real property situated kane county utah to wit watt the Sout southwest hest quarter of th the soc so west quarter of section threet Three 3 31 tho the 16 lots to one 1 two 2 three and four 4 the north half of I 1 northwest quarter and the N west quarter of the northeast of section ton ten 10 township PC foi tour four 44 south of range seven west of tho the salt lake Merl meridian diall U ut containing three hundred 0 and sixty hundredths acres eor less bess together with ah aff rights of et en kind and nature however evident eviden i to 0 the use of water ditches and ci als tor for the irrigation of said dated this ath day of october 18 19 TERMS O OF ZALE BALE CASH W B M HAMBLIN sheriff bt kano conn U uti 13 by ar N X M JOHNSON douth first fh at publication october 11 1021 last publication nov lat avna fV na ek f butah utah home fire dire in insurance sur ance co cc B 9 J WILL PROTECT YOUR IOME and BUSINESS X surety bonds D M TODD jr agent lot 44 lph FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA SALINA capital and Surp surplus courteous and liberal given I 1 r I ii i 1 our clients g james parrell farrell president H HC C gates Gated vice S H 13 crandall cashier casbier E ajohnson VJ assis assistant fant Ca cashie i SALINA calalla jA lallA UTAH i ask |