Show DYED HER COAT A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH DIAMOND DYES package of diamond dye con cains dirc directions tI 0 o I 1 any can dyo dye or tint her old w worn 1141 faded things thine new even if the she has fins never dyed leforc lc forc eho ho can aul xul put a new ncr rich color into shabby ure r Baes es waists coate stoc stockings kingi e tem coverings covering han ginga everything vc ethl g KUT buy diamond irmond dyco no other 1 kind I then homo home dyeing la is guar just toll tell your druggist whether the tha material you with to dyo la wool or illk or whether hether H it IR ig linen cotton ton or mixed goods adl R diamond dyes dyca never etreal pot fade 0 or roii advertisement WOMEN NEED HEED SWAMPROOT SWAMP ROOT thousands of women havo have udney kidney and bladder bladd e r trouble and never suspect it women complaints often prove proto to be ba nothing else but bidney trouble or the result of kidney or bladder disease if the kidneys kidney are not in a healthy con dadon they may cause causa the other organs to become diseased rain tn in the back headache loss of am nervous nervousness nem are often times symptom of kidney trouble dont delay starting arting et treatment dr xi Kil imers mcra swamp root a physicians prescription obtained at any drug tore store may be just tho the remedy needed to overcome uch such conditions got get ft a medium or large size elza bottlo immediately from tiny any drug store however if you wish first to tot test this thia great preparation seni send ten cents centa to dr kilmer co binghamton N Y for a sample bottle when writing be ba uro sure lad and mention this thia paper advertisement I 1 at ot COWS contents u A 6 IL E I 1 U RIA for infants and children Childr cn 4 mothers run know that th al N genuine Gen iline can Cas pasioria oda ioria AV si O 3 GANT CENT always result 1 ats d op MC lUli bears tho the tia signature SiL mature neither of mm otio S luneal es aa Y kw SAI mal n use constina con and ADA ij M and ir law P F for over years wirra a oviad thirty As CASTORIA ST MW W vt exact copy of wrapper THIC THC COMPANY YOOK crry ox OUR EYES MITCHE 11 EYE SALVE heals inflamed eyes granulated era lift etc sure safe speedy 1 at all druggists has your r mealtime mealtime drink its said sa J pay pa u cpr u ap A many people have had free from any possibility of harm ham that message from coffee or to health tea after tho the drug caffeine has try with your had its effect upon nerves or digestion for a few days and let the whole fam family familathe ilythe the children included frequently the message comes sha charein behare rein in its appetizing invigorate at night when nerves cont quiet ing goodness it will vill bring bettey better down dovin and sleep wor wont come colne after nights and brighter mo mornings the dinner cup of coffee your grocer sells aella in two forms instant in una tins pro T theres herdis no unfriendly after pared instantly in the cup bythe by the addition 1 notice from that good cereal bev of boiling water cereal lb I crage in packages for those thosa who prefer to X 1 11 av 4 make the tha drink while the th meal is being 0 delights the taste gives prepared made by bolling boiling fully twenty comfort and am satisfaction and ia minutes minu teo AL H PO M FOR HEALTH osam az theres a reason tv ala aada by T Pot tn cereal coi co inc B battlo ado creek M alch iab T e j |