Show THE USE OF WOOL crapella Cre pella favorito favorite background for embroideries alak manufacturers aro St stressing ng persian and other oriental designs on crepes cerepes wool cr crp pella opella la Is it favorite background for the lie lavish embroideries of this lila season sanson according to a fashion authority in tile tho ne york tork tribune A loose mesh pattern in two to tones of it watching shnte elmr e Is used artificial sill 3 also are used to embroider on wool crepes cerepes A wide vide borders of embroidery are corked on oil the popular wool ere arc pella tho the use of wool embroidery Is not confined to woolen and stilt silk fabrics tut but Is used on cottan mater materials hils such as batiste which it alti almost lost covers in iii close designs so that lint practically a new fabric Is created bright colors such as tho the primitive yellows and reds are seen on cotton fabrics the used for embroidery on crepe de and similar silk fabrics of crepe weaves la Is very one almost a cord nna and usually Is 1 worked in bands or guo geometrical metrical designs after tile the old time methodi method of braiding sometimes the Is combined with silk embroidery wool cus limero too Is being decorated in a colorful and artistic manner with braids and embroidery tills this does not mean that tile the dresses tire are being decorated but tho the fabric itself carrying such fr trimmings immIngs may be bought by tile the yard all of the silk manufacturers fire are stressing persian and other oriental Orient nl designs on silk crepes cerepes for the coming W ak a A of beige wool Cre palla en brol dered in vivid colora summer this typo type of ornamenting blaken fabrics Is the strongest note in ir dress so far this season the patterns aref are closely dispo serj over crepe cabiles and stand out in the most brilliant brillient colors such as red orange and yellow on the well liked beige or brown backgrounds bands and borders in bright colors are also favorites |