Show sy MAW MARV ORHAM BONNER n butterflies WINTER lit III the hie inter intel said daddy the butterflies tire are nil all sleeping mul resting for they like the summer suil liner and tile sunshine tho the flowers tind tho the warin weather A few butter files allta spend tile tho winter in their egg eg shapes and ny in some sange of their cut cat er butt butterfly life for ns its you know the caterpillar and tile tho enoth change into a butterfly it Is dil Verent with us were goes south for born as aa people the winter und wo we remain people us ua long us as wo we live wo grow up it Is true but we dont change from one sort of 0 it creature into another tile tho butterflies do the gr aylings are re butterflies for example who como come front from the little eggs which have been hild on plants it in tho the full fall then they work their avay out of their shells and look about them for some soine quiet restful place forthe for the winter where they will bo be away front from the cold and the snow tind in tile the springtime they begin to took look about them thein then it Is that they go on with their growing which Is important in I 1 lite he lives of butterIll eq those little partly grown eater caterall pil lura lars who sleep for the alie winter choose boards or stones under tinder which they spend the cold months some make a tent for the winter the viceroy as one kind hind of butterfly Is known likes to be alone nil aln ter and lie he chooses ills his winter home hoina all by himself and for himself alone and the rest u ut tits his faintly do the same sallie only a very few butterflies stay in the chrysalis state throughout the win ter A great many people think that more of them stay that way because that seems like a nige nice quiet safe way for a creature to stay who want tobo to bo up tip and about the low tails do this but not many others they have a silicon cord running around their little bodies which holds them safe to the shelter they have haap chosen for their winter home 4 whon when ono one thinks of how delicate a butterfly seems to be it la Is wonderful to think of those who stay in the hollow places in trees in the crevices of rocks and other places and who llva live through the cold hard winters we have the monarch butterfly goes south for the winter like the birds do and comes canies north again in the spring sometimes the chrysalis and tile the grownup grown up members of the same family stay together all winter and this mostly happens liappess liap pens in more southern ell mates so many boys and girls daddy continued have asked me to tell them how the caterpillar and butterflies spend the winter that I 1 am doing so now so many have said what happens to tb tho the caterpillars lind and the butterflies after we see them no longer and these are the ways of annn ninny of the butt butterflies willes and caterpillars when wo we think or of liow flow we have to i build up lip our fires to keep warn warm j and how we have to bundle up with clothes during the winter an and d how we toast our hands over a fire it if Is remarkable to think of how the butterflies and caterpillars simply seek shelter and sleep quite comfortably all the winter away when I 1 see the caterpillars and butterflies this coming summer said nuncy nancy 1 I will have bave to ask to keep warm them how flow they slept and how they feel fed yes said daddy have brive to dd that and though they may not answer you in words I 1 am sure front from their gay colors and their happy ways you will know that if they could answer you in your own language say of nicely thank you nancy nicely thank you dont we look hs as though wo hada had a nice rest and as though we I 1 felt all fres fresh h and ready for the good hot hoi summer we think we look that way and we hope we do for that to t the waybe way we etall ett ll |