Show MRS COFFMAN ILL SEVEN SEV N YEARS EARS Y saved savea from aw an operation by aia E pink pinkas haes compound side 1 I was a nervous wreck areek I 1 was a suffering buffering from m a pain ir in I 1 my loft side which was waa aland I 1 could not even lot the bod bed clothing rest on my body at night I 1 had been sick for bep years but not k so bad unto until 11 tho last eighteen months and 1 had become so rundown that I 1 cared for nobody and would rather havo have died dici than live I 1 do my work w without it h out h help 0 lp and tho the doctors told mo me that chatan an operation was waa all thoro there was left I 1 would not consent to that so my husband brought roo me a bottlo of lydia lydi a E Pin khamo vegetable compound and bogged begged mo to take it I 1 havo have taken fourteen bottles bettles of it and I 1 feel tan years younger lifo life is full of hope hopa I 1 do all my house houle wark rind and had a largo large garden this year I 1 Ine never verwill will bo be without tho the vegetable Vege tabla compound in tho the house and when my two little ittle girls reach womanhood I 1 intend to teach abom to take it I 1 am never too busy to toll tell somo buffering fering sister of my help and you can uso use my namo name and letter to spread the good news of lydia E finkh ams medicines to mrilda Mrs lDA el illi aspirin aspirin say bayer and In insists Ins istl sistI R enless you see the name bayer on package or on tablets you ore are not getting the genuine bayer product pro scribed ascribed by physicians over twenty twos i years cars and proved safe by millions for foi colds Toot briche lum lumbago bago T earache pain pain accept Br bayer iyer tablets of As only R each ach unbroken package pacing contains 1 proper directions handy boxes of twelve tablets cost coat few vents cents druggists also sell bottles of 0 21 24 rind aspirin Is the trade mark mark of bayer manufacture re of alono of advertisement S re H ef FOOR indigestion x ks on 6 BELLANS hot sure su re relief ael ELL ANS WAND 75 PACKAGES everywhere Cuti cura ara soap 1 IS for the han hands S gosp ointment 25 and sot talcum csc PARKERS HAIR etore Kt ore color and L bar to gray crerand and failed faded art kad aloo cann wit I 1 5 0 ma CJ loube im eto tod stop aall fall avato comfort to ur feet inalee mak t arr lio ift by tall or it draff slits of k SAVE YOUR EYES X use ue lr dr HTow ater il buy at your or 1167 lurer troy R N Y booklet ILI bahe to su beu I 1 binl d ife n 0 high grade article used dally daily in every home C write us ua ifor for gaborit Ln La bora borit torlea lories co planters Pla otera at loula mo W M N U salt lake city alty no Y |