Show panguitch october ath to 12 1923 JL ftc religion class convention program P I 1 tobe to be held bield at panguitch oct kr lier 21 1923 sunday 10 1000 a in to 1106 a im m meeting of stake board of education stake superintendent ana stake Secre secretary Y f 1 report by chairman of the stake otake board of education the president of the stake 10 m mm an fn i A utes tiles a activities of the stake board 0 education in v i 1 1 1 encouraging religion 4 f 5 work generally 02 2 Sec securing tiring active support of I 1 ward waid boards of E education du cation bishopric 1 I 1 li i i 1 3 securing public s school chloi buildings or other suitable build 10 for religion class work 1 04 4 promoting understanding understandings gr 10 harmony among religion clas workers and public school officials and teachers 2 report by st stake ake i dent 10 minutes a division of responsibility i on supervisors 1 cooperation with ward boards of education bishoprics bishoprick Bish iz tt C 1 1 Sec securing sectoring tiring teachers i 1 W 2 campaigning W 31 holding religion class I 1 Onite tom cic oce nce c e plans jor for union a plans for visits e plans plan for financing stake organization animation aniza tion f miscellaneous miscellaneous items problems led of 3 discussion scission I 1 by rep representatives senta tives of church board of education stake superintendent erin t will please list these problems and send a copy to the commission of education 47 east at least three south temple I 1 weeks in advance of the convention 1 so 10 that plans may be evolved looking to a solution n of such problems presented 30 minutes sunday 1100 a in to 1230 p in meeting of stake board of education du cation stake superintendent stake supervisors stake secretary ward boards of education and in principals secretaries tors 1 discussion of 0 the fo following phases of religion beug ion class work led by represent Re representatives presen natives of 0 the church board of education a duties of the wa ward rd board of education b duties Dutie of the principal obligations of the c the T tv teacher acher d il enrollment attendance reports and equipment e classroom facilities f the religion class recitation 1 period 1 1 the steps involved 9 tile the religion class reader for 1923 24 adaptation of tile the subject 1 1 matter to different groups the re reader eader in 2 how to get tile the pupils of the hands of the grades yi rades in eighth third to 0 the elusive 3 ninth grade R rade students an and course of study h teacher training 1 its m present besent organization org 2 its value to religion class teachers sunday to p ill general Allec meeting ting under tinder the direction of tile the stake board of R education aaion in the interest of the religion relis ion class work 1 what tile religion classes have flave done for me 5 minutes A pupil 2 what the religion classes have done for I 1 my ly children 10 inin minutes tes A mother 3 preview of tile the years work stake superintendent 4 presentation of religion cl class as authorities general stake and ward including instructors stake pres president dent 5 tile the need and methods of religious Pidu education cation representatives senta tives of the church board of E education du cation NO NOTE the musical programs for these meetings will be arranged for under tinder the dir direction action of the stake board of education |