Show ALTON A L TON saturday noon lightening struck bishop heytons Hea tons house several people were in tile the house ant none were hurt it did a little damage and would have hav a done more if so many filling will ing hands had not been close to put out the fire that was j started in a store room up stairs commissioners fred carroll and G D mcdonald were in town saturday seeing to the road bust busi 1 ness bishop carroll Car rollof of Or derville was in town shaking hands with his ninny many friends and assisting the state veterinarian test the cattle for tuberculosis three cows which came from cedar city were found to be diseased the program for the twenty f fourth sounds like a big time is on the sports will all go to order ville july 25 to enjoy the sports there bishop junas J unius and herald heaton went to mt carmel to attend the M I 1 A officers meeting the surveyors are in alton now to change and finish the road survey on the divide several teams will leave this week for strawberry where they will work on the cedar road mrs lydia palmer will willbe be the cook at that camp damp the wool is all away from the corrals now and the and brooksby brothers are loading theirs this week |