Show german princess kin lose suit here georg ernest herrman robert mandrup andrup bl zu lynar L count georg felix moritz Willi elm alexander zu lynar and countess Coun tesa jano jane georginna margaretta sophie isabella zu lynnr lynar children of tha princess amelia zu lynar who died at lindau germany october 8 1020 will have bave to bo be satisfied with tho the handling of their mothers american estate by col thomas W miller allen alien property custodian according to a decree signed dy y chief justice me coy in equity court the estate amounts to about in real estate stocks and bonds which princess amelia inherited froia the estate of lier her father the lato late george M parsons parson s of columbus 0 a lawyer and member of the olito ohio legislature some of the real estate lies iles adjacent to the state capitol at columbus this property was seized shortly after the declaration of war against germany lawrence 11 pugh ancillary administrator of the estate of tho the princess amelia brought suit against mr miller to recover the estate so that lie he could administer it for tile tho benefit of tho the three children who are resident enis s of jermany germany and citizen citizens ns of tho the der i man republic tho gov government did not contest tile the allegation aall gatlon that the prop erty originated entirely within the united states and had no german con lection except as to tile the claimants the suit tor for recovery was dismissed on a motion by mr sillier miller who co con n tended that mr jr pugh had biad not alleged an illegal seizure nor had lie he any right or interest in the property except as administrator sir mr miller also co con tended that none of the lielas has filed a claim and that mr pugh as administrator could not hot qualify as a claimant tho the court was also informed that the property was being held tor for ano th solo sole benefit or of tho the heirs I 1 this case Is similar to that of countess johanna von Bem bernstorff wife of the former german ambassador to tile the united states who recently recovered about 10 wow worth of selz seized d prop property erty this property was inherited by the countess from tho the estate of her father a merchant of new york city tile the countess counte gs herself filed the claim clain t in the zu lynar case none of the claimants has entered any suit for recovery |