Show production i will show increase f i prices fluctuate to vantage of the growers 0 repaired fay by tho the united stal stales department ft ot of agriculture y there Is tin an increasing spread bo be lyeen tile production of flaxseed in tho the states and the demand for homo c consumption on according to the united u it cited states department of lure pre until 1008 1908 tills this country produced oh an moro cuoio than it consumed and therefore ther eforo wt was is able to export it surplus servius in nearly every year begin nine with 1000 1000 I 1 however our production began to decline while our requirements quire ments began to increase In creaso with population not net imports consequently dhave increased the iio reduction in con gumption in 1017 and 1018 was duo due to livar war restrictions and that tn in 1020 and a idol I 1 to bilM business ness depression it is fairly certain that tho figures for 1022 alien available n al lable will wil show an increase In creaso in ih consumption 1 1 As the united changed in position aaion from an exporter to an importer loi of flaxseed the farm price of has in ar eased materially in iwa when a surplus of over lOO OOOO bushels was exported tho the farm arico of flaxseed on n december I 1 averaged 00 cents a ushel bushel in 1003 1008 when product production ibn and practically equal the 10 farm price of flaxseed was it i bushel in when t theis were ivere imported the farm price rose arose to a bushel in many localities a comparatively small volumn of flaxseed Is marketed and because the price fluctuates widely flaxseed usually Is bought ou oa a 0 |