Show L dear render nader this la Is yo your ur corner comar all questions submitted will bo be cheer lully and carefully answered except those seeking medical advice names and addres addresses seg of busIn business ciss firms cannot bo be printed hero here but will bo be sent bent ifa if a self addressed stamped envelope accompanies tho the request letter questions aro are limited to two full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can bo be made ande all communications are arc held strictly confidential in requesting poems and songs the correct title t the he first line or alie tho name of the author is necessary in order to find thorn please send stamped addressed envelope also with these requests so they may bo be forwarded dl directly to you address letters very plainly alth with pen and ink to helen brooks box 1545 salt lake lace city utah songs and poems requested jut just as ai your mother was when tho the green leaves turn to gold the ship that never returned over the waves two little Ilay playmates mates poor little joe ill vette h it e strolling one night through new yorks pay gay throng I 1 mot dot a poor boy who w waa as singing a song my mother was wag a lady be home early tonight my dear 13 boy ay songs bones received during the week the passing policeman or the lost child A little child shall lead them when im gone soon forgot beautiful mabel claire I 1 wish I 1 was a white man instead of a coon coon coon the texas ranger hanger jack was only a cowboy dear miss brooks I 1 have been very Inte interested in your corner just between you and me for SOMO bome time and now I 1 am asking 4 a 1 favor of you myself will you please publish the words to the poem entitled tho the dying sailor some of the words to the latter part of the poem are then they listened lie he Is singing jesus lover of my soul and the winds brought back the echo while the nearer waters roll strange indeed jt t was to hear him till the storm of life Is past singing bravely 0 oer or the waters oh receive my soul edul at last wishing you success MRS V M L salt lake while I 1 do not find the song you re ra quest it sounds familiar and I 1 will continue my search while someone may remember the lines and send them to us thanks for sending the song dear mrs V M L but I 1 believe there Is a song hong entitled just before the sun went down also dear miss brooks if may ay I 1 bother you again if jack ford sends hla his real name and address to you and asks for correspondents will YOU give him my namo name I 1 dont know forsire tor for sura sure it if jack ford Is the name but I 1 mean the boy who said he herds sheep cheep and gets ereta very lone so bome me I 1 love your corner very muc much h and when the old home paper comes I 1 look tor for your corner first thanks very much THE NURSE peoria III no bother only a pleasure to hear from you again you may be sure it if jack sends ads his name with a request for correspondents your name will oe be on the list of those present now how I 1 about it jack there are several who wish to do their bit to relieve your loneliness by writing you a nice interesting letter can you resist their appeal dear miss brooks there are three wiest questions ions I 1 would like you to answer when it Is con for you to do so no 1 please tell me what are the necessary articles for a dresser and a dressing table 2 can you give mo me the address of lady who cooks cooka and servos at parties about what do they charge thanking you miss brooks I 1 am yours respectfully fully BEI BE 1310 salt lake 1 among the articles considered necessary tor for miladys ml ladys dresser and dressing table are a tray mirror combi comb brush hair receiver powder bowd r box nail ale manicure scissors and buffer many other articles may be added such as jewl owel box hairpin box porn pomade tide jars bud vases candles cand laa ate 2 the th price IL a caterer charges for preparing prepa and arving refreshments tor for a party deso ponds penda largely upon tipon what kind of party haw afternoon or even haw it Is in how large ing inar etc etc ate I 1 will glye ely you the following telephone numbers and you may then toll tell them about what you wish and they will submit prices hy 1020 M hy 2511 R was an AB your questions are limited to two I 1 ask you to submit your third question later and is 0 that I 1 may answer personally dear miss brooks written before but I 1 I 1 have nover hope I 1 am welcome I 1 am golna going to ask you a very indefinite question but I 1 hope I 1 can set got an answer ansberto ito to lt it 1 ca can you tell me how bow two the modern flapper dresses dro saes 2 how should is girl P announce her engagement to her fa family hoping I 1 have not taken too much space PUG NOSE pleasant grove utah vou are very welcome I 1 assure you two questions one only are permissible though so please submit your third later or it if you will notice r artfully are fully will find this same question answered you times in my corner 1 I 1 awe r ed m many ariy I 1 am not sure cure we have the clapp flapper or proper with us now at least she la Is not as a short time aso ago num numerous crous ao 30 however the late lamented or eted 1 modern flapper was van she he of 0 the boobee the shortest of a hort abort drejas dr eras il tresi brewes ses and plucked ar ye e stick rouge rouga 0 tho lo 10 lip and she aha it was who invented brows browa the fashion of wearing the hat monttie on ont fethe tie of thebold tho the head boad we a till have if course axe tji e will 0 a and n d a always I 1 W A modern girl the on one 4 who iff i not very latest and ana most extreme the happy w without without in all matters of dress but she nhe thore there in no modern is I 1 not the flapper individual nevor never flapper was wax was bedora and never will be again I 1 of the engagement tell mother 2 W that ehlt th family first and she will see art informed ot of lt it there thera is 1 no ape pedal ore are etiquette of announcing an on en casement to ones family dear idled brooks I 1 have been rending reading your corner tor for some home time and find it very interesting would you please answer a few questions for me 1 what will take ink out of percale 2 will you please send the words to the song sho she was waa brod bred in old kentucky T YOUR FRIEND oakley utah I 1 am very glad bind you find my corner interesting little friend 1 the coloring matter differs ao so greatly in writing inks it la Is impossible to find agents which are effective in removing all ink spots 1 for ink stains which aro are old use Vs teaspoonful of potassium per manganato man Ranate crystals to J pt water and apply to the stain with the cork from the bottle or ine medicine dicine dropper it if you have one allowing it to remain about five minutes try this on a niall piece of goods first to see hee the effect on the color if it be colored goods should there be a pink or brown stain left remove it by applying hydrogen per oxide to which one drop of tartaric tartar lc rold field has been added to 8 teaspoon teas pooi naul usually fresh ink stains can bi be removed before drying by soaking honking tha spot in n milk leaving it in for a day or two it if necessary another method a to apply salt to the spot and rub it thoroughly into the stain rubbing it with a cut lemon 2 your none mong to Is on the wanted list and I 1 hope someone will have it for us ua A B D C st george utah thanks so very much tor for all the poems and songs have the sons song have courage my boy to say no so you will not need to send it thanks will make overy overt effort to get your song for you dea dear r miss brooks I 1 hive have been reading your corner tor f some time have found it very interesting I 1 have never written before but hope I 1 am welcome 1 Is it proper tor for a girl to speak to a boy after passing him three or tour four times a day for or about three months 2 Is in it proper to call a boy on tho the phone and invite him to your home thanking you in advance an and wishing you suc success cesis in sotir work I 1 remain D J T L utah surely you are welcome 1 it would be quite difficult to pass one person so BO many times and not speak it I 1 bellee believe in such it a case it would be permissible to give him a friendly nod and a pleasant good morning 2 better let the boy call you D J L As a rule boys are not so backward but what it if they want to call on a girl they will ask to do so and a boy usually resents it 11 when a girl usurps a privilege which rightfully belongs to him sorry but two questions Is the limit dear miss brooks will you please print in the paper a list of boys names and addresses about in 13 years old please because I 1 am lonesome and want someone to write to from a utah girl TET american fork utah send me your name my dear and I 1 will give you the names of some girls and boys boya who wish correspondents dear miss alias brooks I 1 read just between you ano and me ile every sunday night might and I 1 have bec received alved a gj ad lot of information from it and I 1 want to compliment you on your splendid answers and wondered tt if you woul boull I anomer some questions for me 1 to Is wary mary pickford Plok tord lottle lottie pickford and jack Jacic PIckford Pc kford brother and st sisters aters 2 Is it proper to ask a boy into othe the house bous after he has taken you home A As ever I 1 remain A UTAHN mt pleasant utah my dear I 1 am so eo glad you do enjoy tha ho questions Ques tlona and answers 1 yes ye mary lottie and jachare Jac jack kare are brother and sl st stora aters 2 it it Is a late hour when you return from a a party or dance you should not invite your friend in but ifft it it la Is early aln in the evening 1 it Is la quite coreece cori act to invite him in dear was AMU brooks I 1 find your corner very cozy what to ie the meaning of dora iva bertha I 1 irene margret marearet Mar erret elsie winnie minnie M mildred josephine Josephi tio beulah ida helen lucy J te ao 0 chah emmett edith mil to nolay merl max lily maggio maggie rose arai amy A BOY AND GIRL dirl MaD leton utah welcome come I 1 find the following names and their meaning dora the gift of god bertha bright biene irene peace bace margaret a pearl elsie elate god of the oath Winn winnie lo friend frien dot of peace re rembrance mem brance brancel mildred mild th rea tener Jom jocephine ephine she than ahab 1 add ida happy helen light lucy born at daybreak charles strong etro nr manly b rich gift ray wise alae protection max maie the greatest acmillan us lily a illya itly maggle maggie samp same as aa margaret aeo oeo a I 1 roda ro amy beloved send pie MG your name and 1 I V will fo forward t them h 0 in to him PUG it utah ques bioni L kirbt identically like youris are ans answered NY ei BO oft enji corner that 1 I nimat ack you to send your name and envelope enve lopo mo a 1 maystad anay md the them perso personally naNy always enclose your full name in letter look over a few back ack numbers ot of your paper and see aee it 1 you do 4 mot n i ot find your questions nis answerer answer answered ea 1 dear m miss as brooksi I 1 havo have be boon beon on bratly interested la in your little corner and feel like alko I 1 W would like to enter HIBO also I 1 hope I 1 gm am not loo much bother and you will bo be in letting mo me enter tile the question I 1 arn am asking la Is 1 give ton reasons why the tha columbine should b bo a 0 our u r national flower answer soon DOLLY P it spanish fork ut you are not too much bother dolly and I 1 urn sorry I 1 could not an answer siver soon an aa you requested but thin la Is im am possible because there aro too many ahead of you send your namo name it if you wish more prompt service 1 the following ol aro are some bome reasons why the th columbine to a very beautiful and arrott cl cal flowers flower I 1 hope thoy they will help you it la Is among the most moat beautiful and popular of all hardy plants planta it can be 1 used to in half hal shady places thoro there are thirty different varieties varlet loa it toes does well in almost all ellma tor for its iti profusion of showy blossoms for its ita delicate fallago fol ollda oll lago dK its ita graceful form of blos blossomae somal its ita rich graceful variation of colors and last but not least it to la bau for roc rock erlea kerles whon in salt laie be b photographed nt at monroe monro studios so main advertisement miss bracket 1 should you congratulate both tho the bride and groom and what should you sity ay 2 could you give me tho words worda to tho the bonx just juat droak break the news to mother boat wishes CHUCKLES CHUCKLE S clear lake ut 1 you extend your good irod wishes to the bride and congratulates to tho groom you may say aay to the bride 1 I i wish you every happiness in your wart ried life or any similar phrase which expresses your feelings to the tha groom broom you may say 1 I congratulate you upon your great good fortune and happl ness neba 2 1 I have your song but will you send your namo name find and envelope tor for i it please tt it has boon been printed once and as aa our paper space tor for songs la Is limited I 1 would rather send lend it direct |