Show what to eat and why A natural supply of vitamin tho the word vitamin is new but b ut the thing itself ip ift as old as the human race it is tho energizing vitalize vitalizing n g growth producing cing clement I 1 in n the right food od its ab conco is a serious fault of the wrong food when the food is right there is no nead to togo go to the drug store for vitamin grape nuts the famous roady ready to eat cereal IlGis tho the natural vitamin from the wheat and a further supply is included in the cream or milk with which grape nuts nuta Is ia enten eaten grape grapo nuts Is dell delightfully i crisp I 1 y and appetizing appe with a flavor flavo r V which ic g hap happily ily su suggests bests the wholesome esora hearth building buelting goodness which two the food contains phosphorus and iron as well as vitamin with A brair content to stimulate incest intestinal iral action aro supplied by grape nuts many of our modern ref refined ted foods lack these vitally vitall necess necessary all elements grape nuts nuta digests easily all is assimilated quickly and is splendidly nouri nourishing thing and energizing 16 find better he health altal and fitness in tho the natural wy MY grape nuts as a regular part vi of your diet theres ph eres genuine economy economys 1 r grapa rape nuts many servings oi of tali t to exceptionally nourishing food tho the pac package liage at yow your grocery grocery 40 ready to servo grapo grape nuts 1 sonI reasons bodybuilder body builder theres ft a Rea made by cereal 1 CO coi liph aaa battle cree V |