Show army air service Is most critical Cri i situation in the army air TUB I 1 0 arvice la most 1 critical with it iab s war surplus of equipment rapidly disappearing and war almo aeronautical industry facing facin extinction representative elect J mathow wainwright republican of now new york former assistant secretary of oe war declares in a partial report to secretory secretary weeks on turning over ills office to his successor dwyght F davis under the nai national lonal defense net act the assistant secretary Is charged with responsibility for planning industrial mobilization of tho the nation for war tho the outstanding conclusion of mr Wain wrights two year study of the industrial situation situate on was a recommendation men dation for a continuing aircraft over ive years at a year tobo tobe for procurement of reserve planes cloncs and annually for current operations ti ons referring to tile alio present situation of tho the air service mr air salt said what there ts Is left of ii it Is rapidly disappearing due to deterioration and to tile tho losses while in actual use its war almo manufactured equipment has boon been practically used ab up the amounts of money appropriated for new aircraft aro so small that within two years it will havo have on hand less than one half the number of al aircraft necessary for its normal peacetime peace time work there wilt bo be no aircraft to equip and expand tho the air service in time of emergency no reserve on hand anti and it will be impossible in less than a year to expand tile the remnant of the aircraft industry which may bo be mt left or to create it anew so this material can bo be manufactured in sufficient clent quantity for use in such auch nn an emergency the situation Is 18 not only serious merlou s but la Is actually alarming As nn an economic measure and likewise in the interest of national preparedness tho bio aeronautical industry in this country should be maintained in such condition that it can supply our peacetime needs and be prepared to expand adequately to meet a wartime war time demand 1 mr wainwright Waln wright said the air service should be large enough to meet instantly tiny any air force which an enemy might bring against us |