Show 4 M pk R J 1 GRAVE 4 I 1 4 f 1 AP 1101 ajol MERZ MONUMENTS MODERN MARBLE GRANITE MEMORIALS pa box merz jacobsen props phone 4 I 1 PARENTS wonder why lie like to study why his eyes wan der irom from his hooks books he is too young to need glasses they say if it occurs to them that a slight ve weakness akness of the eyes may be cespon sible but is lie he a question for an expert to answer 3 an examination will show immediately if there is the 3 slightest defect an examination costs nothing come j in in this week j jas T daly jr CLARK construction CO contractors PANGUITCH UTAH see the news newe TT ti xmas cards W goow gloom gloom IT IS A DUTY YOU OWE are you giving your family and yourself the protection that is necessary are you insured are you pro pre pared to meet that terrible deamon ri IRE FIRE if not you should look into this matter at once and give you and yours the protection deserving call and arrange with SE SEVY VY SARGENT agents M HM H JAMES T DALY PAINTER R AND DECORATOR 20 years experience rolls of paper on hand all i 1925 goods give Us a call JAMES T DALY PANGUITCH UTAH 2 i i laul garfield county telephone co C 0 the garfield county telephone company panguitch utah connects marysvale Marys vale junction circleville Cir cleville Pan gruitch and fre donia arizona and arny minor places this company lias has spared no effort to provide for the fa farmers of this community the best facilities for instant comi communication 1 not only ath their neighbors but with the large trade centers in fact if they so desire they can reach the most distant points such as chicago etc E te etc E tc for information address benj beni cameron sr panguitch utah dont let tr er freeze SAFE GUARD THAT RADIATOR and REFRAIN FROM DRAINING IT NIGHTLY ALSO SAVE THE BIG REPAIR BILLS CAUSED BY FREEZING F BY A LITTLE forethought AND SOME SOM E OF THE DENATURED ALCOHOL WE ARE SELLING AT THE SMALL SUM OF PER GALLON CALLON GET YOURS EARLY AND BEAT JACK FROST TO IT 7 A 6 0 00 D R pa 31 S 77 OR tw CAM VL MARSHALL NGU nOI UTAH BAPTISMAL NOTICE there will be baptising baptizing bap at the font on saturday october 31 1925 at 11 a m NORTH WARD BISHOPRIC AUTO TOP MAN COMING word has been received from taylor the auto top man of monroe that he will be here at sams garage either on saturday october 31 or monday november 2 with a large stock ot of topping curtain goods window material etc anil and will bo be ready to serve the public for several days you will do well to see sam and make arrangements tor for a date to got a new top side curtains or tiny any repair work you will need on them for the winter wi anter mr has been in the business now for over five years has all the very latest equipment and guarantees alkhis all his work ile he has done work all over the territory which has proved to be satisfactory in every sense of the word and sam barton has arranged with him to come and get cars in shape tor for the bad weather we will have this winter so it you expect to use your car call and arrange a dato date at sams garage as mr lias has several other dates that lie must fill before the bad weather sets in and would like to finish here as soon as possible give the old boat tho the once over and see what needs to be dono done adv IN HONOR OF A GREAT EV EVENT ENT birthdays ays are always important occasions ca especially it if one la Is very young or very old before long tho the youths companion will be a hundred years old and the event Is going 4 to bo be made a memorable one for the companions ninny many friends so although the date Is not until april apri 1 16 t 1927 preparations will begin alt with 1926 in n honor of its birthday the companion will come to ta you next year at the now new low price of 2 it will be dressed in its party clothes with new cover designs enlarged illustrations inow new brilliantly clear type and over pages more thau last year it will will contain 9 book length serial 1 stories fascinating mystery stories tales of adventure on land and sea tho the new make it aird and doit do it pages radio games books and puzzles interesting te special articles and the ever delightful childrens page dont miss this great year of tho the youths companion subscribe now and receive 1 the youths companion 52 issues in 1926 and 2 the remaining issues of 1925 3 or include mccalls Mc Calls magazine the monthly authority on fashions both publications only THE YOUTHS COMPANION S N dept boston mass subscriptions received at this office A adv v NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER department of the interior U S land office at salt sali lakia laka city utah oct 27 1925 NOTICE Is hereby given that wllliam S riggs of kanab utah who on nov 19 1921 made homestead entry no for lot 1 kenw belh NW wl NEU SEU NEI NE see sec 30 lot 4 SEIA swit sec 19 township 19 39 south range 3 west salt lake meridian has haa filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before tho the clerk of the district cou court t at kanab utah on the ath day of december 1925 claimant names as witnesses george J adams sr george J adams jr ari joseph L ford all of kanab etab J A riggs 0 of pan duitch utah eli ELI P F TALOR register first publication october 30 1925 baat at publication nov 27 1925 NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER department of tho the interior 13 8 land office at salt lake city utah oct 20 1925 NOTICE Is hereby given that lydia clydla adair ot of Wid tsoo utah who on nov 23 1921 made desert entry no for section 35 township 34 south range 3 west salt lake lahe meridian has haa filed notice of 0 intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before carl 11 mangum U S commissioner at widtsoe soe utah on tho the esth day of december coniber De 1925 claimant names as aa witnesses orson adair oscar adair don pope S L meacham all of widtsoe soe utah ELI F TAYLOR register first publication october 30 1925 last publication november 27 1925 try a want ad in the news columns for information regarding probate 0 or r guardianship notices consult the county clerk or respective signers in the district court probate division in and tor for the county of 0 kane state of utah in the matter of oe the estate of 0 thaddous Thad lous hodges deceased NOTICE TO CREDI CREDITORS ORS creditors will present cl claims atins with vouchers to tho the undersigned undersigner under signed at mt alt carmel kane county state of utah on or before tho day of december be r A D 1925 THOS C TAIT administrator first publication oct 23 1925 last publication nov 13 1925 try the news for job krintina ntina in the district court probate division in and for the county of kane state of utah in the matter of tile tho estate of hans hafis C deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS creditors will present claims with vouchers to 0 o the undersigned undersigner under signed nt at mt alt carniel carmel kane county state of utah on or before the day of december A D 1925 MIRANDA E administratrix first publication october 23 1925 last publication nov 13 1925 f 0 0 az theodoro theodore chidester Chlde ster has a largo large stock of flour at the scenic S service 1 station also feeds of all kinds and vegetables when they are obtain able call and let us figure on your feed stuffs adv notice FOR publication PUBLISHER department of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah september 21 1925 NOTICE is hereby given that david of utah who on december 4 4 1920 made homestead entry no for NW NW see sec 11 NEU NW N NEA section 10 township 37 south range 2 west salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim 0 0 tile the land above described before the dark clark of the district court at panguitch utah on the day of october 1925 claimant names as witnesses alfred 0 G partner W L willie M P willis harry all of 0 henrie ville utah ELI F TAYLOR register first publication sept 25 1925 last publication oct 23 1925 NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER Depari department De nent of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah sept 21 1925 is hereby given that joe garcia of panguitch Pan gultch utah who on march 28 1921 made homestead entry no for seia SW swa S SW W seia see sec 12 NW bwy NB 4 nel NW section 13 township ag south range 6 west salt lake meridian has hag tiled filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk ot of the district court at Pan gultch utahan utah on the day of october 1925 claimant names as witnesses henry G lorhen arthur Q houston D wm win evans al W evans evana all of Pan gulch guich utah ELI P F TAY TAYLOR LOIt register first publication sept 26 1925 lut last publication oct 23 1925 A nest ne st egg worth while ahil no one ever regretted that he saved his motley money A bank book show showing ing credit whether it be a f few ew dollars or a fortune is one of the most satisfactory things in ill te world to possess it bears evidence of a will to succeed and is the finest kind of a passport to success to save something each start now week even evell if its only the smallest amount interest at 4 per percent cent in i its growth and be amazed how low swiftly it in creases tate an 40 0 thu the iff very v 7 le iry best I 1 K t at all times in the way of regular meals lunches soft drinks candies bakery goods fruits in season try our ice cream theatre and dance parties A TRIAL IS d ASK TOURISTS headquarters for traveling public in general I 1 norton cafe 4 A 4 A 4 4 1 4 4 4 when figuring on your trip to southern utah keep the new cameron hotel at panguitch utah in mind we are prepared to give yon V first class accommodations in every respect good clean beds hot and cold water baths newly refurnished furnished Re throughout I 1 one block west of the monument and bank r J warmth is 1 s comfy s you should see the fine line of underwear and all j aimis of winter goods we have just placed on our shel ves also large stock of shoes dress or work we have 2 S 25 for every member of the family also warm dress goods I 1 in the very latest and at prices that will fit the g purse of everyone as well as satisfy the most fastidious I 1 panguitch 0 co awn 0 CL A A coop M op UPS X fy JL S 4 at W state bank of escalante escalante utah GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS pays interest on savings and other time deposits PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE officers CEns john spencer president john P F haws hawe vice alce C DIRECTOR 6 john spencer W D Wll cock john P F haws thos A king john king P 0 barker barkar chas woolsey LESTER SPENCER cashler cashier rr l rt art art t luuy utah home fire insurance coo co WILL PROTECT YOUR POME HOME and BUSINESS surety bonds D M TODD jr agent t i FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA SALINA capital land and surplus courte courteous ous and liberal treatment is given our clients james farrell Pr president eident H C gates vice vicc president H B crandall ellier E V johnson assistant cashier casbier SAUNA SALINA TAH |