Show priest and Fitt father lier innocenzo innoccnzo vicar of tile cipu chins in alessandria la Is it a famous hy by putting patting and smelling Binel llna the earth lie ho able to tell wilfid Is underneath eiith this ancient profession indispensable to tile the tribe tallio in ili bonind times Is still valued in italy father innocenzo innoccnzo lins witter li and n 1 what jq 19 more inore interesting to americans oil lit in italy ani tripoli Til poll recently near tile tho village of 11 in tile curone valley abile around lie suddenly announced gold flold and silver in filet sit airles of alio eartle taken to a turin laboratory were found to contain four grains of gold and fifty six grams of stiver silver per ton of len lebirth irth not mile lint but the townsfolk pot got excited arid and capitalized father in further in thel their community |