Show GLEANER GIRLS ORGANIZE the gleaner girls of the south ward M 1 I A perfected their orga ni bation sunday evening october 25 with the the following officers ella mae maa norton president mattle hatch vice president linda lee secretary treasurer agnes williams social leader nellie ipson reporter the following name was chosen lil clenia meaning efficiency I 1 their slogan is we alin aim to train tor for leadership lud nd efficiency fici fi ency by gleaning cleaning and binding sheaves that will make Us better individuals daughters sweethearts wives and mothers am le ie vr i H B kg g ballowe en party IF YOU WOULD THE TIME or OF YOUR LIFE ANI D ENJOY A BIG EVENING ATTEND THE BIG i TIME AT SOCIAL HALL SATURDAY NIGHT TO BE GIVEN by THE LADIES OF the CIVIC CLUB THE AR ARE OUT DID YOU GET YOURS |