Show subscription per year strictly in advance advertising rates display single column inch plates and ana cuts take same rate solid composition 7 ac inch extra loc line per issue land notices 1000 payable before proof is issued water notices 1500 all reader ads ac a word payable strictly in in make checks payable to bunni THE NEWS nys panguitch utah in A safe preventive against BI ac ka e v blackleg natural is germfree germ free therefore can not produce blackleg in vaccinated vaccina ted animals one dose usually protects forline the animal through its entire susceptible age I 1 these hese important advantages explain why this product has been so extensively used since its discovery in in THE MULFORD laboratories in 1909 we handle the MULFORD original PRODUCT CONSULT YOUR veterinarian aalt it h am a W EARL MARSI MARSHALL tALL UTAH garfield garfie I 1 d county Tel telephone ephon e co the garfield county telephone company panguitch utah connects marysvale Marys vale junction Cie cleville panguitch and fredonia arizona and enny minor places this company lias has spared no effort to provide SOT for the farmers of this community the best facilities for instant communication not only with their neighbors but with the large trade centers in fact if i they so desire they can reach the most distant distan i points such as chicago E etc tc etc for information address benj cameron ca Ci meron sr panguitch utah notice to water users office salt lake city utah mar 9 1923 notice to la hereby given that W P F holt whose address Is loa angeles california hoa has 1 anade anada application in accordance accor danca with the require merits menta of tho the compiled laws lawa of utah 1917 as amended by the session laws of utah 1910 1919 to appropriate afif fifty ty 50 sec ft of water from the east fork of sevier devler river in garfield county said water will be diverted at a point 1264 ft east of the S E corner of see sec 14 township 32 south range 2 west salt lake base and meridian and conveyed by means of a flume and pipe line linen a distance of ft and used from jan 1 to dec 31 inclusive of each year for power for electric ligh lighting and propelling machinery at the power station and at widtsoe and antimony utah after having been so BO used the wat water erwill will be returned to the natural channel at a point 1210 ft east and 2692 2592 ft north of the raid S E corner of see sec 14 township and aforesaid this application to Is designated in th state engineers office as aa no all protests against the grant lne of said application stating the reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with A too fee of and filed in this office within thirty SO 30 days after the completion of the publication of this thia notice RIL ti I 1 CALDWELL state engineer G date data ot of first drat publication Mar date dat of completion of publication apr aar 13 laj notice for publication department of the interior U US S land office O a salt lake city utah march 9 1923 NOTICE Is hereby given that archie G gleave of antimony utah who on april 18 madi made homestead entry no for lots lota 1 2 E NW section 7 township 82 32 south range ranee salt lake meridian has baa filed notice 0 intention to make three year proof to claim to the land above described before the U S comm commissioner divner at utah on the dakof day of april 1923 Clat claimant Malit names as an witnesses alexander davis daniel day orange warner wamer alonzo kidir all of antimony utah GOULD B BLAKELY register G date of first publication Mar margie 16 1923 date of last pu publication apr aar 13 1924 1928 notice to water users usera state engineers office aalt lako atty utah notice la Is hereby given that william A wilson annie 0 hanson and bert peters whose post office address la Is salt lake city utah ha have made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 1917 as an amended by the session laws of utah 1919 to appropriate six 6 sec ft of water from east deer creek center deer creek and west weak deer creek in n gar flold field county utah three 3 see sec ft of water will bo be diverted from east deer creek at a point 00 ft east and ft North of the eya E corner comer of sec 20 township 32 south range 4 east salt lake COBO baso and meridian and conveyed by means of a dittli ditch adli tance of ft to the tho pont of diversion from center deer creek which is at a point 1068 1658 ft cast and ft south of the emi EIA corner of said sec 26 where ono one and one half 1 W 16 see sec ft of water will bo be diverted and con keyed in the canal carrying the water from east deer Doer creek the combined flow will be conveyed a further distance of it ft where I 1 will be discharged into in to west deer creek allowed to flow down said creek to a point ft fewest west and 96 ft north of the ea corner of see sec 23 T 33 ss S R 4 east where tho the total flow including one and oine One half I 1 ivi vi see ft of water from west deer creek will be diverted and conveyed in a canal a distance of ft and there used front from april I 1 to october 1 inclusive of each year to Ir irrigate rIgte acres of land embraced in sat S NE nv mi srim SEH SWIt 8 N ami seva anva N q avi ya SE of see 25 E WW woj tW W NEVI NE wah WH of of SEM sec 36 T 33 3 R 4 E lot 4 and swi see seab 6 lot 1 and seya neva see 6 T 34 ss S R 6 E S L mer ater As aa much of said water as may be necessary will be used the entire year for domestic purposes these are designated designate din in the state engineers E rigi office as nos and all protests against the granting of said aepli I 1 cation stating the reasons must bo be made by it in duplicate accompanied with ale a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after tho completion of the publication of this notice R E B CALOWELL CALDWELL state engineer C date of fart publication Mar date of 0 f completion of publication apr aar notice to water users state engineers office salt lake city utah mar 1 notice is hereby given that it II C whose postoffice post office address Is panguitch Pan gultch utah haz haa made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of U utah tub 1917 as n amended bythe by the session laws of U utah tali 1919 1619 to appropriate five tenths 6 of a sec ft of water from shaker spring sometimes known as weather sarf spring ngin in garfield cownty utah said Saide spring pring issues at a point points S 28 deg 85 65 min W ft from the S E ton coner er of see sec 34 township 86 south range 4 west salt lake bass base and meridian and convey conveyed cd by means of a pipe line a distance of 23 ft and used from january 1 to december 31 inclusive of each year at bryce e canyon hotel and camp in bryco bryce canyon for domes domestic afe purposes this application is ed in the state engineers office as no 91 all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must bo be made by affidavit in dub duplicate licate accompanied with a afee fee of and filed in this office within thirty SO 30 days after the completion of the publication Ile li of this notice R E CALDWELL state engineer G date of of first publication mar 9 1923 date data of completion of publication apr aar 0 1923 NOTICE this Is ii to notify all users of water and aid owners of the right to use water from the virgin river and all its tributaries tributa ries that a complaint has been filed in the case casoff of st george and washington canal co vs hurricane canal co in the fifth judicial district court for tho county of washington and that under tinder the provisions of section 22 chap chapter ter 67 session laws of utah 1919 the state engineer will make a determination of water riah rights to on the virgin river system all claimants to the use of water from said river or any of its tributaries tributa ries or any water acour cea lying ing in the water shed of said river system are required to furnish their names and addresses addi esses to the state engineer for use in making eadd determination WILLIAM BROOKS clerk of the fifth judicial district court county of washington notice for publication Department of U S land office at salt lake city utah march NOTICE Is hereby given that ernest calvin robinson of ef Parag oonah utah who on may 31 1919 made homestead entry no for N NIA ewt ser N NY N ni SWU NW wl w SE seva va sw NW SW section 28 26 E neya NE seva SE zb ehi nevi NE semi SEU SEM section 27 township 33 south range 7 west salt lake meridian has f of 11 to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at Pa carowan parowan rowan utah on the ath day of april 1923 claimant names as witnesses W clair rowley of parowan carowan Pa rowan utah thomas samuel abbot hyrum robin son all of Parag oonah utah GOULD B BLAKELY Re register glate G date of first publication march 9 1923 date of last publication april 6 1923 send your clothes to richfield to be dry cleaned we press your clother with the HOFFMAN STEAM PRESS ladies work A specialty QUICK SERVICE IDEAL TAILORS CLEANERS box Ri richfield clifield utah are y you ou nem nervous ms do you become irritated at trifles start at sudden noises lie awake nights N your nerves nerve are out of order if you neglect them you may have nervous exhaustion hysteria nervous indigestion or serious organic trouble dr M milesa es will help you try just one bottle we 11 ll refund your money if it doesn doean t relieve you your druggist sells it at prewar pre war prices a bottle worked both ways to show her supreme confidence in her new husband she gave him a night key and to convince him of bispo his position in the house she had the lock changed richmond times dispatch notice for publication department of the interior U S land office nt at salt lake city utah february 6 1823 NOTICE to i hereby given that lewis leo mun son ban of trople tropic utah ahoon who on february 23 1918 made homestead entry and an on november made homestead entry additional no for SEU seya SW sec SO byj E NE SW lots lota 1 2 23 3 A 4 section 31 township SO 30 south range eange 2 west suit salt lake meridian has filed notice of f intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described bed before the clerk of the district court at utah on n the day of march 1923 claimant names as witnesses jessey L jolley john hatch jr julius C nid eidlitz litz maurice cope all of tropic utah biah GOULD 13 BLAKELEY register G ewt publication feb 16 1923 lat last publication mar 16 notice to creditors estate 0 orrin twitchell deceased creditor will present claims with vou vouch ebert cn to 0 o the under undersigner undersigned signed at utah on or before the 25 th day of may A D 1923 W J 11 LINDERSON JR JB administrator of the estr estate teof of orrin twitchell deceased |