Show he kitchen cabinet ti the eyes o or 0 other people are tho that ruin us jj it ull till inq but myself were olam blind I 1 should want neither billau quil one clothes ine aull ott housea nor jou QU fine DISHES FROM LEFTOVERS SUVA if 0 cooked ul in tit the shell anro left from cook them until alio oil yolk 11 Is 91 latil menly Ail ina cut into 11 1 0 a pull nd lut I 1 if jampi o of 0 cooked then W it lanyer of jo the akka in u hutt G 0 1 r pa ti 1 I b 1 k 1 n K N o over 13 tills sill 11 until cr J of jo all enuce ovll sc a pacos ullIs with 4 1111 it little jJ 1393 pup wil thu top jo of JO aliu aisil with n of jo squint crumbs inko in ill u n aprill until brown creamed ham with eoa chop line pieces of jo bollett anui the aill ill two oal ill annl 1 cooked aloo P es 1 cut mill into IM 8 enil 1 tin 1111 yolks press n combo S sieve I 1 am reser ahti oll n U sauce omus ustis two I 1 ill jill a cadi o of 0 butter pull hour pull otto one cupful in of jo milk s aak well it with suit und pull pt addal lIer moisten alit lolla pall binm with it little of jo the oil bantis pull hent just long to ol beduino loll hot anke a u rounded lout in at the gill center of 30 it loll liot platter dour over JOAO it the ott remainder of 30 ill tho sauce sprinkle alio sifted ekk over the gill top und 0 tho whlter ul in sections pullo the atil mound of jo parsley between I 1 I 1 ham biscuits prepare preparo pov ter biscuits sit ns sti usuna Itin apu four of jo roll ito ito out pull cut in buko ns fill usual aliese re served liot 1011 with n u crisp lettuce sal ml spaghetti italian lell laul style conk one half cupful of jo spaghetti until soft 1309 ul in suited water then fry one fourth o of 0 a cupful of jo mushrooms ina cut into elul bits ul in butter I 1 mid aliu one third of 10 it cupful of jo minced cold pali fried or 10 ii broiled pallo luell and the with one luo cupful o of 0 allilu sauce darius seasoned highly with cayenne and lull n U few chopped otla Padd chives or jo n u clove of jo winter salad take one DUO cupful of jo cooked uz paIo peas one half cupful of jo ellul minced peanuts one half cupful each of jo dotia chopped pad olives and celery and n u bit II 11 of jo onion mix with n U seasoned silas patio boiled dressing or jo a mayonnaise and serve on ao lettuce I it 1 you DOA want to 0 live GAII ul in the kind of JO a 9 town like the otil kind of JO III a town you 1104 like you nox your inoa clothes in ell a 9 grip 1112 and start on P w ions buot suot long hike only find what you noa left bo for theres really new its a 10 knock ju at yourself when you noa knock your town it 31 jua your town its you noa real towns are nol IOU made by men afraid Z saz lest sa I 1 somebody esta else djaz ahead umiat everyone at works pull and nobody you noll cen jalaa v crom the ott dead PUY and it while you noa make your personal stake your neighbor can make one louo too loo your town aho will eq be what you nox want to 01 see ll it your town ta you noa author unknown delectable 3 DISHES A most delicious salad AS which oy ae prepared in at sut any time of jo the am ijuan one DUO ingredients st Is fig 1311 put and cheese salad allx to ol a paste ono DUO cupful of jo any cott ngo cheese one dun cupful of 10 chopped doila pad dried ilas one BUD half cupful jo if roasted chopped put and two ot JO orange juice mold into endroll nn droll balls uj in dotto chopped Pad toasted almonds place four ano or JO all five of JO b ills tio on a bed of c jl lettuce aan garnish with bits jo 0 orange and serve with honey dresa alie all olin ang au to 01 one jini half cupful of lo strained honey pull and juall beat slowly into three bajil well beaten egg yolks ij place oa ul in a double bolter aidi stir 1119 to over ja alie oil heat until the aill a ture begins to 01 thicken remove from all wall heat pull and juall beat until looi cool V add k p a as seasoning of jo eilt a tablespoonful o of 0 lemon juice pun and a civill of jo paprika ul r just before serving fold ul in a cupful it of jo tim whipped vaia crenin avocado salad cut avocados ul in lull halt remove the all seed and till 6 center with chopped dUI Pad pineapple place the halves on crisp of jo lettuce auti puti pour over joau a french dressing made with tio oil juice sprinkle with blanched chopped dotta pad tut |