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Show How the patriots do Equirm in their efforts to protect the poor shorn lambs of the millionaire class from the heavy mulcting which the proposed income tax would impose. New York papers 0 are peculiarly and particularly dis tressed. Their tears flow uninter-mitedly. uninter-mitedly. This is an almost sublime exhibition ex-hibition of "unselfish devotion" to the interests of others. If it were not an exhibition of shameless hypocrisy one would be tempted to rate the newspapers news-papers of New York more highly than has been the rule heretofore in the west. We can say to the Standard that we don't care much who our argument for restoration hits. We as a democratic paper must go now and for all time for free silver. There is no one tenet of democratic faith more firmly es tablished, which is older or more char acteristic of the democratic party than is the full equality of silver in the money standards of the country. The Dispatch is a democratic paper first and above all, a Cleveland paper second and excepts to his record on this subject only. The editor of the Logan Jounal sends the editor of Tmi DispATcIi a warm invitation to pay a visit to Logan. Tije Journal's hospitality is as broad as the catholic city of its democracy. Wre now, and here, warn the Jonrnal not to scatter these invitations about too profusely or he will find The Dispatch Dis-patch accepting one of these fine days. - Corkett ani Mitchell find as much difficulty in the way of their ardor to caress each other as did Desdemona and Othello. Let 'em come together and have it out. They are only Blug-gers Blug-gers after all. Humanity would lose but little if they jvere-bnth to be.killed. Now let the eagles in the republican republi-can ranks turn their glasses on Lake Shore. They'll see and hear something some-thing of interest from "Tug" Wilson ere many moons have waxed and waned, or The Dispatch is far out in its reckoning,and it doesn't thinfc it is, anyhow. We can only furnish subject matter j to put the Standard to thinking, but do not propose to furnish the brain power necessarry to enable it to understand under-stand whether it is McVeagh, Cleveland Cleve-land or who else was driven at in a recent re-cent Dispatch paragraph. s. The present fine sleighing proyes a I godsend to the county clerk who runs the license mill, and the masters and misses whose tiny sleds are hitched to every vehicle which plods through our bnsv streets. We could hardly get on j without winter. Reform legislation by our reform council is said to be incubating at this moment. Our city fathers should remember re-member that all is not reform which is called by that name. We live in an age of humbug. When Yariau passes through and sees the minute clerk at his desk, do not the memories of the past few years gather like the ghosts of corruption before be-fore his eyes? Allen and Powers are the audience-drawers audience-drawers of the thirtj -first legislature. They do relieve the mediocre dead-wall dead-wall in that body in a very refreshing way, at times. In summing up the merits of this Hawaiian case it will never do to forget for-get that justice is due even to a crowned queen. We just ache to see the tax gatherer get his grip on those fat incomes in New York. See the charming little soubrette at the opera house tonight. S100 Reward. 5100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrah. Hall's Catarrah Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrah being a constitutional disease, dis-ease, requires a constitutional treatment. treat-ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, sys-tem, therefore destroying the foundation founda-tion of the disease, and giving the patient pa-tient Etrength by building up the constitution con-stitution and assisting nature in doing do-ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it3 curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. egSold by Druggists, 75c. |