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Show ROCKY MOUNTAIN 2 pombom eine Hor is the word. GRAND Lodge meeting next month. BENEFICIARY on hand May 1, 1892, $82,513.44. AMOUNT beneficiary received in April, 1892, WORKMAN. tice OR JULY. Brother:—Yow are hereby notified that Assessments Nos. 17 and 18, amounting to two dollars, are now due and will be delinquent on the 28th inst. LIST $645,420.05. OF Fe Sia ere catee iatel| > renee <a Organized orl ale iwea, = Wm. SKEWES Undertakers & SON, and Embalmers, Wm. J. LEMP’S St. L. W. PARK Ciry has made arrangements for a monster celebration of the Nation’s birthday. Excursions from here, Ogden and other places will take great numbers to the home of the Ontario, where the good people will treat them well. Tu following officers were elected by Garden City Lodge, No. 18, at its last meeting: A. EH. Ford master workman, T. M. Martin foreman, G. R. Hopkins overseer, Jake Evans recorder, G. W. Craig financier, Dr. A. McCurtain receiver. THAT was a piece of good advice which Supreme Master Workman Burtt gave the Salt Lakers in his little talk last Friday evening, when he said that ‘“‘every Workman should do with his lodge as he would with his business, advertise it.’ In the language of the poet, “that’s what we're here for.” To make a successful Order, three important things must ever be kept prominent in the minds of every member and never lost sight of for a moment: 1. A constant accession of members. 2. Admit no one through fear, favor or sympathy, who is not sound morally and physically. 3, Select no physician through personal preference thatisincompetent or careless, but one who will have the interest of the Order at heart, and have the manhood and honesty to reject any one physicially unsound, giving the Order at al times the benefit of a doubt.—Canadian Forester Ir is a fact worth knowing that men,‘as a rule do not join beneficiary organizations, or out life insurance policies, without having take been cordially and persistently invited. Men are sensitive creatures about some things (especially their purses), and assume much dignity while standing out for formal ceremony. It requiresa united assault to break the rules of such etiquette, but when once they are approached by the right kind of arguments, they often open their eyes in astonishment and wonder why they did not join our Order long ago.—Anchor and Shield. In all policies of insurance these, among a host of other questions, occur: if living?” “Age of mother, man in the country who filled tion, mace hundred his and father’s two. The age, agent “Age of father, if living??? A up an applica- “ir living,” was amazed at family. * Ob, you see, sir,”’ replied he, ‘my parents died many years ago, but ‘if living,’ would be aged as there put down.’’— ‘‘ Bxactly; I understand,” said the agent. — T. BELTZ, of Laramie We are here to fill the proverbial long-felt want. We are here to spread the principles of Charity, Hope and ; i Protection. We are here to teach the people of this and other ilks what it means to be a Workman. ; We are here to herald the fact that there isa body of men in existence who believe in doing to others as they would : have others do unto them, We are here to aid and encourage our glorious task :*To upraise the standard but let it suffice to say ‘we are be heard from quite regularly. St Sa eg a ea a Fourth te 66 of July here’’—to S. West kok Street, BUILDING.) ALL KINDS OFJOB PRINTING Executed with Neatness and Dispatch. COMMERCIAL WORK A SPECIALTY, We©) cir- INTERIOR Decorations and Graining, latest de& Addoms, 131 W. First South. ? } BOE et WHEN you need an Abstract of Title, a Deed, Mortgage, Mechanics’ Lien, or other Instrument made, or any kind of Notarial Work done, the place to get it done promptly, accurately and at lowest rate is at the SecurITY ABSTRACT Co., in Basement of Deseret Natioual Bank Building, Salt Lake City. J. C. JENSEN, anager. GaG. POW, G. M. E. L. 8. Barnes, Laramie, Wyoming. ......... Je K, Dubois; Bore City; labo. ola B.C. Shearer, Reno; Nevada? 4 2 ii nae: Sie een GR eee ha a pe obert Smit ock Springs, Wyoming. GRAND TRUSTEES. Boss. Fallon, oleae, Wann. E. B. Lemmon, Hailey, Idaho. Thos. ci, City, Utah. . Dunne, H. N. M. Ruick, G. Turner, Ogden, MW Eureka, COMMITTEE Nevada. . LODGE. City, Nevada. F. J. McLau hlin, Park Salt Lake Gity, Dtah’ ON W. ON FINANOE. Utah. T. K. Stevens, M. Robert Smith, Ogden, Utah. Virginia COMMITTEE Wm. D. oe Le TO THE SUPREME E. D, G. Me W. . GM. W. .... T. E. Haley, G. M. E. Se G. M. oa. a oe "John A. Boyle, Ogden, Uiah, REPRESENTATIVES LAWS AND Bellevue, Idaho. J. H. Shaw. A. Cit 1 SUPERYISION. C. Bishop, Dayton, IDAHO Ogden, Taran. Utah are : LODGES. AILEY LODGE, No. 1, Hailey, Idaho; meets first and third Monday evenings each month . S Waters, . M. W.; IT. EB. Ficotte, M..W.; Geo. Chillingworth, Fore- man; James Dunn, beamer, Financier; Overseer; I,eon Fuld, W. T. Riley, Receiver. NEVADA GoLD HILL meets Overseer; . Goetz, M. No. 2, evenings. W.; Recorder; KE. Gold Hill, Recorder; Nevada B McTigue, P. M. J. K. Kstep, Financier T. H. Smith, Foreman; John M. Kelly, Receiver, J. H. LODGiS. LODGE, Wednesday John Lrowley, ? W. John Marks: a NEVA DA LODGE, No. 5, Reno, Nevada ; meets every Tuesday evening. The present officers are: J. A. Zeigler, M. W.; B. Campbell, Foreman; H. k. Pavola, Overseer; F. McRae, Recorder; H. L. Fish, Financier; ceiver; W. D. Wagar, Kennedy, O. W. ESMERALDA Guide; L. Buneel, No. 15, Candelaria, I. W.; John M LODGE, meets first and D. McKay, Re- R. third Monday evenings. Nevada; A. J. Corkill P. M. W.; Robt. Christian. M. W.; W. E. Hill, Foreman; Harry McNamara, Overseer; G. L. Albright, Recorder; Fred Corkill, Hinancier: W. H. Thomas, Receiver. ‘ Ql. HLMO LODGE, No. 22, Lovelocks, Nevada. Peter Anker, P. M. W.; P. K. Reid, M. W.; W. GC. Ruddell, Fore- man; Peter Anker, Donelin, Financier; Overseer; J. H. Thies, Recorder; J. IT. Huskins, Receiver. WASHINGTON meets Wednesday LODGE, evenings. LODGE, evening. recorder, M foreman, Cohen H. Burger, P M Geo M. ? P. M. W.: Foreman; F. M. Taler, Strassburg, Financier; No. 26. Pioche. C EH Goodrich H J Goodrich L, No. 25, Reno, Nevada B. C. Shearer, M. W.; Jos. Parsons, Overseer; C. Conn, Recorder; Fred, I. N. Bakless, Receiver. W, Meets Wednesday B C B Warren McDonough M W overseer, J A Clark, financier, J B Wheeler UTAH LODGES. receiver. ; GQNPTARIO LODGE, Ne. 1, Park City, Utah; meets Wednesday evenings. C. H, Gitch, P. M. W.; D. G. William, M. W.; M. ©. Sculley, Foreman; A. E. Cunnington, Overseer ; Con Hunt, Recorder; C. A. F. C. Thompson, Receiver. DELITY LODGE, No. recorder, J F Cramer Ormiston, 3. Ogden. Financier; Meets every Tues- W Cross- seer, W Foulger QGALT UAKE man receiver. City, Utah; VALLEY meets financier, LODGE, Thursday W No. 12, Salt Lake evenings. T. J. Everill, P, M. W.; J. B. Taylor, M. W.; R. J. Deighton, Foreman ; Geo. Lucas, Overseer; James A. Fryer, Recorder; ‘T. C. Crawford, Financier; Geo. A. Hill, Receiver. LOGAN LODGE, No. 14, Logan. Meets Tuesday even- ing. TO Griffith P MW, John M Wilson Green foteman, Jacob Theurer overseer, Wm M W, John J Goodwin WEMPLH City, recorder, S W Hall financier, John Kemz receiver. LODGE, meets Monday M. Bowman, M. No. 15, evenings W.; Philip Visick, Overseer; W. A Financier; Peter Olsen, Q@GDEN LOMGE, Salt Lake Utah; Jackson Bolton, P. M. W.:es Neder, Foreman; W. A. C, Pankhurst, Recorder; H. L. Glenn, Receiver. No. 16, Ogden, Utah; meets every Wednesday evening. W. J. scott, P. M. W.; one. Rich, M W.; James Allen, Foreman; Jesse J. Driver, Overseer; C. J. Flowers, Recorder; G. K, Ott, Financier; T. G. Thomas, Receiver. GARDEN CITY LODGE, No. 18, Provo. Meets Mon- day evening. H HK Rawlings P M W, H H Hendershot W, B F Nevins foreman, G W Craig overseer, Julian O PLEASANT LODGE, No. 22, Mt. Pleasant. ee a Perl Oey Ad polls Boyden foreman, Kasmus Anderson overseer, Ferdinand Ericksen recorder, W O Ash financier, Frederick $ Jensen receiver, PROTECTION POUR SbA TES. No. 24, Ogden, Utah; meets QALINA LODGE, No. nesday evenings. Hans 25, Salina, Utah; meets WedJ. Gottfredson, P.M, W.; Henry N. Hayes, M 5 Byron Kessler, Foreman; Thomas R. Schroder, Overseer ; Walter E. Tollestrup, Recorde: ; Percy Candland, Financier; FENTERPRISE ihe LODGE, every Thursday evening. J.S. Corlew, P. M. W.; W.R. White, M. W.; J. P. Stone, Foreman; W,R. Williams, Overseer; C. A. Hurssell, Recorder; W. T. Kelly, Financier; W. A. McGaw, Receiver. EK. W. Crane, LODGE, No. Saturday evening. Bert Foster foreman, G D Grejor F Rasband Rates Extremely Low. Park City. W Meets Berry M Davis W re, corder, George Balderson financier, L EK Camomile receiver WYOMING by four times Receiver. 27, P M W, E overseer, LODGES. CHEYENNE LODGE, No. 3, Cheyenne, Wyo.; meets every Wednesday evening at 730 p.m, R. W. Bryant, P. M. W.; J. A. England, M. W.; A, T. Clark, Foreman}. A. D McNeill, Overseer ; M. J. Nichols, Recorder; Financier ; I. L. Fredendall, Receiver. LARAMIE LODGE, No. 4, Laramie, W. S. Hurlbut Wyo. Meets every Monday evening. I N Overman P M W, GC Pittman M W Hines Fore:inan, M C Walters Overseer, M H Murphy Receiver, Hlmer T Beltz Financier, Thos P Fitzpatrick Recorder. A. Fisher Brewing Company, MANUFACTURERS Ee 1255. re . ay evening,in AOU Whall. R Lancaster PM W, GB Douglas MW, W M Hansen foreman, H W Eldredge over- a=: number. P.O. Box Alf. Moyes Pocatelorldanon™, so akeisiees ton mets J. N. Russell, Murray, Idaho W.L. Taylor, Carson City, Nevada i ae Old Ha Nevo cs A oe) ape, Ss. rick, Ogden, Utal 1 Meets first and third Friday evenings in each month, Jacob Johnson P M W, James B Hunter M W, Justice M additional information apply to D, E. Burley, signs, Kershaw COMMITTEES—1891-2. Riley recorder, Jake Evans financier, A E Ford receiver. Dene (ely, It has a AND David Thorburn, Ogden, Utah. ...... Grand Recorder. WW: Vie, Helin. Ociliom. ta isin oat oat ea sere ota = ts M stay, and will EB agent Union Pacific System, 201 Main St. OFFICERS J. ADVERTISE in HE WORKMAN! 19, 1881. Pod. Dunne, Virginia City, Nevada .: so... P. G. M. W. John Strickley, Salt Lake City, Utah ........ G. M. W. WAL. Mast) Cheyenne, Wyoming oy. i. sheets b i lb. M.-Gile. Vircinia Oily. Nevads . ict) pee ve G20. I ie ok ok Excursions (= Advertise in the Workman. Temple (HERALD ed culation of 2,000 and will be read that ae). May next Session of the Grand Lodge will be held at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 1%th day of August, 1892. é brethren in their of humanity; to are ever popular and successful. The exceedingly low rates offered by the Union Pacific this year willinsure them an immense business. HExcursion tickets on sale at all ticket offices of the system. oe : For dates of sale and limits of tickets or any additional information apply to D. urley, agent Union Pacific system, 201 Main St. or Cheap Rates for the Fourth. The Union Pacific offers its patrons cheap 4th of July rates as usual this year. For dates of sale and limits of tickets or any DITTMANN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. dispel the mists of ignorance; to lighten the burden of our fellow-men and induce them to share with us the benefits of our noble Order. 2 d j We might go on enumerating ad /zb. our reasons for being here, Beer. The JPIOCHE ELMER Lodge, No. 4, dating his letter on the 14th, says, after giving a list of the officers of his lodge for publication : Send me copy of your paper regularly. At our meeting last night we elected twenty new members. We now. number eighty-five, counting six who have been elected but who are not initiated, so I think we will give you the 100 before July 1st. The Kansas Workman noticed us this way: The brethren in Utah now have a journal devoted to the interests of the Order. It is styled The Rocky Mountain Workman, is published at Salt Lake City, is about one-tourth the size of this paper, and the subscription prize $1.00 per year. It is sprightly, ably edited, and will unquestionably do the Order great good in that jurisdiction. It should be cordially supported. The following is from the Kentucky Workman: And now comes to our desk another candidate for recognition in the field of Workman journalism, ‘The Rocky Mountain Workman,’”? published at Salt Lake City, Utah, by Evans & Crawford. It is to appear monthly in the ioterest of the Grand Lodge of Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho. The subscription price has been placed at $1.00 per year. The paper starts out on the “‘trail of the hustlers”’ as is indicated from the following excerpt from a leading editorial : one this, and fancied he had secured an excellent customer; but feeling somewhat dubious, he remarked that the applicant came from a very long-lived FINANCIER Louis Asent, every month. DIRECTORY. Grand Lodge of Nevada, Utah, Wyoming. Idaho DEATHS. AMOUNT beneficiary paid out in April, 1892, oO NAME. | LODGE. |O LOCATION. DIED. CAUSE. Lice ORDER. $629,972.66. = ‘S | DATE AGE Too much crooking of the elbow puts a man TO| Wine P earcesviee-: |Hope SSS 11|/Austin, Nev.. .... April 25, 1892....|Miner’s Consumption......... Sept, 5, 1888.....| 46 out at elbows. 20\James Murphy.... Storey..... 3/ Virginia City, Nev.|May 7, 1892....|Blood Poisoning. .............|July 28, 1885......| 37 /Mar. 15, 1892 .....] 86 PAPERHANGING by Kershaw & Addoms, 131 21|Fred. A. Stewart..j;Murray..../14)Murray, Idaho....|May 7, 1892.....|Miner’s Poisoning W. First South. THE world’s population is gaining at the rate of six million per year. . THE man who catches the largest fish is not 4@If you do not pay the amount called for in this notice before the 28th inst., you suspend yourself from all the necessarily the biggest liar. privileges of the Order, and Lodge action must be taken before you can be reinstated, THERE are men who have more fear of dying a beggar than of living one. OUR ADVENT. WHATELY has beautiful described children as the ‘‘to morrow of socie ty.” Kind and encouraging words on all hands BINGHAM will glorify on Monday next and do honor to the Nation’s birthday. were the rule as a result of the first issue of the “May your whole family be jammed into one WORKMAN. We were flattered by many, but we coffin,” is an expressive Chinese oath. ; | are not susceptible, and shall keep on the even THE Fourth, the glorious Fourth, is here, and tenor of our way, endeavoring to do what we is to be unobserved. This ought not to be. 18 E. Third South Street, consider right for our readers and advertisers. THE landlord may be a square man, but you Here’s the way some of the city papers received ean depend on finding him round on rent day. SALT LAKE CITY. our first effort: The Herald said : THERE are some people who think that music The initial number of the Rocky MOUNTAIN never amounts to much except when they play WORKMAN appeared on June 1. It is a very first fiddle. “ publication and does equal THE U. P. will sell tickets 8d and 4th to Park bright and newsy Open Every Hour in the Year. City and return for $2.50, tickets good for return credjt to the editors and the Order. until the 5th. The Times remarked : READ the circular issued by Grand Master The first number of the Rocky MOUNTAIN Workman Strickley, a copy of which will be WORKMAN has reached The. Times office. It is BUY found on our fifth page. : published by Messrs. Evans & Crawford and is devoted to the interests of the A. O. U. W No matter how bold a man is, he can go out in any New England pasture and find a bowlder, Typographically it is a marvel of elegance while the contents are of especial merit and interest. says the Somerville Journal. It is prophesied that ere long it will be possi- The Stock Exchange Journal gave us this send-off : ble to reproduce instantaneously a letter at any THE Rocky MOUNTAIN WORKMAN is the title distance by means of electricity. of a new monthly paper, published by Evans & Bro. H. HE. Rawuines, D. D. G.-M. for Utah Crawford, the initial number of which is before County, was in the city on Thursday, the 16th, us. The WORKMAN is devoted to the interests attending the funeral of the child of Bro. Riley. of the A. O. U. W. in the jurisdiction of Nevada. AND Provo is to have a celebration on the It is neat in its make-up and press work, and Fourth. An excursion, also, to Castilla Springs contains many items of interest to the fraternity. in connection with the day’s out is to be in- The WORKMAN has our best wishes for future FOR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE. success. dulged in. TEMPLE Lodge, No. 15, this city, elected a full Bro. JAMES WITHNELL, D. D. G. M. and Reset of officers last Monday night. The installa- corder of Crescent Lodge, No. 23, Hope, Idaho, tion will not take place until the 11th, the regular meeting night of the lodge being on a legal writing on the 12th ult., gives the following Leave Orders at “THE RESORT,” cheering news from that section : holiday. 2%6 8. Main, or call Telephone 380 or I am very much pleased with your paper, and 384. Bro. H. H. HenpERsHOT, Master Workman of Garden City Lodge, No. 18, called at our will do all I can to get ten or fifteen subscribers Will lay the matter before the lodge office while inthe city in attendance at the for you. funeral of the sonof Bro. Julian O. Riley, at its next regular meeting. I think a paper like the Rocky MouNTAIN WORKMAN is what is Recorder of that lodge. J am trying to orMEMBERS in good standing April 1, 1892, needed in this jurisdiction. 284,259; admitted, 5,813 ; reinstated, 2,470; sus- ganize two new lodges in this county, one at Will pended, 4,317 ; died, 304; withdrawn, 47; total Rathdrum and one at Bonner’s Ferry. send you the names of our officers in July. membership in good standing May 1, 1892, 287,Please send me at least five copies of your paper 874—net increase for month of April, 3,615. dees A. O. U. W. ino) THE CHIPS. OF St ER. Salt Lake City, Utah. EVERY LODGE Should take at least TEN COPTES, OF THE WORKMAN. > |