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Show MOUNTAIN WORKMAN. 5 ie 6 and W. T. Boyd, of Colorado. SIXTH animously adopted : The third Trus- tee was chosen later. THE DAY.” They “Do” SUPREME Salt Lake Done The third Trustee, was elected in the person of N. S. Byram, of Indiana, The Supreme Recorder reported the total vote of the Supreme Lodge as 391; majority, 196; total enrolled vote, 365 ; two-thirds vote, 2434, A charter was granted British Columbia. the Grand Lodge of _ VISITORS. and are Well By. When the gavel fell for the last time, the affectionate adieus were said and the Representa. tivesand their ladies hied themselves homeward, some one way and some another. About 125 concluded to come Zionward; the fraternity of this city learned of the fact, but could not ascer- Resolved, That the officers and representatives of the Supreme Lodge with their ladies, daughters and sons, enroute from the session of the Supreme Lodge, which was held at: Helena, Mont., to their several homes, and who have been so generously and hospitably entertained by the members of the A. O. U. W. Lodges in Salt Lake City during their short stay, wish to express the unanimous sentiment of heartfelt thanks for the expression of brotherly kindness and fraternal greeting extended to us through their committee and to assure them that the sweet strains of music which we heard this morning (also this evening), the pleasant ride are doing the best work of the age, in ele- vating manhood, and linking together in one common brotherhood, by the mutual ties of co-operative ptotection all worthy men and women, thus bringing peace and comfort to all, within their Order homes. The unbeliever of the past, is the earnest worker of the present. Millions of dollars distributed in the homes of its members, have madean indelible impression on the public at large, —Canadian Workman. a aa SUPREME LODGE. ROCKY Te THE Ample legislation was. provided for the De- tain when they would be likely to reach here. through your beautiful city to Fort Douglas, the gree of Honor The telegraph and telephone were both plied trip to Garfield Beach and the hospitable dinner, The duty of supervising the printing and reading proof of the new Digest was placed up- freely, until the evening of Thursday, when a will ever live in our memory, as does the bubon Past Supreme Master Workman, W. Warne dispatch from the rotund. Cupit, at Butte, in- bling spring of water in the desert to the weary (Continued from First Page.) traveler, and when in our distant homes we ilson. formed. the people of Salt Lake that the party tin, who gave to the members of the Supreme Resolutions of respect were adopted to the would be down at 9:40 a. m. next day. Hur- speak of special pleasures, this day will be emphasized as one of the best during our trip, and Lodge a hearty welcome to the city of Helena. memory of Past Grand Master Workmen Edthe remembrance that our brothers in Salt Lake The Supreme Master Workman then intro- ward Elmore, of New York; H. K. Milward, of ried preparations were made ;a committee was selected to meet the visitors at Ogden ; a brief City have welded the living chain of our frater-. duced Supreme Overseer D. H. shields, of Mis- Kentucky. and A. J. Francis of Kentucky. souri, who responded to the addresses of A resolution presented by the Representa- programme was talked of ; then there was a rest. nity with the red heat of hospitality, and driven clear through the golden spike of love as shown tives from Nevada providing that ‘teach Grand Governor Toole and Mayor Curtin. — On Friday morning the joint committee of to us to-day. The Supreme Master Workman introduced Lodge shall be entitled to three RepresentaThe exodus was made atabout11:50 p. m., and Brother John W. Eddy, Grand Master Work- tives to the Supreme Lodge, to be chosen at the Salt Lake Valley and Temple Lodges were astir man of Montana, who, in poetic language, wel- same time and in the same manner as the offic- and moving to make as good as possible the re- word reached us that at Ogden, on the way east, comed the members of the Supreme Lodge to ers of the Grand Lodge are selected.”’ Also ception to the Supreme delegates. It was the Brethren there had laid in a heaping stock the Jurisdiction on behalf of the members of that ‘‘Past Grand Master Workmen and the learned at about 9 o’clock that the travelers had of strawberries, put them on ice and smuggled Retiring Grand Master Workman only are elithe Order. ‘ : Supreme Master Workman Kinsley intro- gible for Supreme Representatives, except as got to Ogden and would reach the capital at them into the baggage car of the party as soon Grand Recorders 10.40. Then it was, the boys ‘‘got a move’’ on as it slowed up at the Union Depot. duced Supreme Trustee J. G. Tate, of herein otherwise provided. The JuncNebraska, who respouded to the address of the and Grand Receivers, who have served as such themselves, and in double-quick time they had tion boys got their work in on a “strawberry Grand Master Workman of Montana in appro- for three consecutive years, shall be entitled to planned for the day and evenlng in excellent festival.’”” The halt was a short one there, as all the honors and prerogatives of Past Grand priate terms. : Cheyenne was to be reached and a meeting held Rep. James Sullivan, of Montana, Chairman Master Workmen, provided that Grand Lodges shape. By some misunderstanding the good Brothers on Saturday evening, at 8 o’clock. of the Reception Committee, in a few well- may have so determined.’’ was reported on adchosen words of welcome, presented the mem- versely by the Committee on Laws. of Ogden missed meeting the delegation, alThey got there. bers of the Supreme Lodge with a silver watch though the latter breakfasted on the way down charm, set with sapphires, as a memento of SEVENTH DAY. at the Junction City. It was a regrettable overtheir visit to Helena. hoe THE NEW JURISDICTION. sight somewhere that there was no word reThe Supreme Master Workman introduced Past Grand Master Workman Robson, of Texas, Tuesday, 21st, the Supreme Lodge went into ceived by the Ogden Workmen, who had caleu- A Circular from the Grand Master on who responded in eloquent language in behalf Committee of the Whole on the maximum age lated on giving the visitors a hearty welcome. the Subject. of the members of the Supreme Lodge, for the limit, and adopted a provision that Grand splendid reception tendered them and for the Lodges may reduce the maximum age limit to But accidents will happen in the best regulated The following circular has been issued by 45 years, elegant souvenirs presented. s families, and here was one, pure and simple. Rep. James Sullivan, of Montana, and ChairA resolution was adopted providing that all Promptly when the train pulled in, the com- Grand Master Strickley, to all the Lodges of man of the Reception Committee, presented to Past Master Workmen badges should bear the mittee were on the platform, with three large, the Jurisdiction, and explains itself: Supreme Master Workman Kinsley, on_behalf jewel! of the office, the Holy Bible. To All Our Lodges: of the membership in Montana, a solid silver Hearty resolutions of thanks to the Grand open street cars on the outside, ready for the BRETHREN :—A petition from Wyoming and gavel, asa slight token of their esteem, con- Lodge of Montana, the citizens of Helena gen- company. ‘These were crammed full, the signal Utah was sent to the Supreme Master Workerally and all who welcomed and entertained given, and the ride to the Tabernacle made. fidence and respect. On man, asking for a separation from the Nevada The Supreme Master Workman accepted the the Supreme Lodge were unanimously adopted. the way, the majority of the distinguished ladies Jurisdiction, when the above named had a souvenir in a few well-chosen remarks. A resolution placing on record the approval Appropriate musical selections were rendered of the Supreme Jurisdiction of the actions and and gentlemen were profuse in their exclama- membership of 1,500. The petition was referred by the Helena Band during the intervals be- administration of Supreme Master Workman tions of delight at the unexpected sights of by him to the Supreme Ledge at Helena, in June, and they passed the following resolution : tween the addresses. : Kinsley, was adopted by a rising vote. beauty they encountered. Inside the vast buildResolved, That the Supreme Master Workman The reports of the Committees on the ‘“‘Ohio Section 4 of General Law XI was amended by ing, Prof. Daynes treated them to several choice is hereby directed and instructed to authorize Case’? and the Good of the Order were next adding thereto: ‘‘The death series shall also presented. ‘The latter was a somewhat lengthy include all deaths occurring prior to said term, selections, Mr. Thomas described the building the formation of a Grand Lodge, to be composed of the Territory of Utah and the States of Idaho document, and was adopted as a whole. which were not reported or which for any suf- and let the historical pin drop, to the edification, The report of the Committee on Fraternal ficient reason were not paid, if all other condi- entertainment and thorough satisfaction of the and Wyoming, having jurisdiction over the same; and that said Grand Lodge when so conCongress was presented and referred. tions exist authorizing the extending of relief.” listening admirers. They manifested their ap- stituted, be set apart as a separate Beneficiary Copies of the new Digest were ordered sent to each of the fraternal papers, issued solely in preciation of the music ofthe grand organ and Jurisdiction ; Provided, Thatsuch Grand Lodge FOURTH DAY. shall not be so formed before January Ist, 1893; the interests of the A. O. U. W. lecture by frequent outbursts of applause. The report of the Supreme Master Workman At the conclusion of the Tabernacle musicale, Providing, That said contemplated Jurisdiction On the fourth day, a number of Committee re- was very lengthy, and contained much valuable shall have a membership of net less than two ports were presented and adopted. information which will be laid before the read- the visitors took a walk around by the Temple, thousand. The following, relating to this jurisdiction, Now, in consideration of the above, I would ers of the WORKMAN from time to time. The gazing in wonderment at the solid white granite was presented by Rep. Theo. A. Case, chairman reports of the Supreme Recorder and Receiver. structure, and after a few minutes’ stroll about respectfully request the Lodges in the proposed of the Special Committee on Utah and Wyom- or so much thereof asisimportant, will be found new Jurisdiction to take such action as the cirthe grounds the cars were boarded for Fort ing; cumstances require, and endeavor to add to on page 7 of this issue. Here the panoramic view enchanted their numbers the best material in their localiYour Committee, to whom was referred that The armorial bearing of the proposed new Douglas. portion of the Supreme Master Workman’s Re- jurisdiction of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho when all; they were bewildered; they plied their ties, so that we may have the requisite number port relating to ‘‘Utah and Wyoming,’ beg it shall be organized, was recommended to be a escorts freely with inquiries as to distances, by the specified time. The reasons for this proposed change have leave to report, that they have duly considered bee hive. elevations and length of settlement, replies to been set before you by the petitions your Lodges the subject, and after hearing the several Repwhich were cheerfully and understandingly have sent in asking for this change, and I trust resentatives and others, and after considering EIGHTH DAY. given. A short stay was made there, during you are satisfied with the action of the Supreme the petitions and other documentary proof submitted, recommend the adoption of the followwhich the verdant grounds were paraded, the Lodge, and that great good and increased mem-« The closing day of the session was occupied ing: barracks visited and the Indian warriors bership will result therefrom. To the old Lodges in Nevada, I appeal to eos: That the Supreme Master Workman by the installation of the newly elected officers. The committee on laws reported in favor of ad- looked at. them to try and strengthen their position, and is hereby directed and instructed to authorize The return to town was begun about half- not blame those asking this separation, because the formation of a Grand Lodge to be composed ding to the membership section of the constitution the provisos that grand lodges may at their I am of the opinion they will not be injured by: of the Territory of Utah and the States of Idaho past 12; the ride down the bench ; the picking and Wyoming, having jurisdiction over the option reduce the maximum age limit to forty- of wild flowers; chatting and joking, were im- it, while those in the proposed new Jurisdiction will be greatly benefited. « same ; and the said Grand Lodge, when so con- five years, and prohibiting coal miners, railroad Fraternally yours, in C., H. and P., stituted, be set apart as a separate Beneficiary yard switch-men or brakemen on freight trains mensely enjoyed; while the passage through The maximum age limit the streets to the depot was one continued cause JOHN STRICKLEY, Jurisdiction ; provided, that such Grand Lodge becoming members. amendment was unanimously adopted. That of gratification and pleasure. Grand Master Workman. shall not be so formed before January 1, 1893. referring to coal miners and railroad men was SOARS Uns ae ea mae oy eve ee The lines of the separation from Nevada to be At 2 the train for Garfield took the party to such as the parties may agree upon, or, in case rejected by yeas 70, nays 258. The membership HELP ONE ANOTHER. of disagreement, the same to be adjusted in an section of the constitution, as amended, now the boss briny bathing resort of the west. All equitable manner by the Supreme Master reads: ‘No person shall be admitted to memafternoon, at intervals, bathing was indulged bership in the order except he be a white male in and pronounced superb. Those who were Brethren, is there in your lodge any one Workman. Rep. Deuprey of California submitted the fol- of the full age of twenty-one years, and under fresh from their Helena labors salted them- who is well known as not being in affluent fifty years of age at the time of receiving the lowing amendment: selves down indefinitely. or prosperous circumstances, who may be, Resolved, That after the figures ‘1893’ insert workman degree, and unless he be of good moral At about 5 o’clock the return was made, and for aught you know, barely existing or the words: “Provided, that the numerical character, in sound bodily health, with no maim or defect calculated to shorten life or to render an hour later as hungry a hundred as ever sat strength of the Brotherhood in Nevada, and “staying” in the cold world, perhaps sufferit more uncertain, capable of earning a liveliTdaho shall first become two thousand of memhood for himself and family, and is a believer in down to eat, surrounded the dining tables at ing for the common necessaries of life, food bers in good standing.” the existence of a Supreme Being, the Creator the Cullen, and enjoyed an excellent feast, preRep. Byram offered this as asubstitute for the and Preserver of the Universe, and shall possess pared as mine host Ewing knows how to direct. or clothing, and thus existing because he is pending amendment : : too proud to ask his relatives or his brethren such additional qualifications as may be preResolved, That after the figures ‘18337. insert scribed by the various grand lodges, subject to A hastily arranged bill of fare for the enter- for employment or assistance? To you, the words: ‘Providing, that said contemplated approval of the Supreme Lodge. No person tainment of the visitors and enlightenment of brethren, we would earnestly say, inquire Jurisdiction shall have a membership of not less shall be admitted to membership in the order strangers was presented at the G. A. R. hall. than two thousand.’’ who is engaged in the sale, by retail, of intoxi- The warmth of the evening, the desire of many about him and do as you would have them The previous question was then called and cating liquors as a beverage. Provided, howdo unto you if in like circumstances, even ordered; the substitute was adopted, and the ever, that grand lodges may, at their option, re- to see ail possible of the City of the Saints, deCharity or love shown report of the committee as amended was duce the maximum age limit to forty-five years.” layed the commencement until so late that it without the asking. adopted. A section was added to the standing regula- was not completed when the announcement the distressed brother is none the less due tions, providing that ‘“‘the representatives from was given out that it was train time. As it was, him than if he came to you and professed the Supreme Lodge to the fraternal congress FIFTH DAY. a most enjoyable evening was spent, under the his poverty and misfortune and asked for a shall consist of the Supreme Master Workman, ie Supreme Foreman and the Supreme Recor- chairmanship of Grand Master John Strickley. remission of his dues or relief in some other On the fifth day, the report of the Committee On” Eloquent addresses were delivered, depicting Our lodges were instituted for the on Ritual was presented. It was averse to The Supreme Lodge rejected a resolution in- the aims, objects and beauties of the A. O. U. way. brief ritualistic work and against one degree. more efficient purpose of acquaintance with structing the committee on laws to prepare and A resolution of sympathy on the death of present to the next session of the Supreme W., by Supreme Trustee Tate, of Nebraska; Supreme Representative A. K. Taylor’s wife Lodge such amendments as may be necessary to Supreme Representative Hill, of Illinois; Rev. each other’s circumstances and needs and to -was adopted by a rising vote. provide that relief shall be extended semi-annu- A. C. Bane, of California, Supreme Recorder help, aid and assist in a more efficient The Finance Committee teported all straight, ally instead of annually. Sackett and Supreme Master Workman J. Wd- manner than can be done by an unorganthe books of the Supreme Receiver and Supreme Supreme Master Workman Burtt announced The lodge should be deemed Recorder clean and correct, and that they favor- the appointment of the following standing com- ward Burtt. The Spanish Mandolin Club, a ized body, ed a per capita tax of 8 cents. This last recom- mittees : male quartette from the Tenth Ward, and the home of the poor and weary brother mendation was adopted. Finance—Charles Babst, of Pennsylvania ; Profs. Berkhoel and Smurthwaite varied the who may be disheartened in the struggle The next place of meeting was chosen, and Theo. A. Case, of New York; J. G. Walker, programme in excellent taste, the first playing for existence, and the lodge should from Toronto, Canada, fixed upon as the city, and Kentucky. the third Tuesday in June the time. Laws—John Frizzell, of Tennessee; Geo. W. a choice selection, the next-named a charming time to time, as one and another of its Nominations and elections being on, the fol- Hill, of Illinois; Jos. E. Riggs, of Kansas. medley, and the two last-mentioned rendering members go abroad, look after such, as the lowing were chosen : Appeals— Warren Totten, of Ontario; W. S. Supreme Master Workman—J. Edward Burtt, Robson, of Texas; Wm. C. Richardson of Mis- the “Mocking Bird,”’ a violin and piano duet. shepherd would after the lost sheep, and While the attendance was not so large as the of Massachusetts. ; souri, inquire of him or his neighbor, “How is it Supreme Foreman—Dr. D. H. Shields, of MisArbitration—W. H. Baxter, of Michigan; W. enthusiastic workers for the good of the cause with my brother >” and, if all is not well souri. H. Jordan, of California; C. M. Masters, of wished, those who were present and heard the Supreme Overseer—Lewis L. Troy, of Illinois. Wisconsin ; W.R. Graham, oflowa; W. Warne many eloquent and inspiring words as they fell with him, succor him, by kind words or a Supreme Recorder—M. W. Sackett, of Penn- Wilson, of Michigan. from the talented speakers’ lips, will long re- remission of dues, or money, or whatever sylvania. _ The journal of the session was corrected and Supreme Receiver—John J. Acker, of New approved, and the btsiness of the Supreme member the occasion and believe the fruits that may be his greatest need.— The trestle Board. ork. Lodge being finished, the members joined in will yet be borne of that evening will be an inSupreme Guide—Jos. A. Eckstein, of Minne- singing the closing ode, after which the Supreme crease of interest in the Order in this section. One dollar per year keeps you posted on ota. Master Workman declared the Supreme Lodge, At the conclusion of the exercises, Supreme all current A. O. U. W. events. : Supreme Watchman—John Milne, of Ontario. INO! -, adjourned at 12 o’clock noon, to Supreme Medical Examiner—Hugh Doherty meet in the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Representative Diefendorf, of New Jersey, preof Massachusetts. on the third ‘Tuesday. in June, 1893. sented the following resolution, which was unFRATERNAL orders next to the church, Supreme Trustees—J. G. Tate, of Nebraska |