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Show ROCKY MOUNTAIN WORKMAN, THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WORKMAN, THE more members we have the less we will A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY A FRATERNITY MAN. have to pay, eventually. Don’t forget this. ee ee WE are indebted to Supreme Recorder Sackett The presiding officer who calls his lodge for official documents and reports. They will to order promptly at the hour of meeting is be used to the best aTpaiagE for the Good of a trump card. Few do this. the Order. Devoted to the interests of the A. O, U. W. Published Monthly by AND CRAWTFHORD, : —AT— 52 W. Seconp Sours St., SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH. EVANS SINGLE COPIES, ONE YEAR, : ~~ Communications relative to agit EVANS Publishers & =. = +< WuHic# lodge is the next to order subscriptions for its members. The General Fund could not be used for a more laudable purpose, and the amount is so small. 8700. may be addressed to CRAWFORD, Rocky MouUNTAIN P, O. Seca WORKMAN, Box 619, oa a ; Bro Bown, proprietor of the Missouri Overseer, paid us a fraternal visit on his way to Helena. He is a bright, wide-awake, genial gentleman, who will find friends wherever he goes. ae Ma Ja pee STO ores ese, CARRY the glad tidings of the cheap insurance assured by the Ancient Order of United Workmen to every young man of family. It’s what he wants and ought to have. Give him pointers and he will ask you to fill out an application for im. FOR OLD TIME PICNIC, INCLUDING Be considerate of others; their opinion is worth something as well as yours, Abolish your by-laws compelling (?) a brother to attend a funeral when one of his fellow members dies. Make it a voluntary matter, and the turnout at a funeral will AN Boating,Dancing,Ete. DON’T be FORGET THAT CALDER'S AT PARK as large, if not larger, than a compulsory by-law will bring out. We urge the lodges to go slow in whom YOU WILL BE ENT#RTAINED, they elect. Put only the right kind of material in your offices. Many lodges Satt LAKE Ciry, - Juny 1, 1892. have been injured by poor officers being elected. A prosperous and well-attended DO NOT REFUSE a copy of this journal from the fear that you will be billed forasuablodge can have no worse affliction placed BY ELECTRICITY AT. NIGHT. scription. The paper is mever sent to any upon it than to have poor officers—persons person who is notentitled to it. Lodges frequently pay subscriptions for their entire THE goed ship “Charity”? made her initial filling positions who are either incapable or membership, and in this way many persons RESTAURANT ON THE GROUND voyage from this port on the 2d ult.—two pass- make no effort to do their duty. receive the paper who do not directly subseribe The fellow who stays away from his engers—with Bro. J. S. Darke at the tiller. for it. Captain M. W. Taylor conducted the cruise in lodge six or seven’ months should not feel Take Rapid Transit Cars, marked CALDER’S a seamanlike manner, notwithstanding the fact badly if, when he undertakes to rush some- PARK. THOUGHT FOOD. that it was his maiden effort. The immortal thing through over the heads of regular Jove was ‘‘thunderingly’’ represented by P. M attending members, -he is slightly sat down Games for Children. ‘* He leaves a wife and five children in destiW. C. D. Crouch, while rude Boreas puffed and tute circumstances.”? upon. The above was the closing sentence in an cracked his cheeks in the person of Foreman R. If you would expect to have a voice in obituary notice, which recently came under the J. Deighton; Jupiter Pluvius found a counter- ruling things, you should attend regularly. part in P. M. W. Mahan, raining lustily, and eye of the writer. Men who do the degree work in a lodge How much food for thought lies in the sad Old Neptune delegated his powers to P. M. W. are entitled to enough respect from the legend! What a world of planning and schem- Wm. Fuller, who evolved the breakers and We once heard ing and scraping and pinching it suggests for manipulated the surf in true Neptunean style. lookers-on to be silent the poor mother in her struggle to provide Taken as a whole the trip was a marked success, the presiding officer of an Odd Fellows’ reflecting credit upon all the participants. lodge inform the members that if they exbread for her orphaned little ones! AN Die Bees. eee ee pected him to do his work when candiHow much that is portentous do the words REFERENCE to our directory column discloses dates were being instructed they must keep forbode! Poor children, thrust too early upon the fact that quite a large number of the lodges the cold mercies of a big, bustling world, to beg, quiet, and if they did not do so he would borrow or, mayhap, steal the bare necessaries in the jurisdiction are still unrepresented. This resign his position. He never had any to sustain their feeble bodies. Bereft of the is not proper. The costofacardin that column more trouble during his term as noble 52 W. SECOND SOUTH STREET, guidance and counsel of their natural guardian, is so insignificant—25c. a month—that every grand. left to the care of an already overburdened lodge, large or small, rich or poor, can afford Salt Lake City. We are Satisfied that there is not enough mother, ’whelmed with sorrow ; encompassed the amount, Perhaps a good brother Workman by the thousand and one snares and tempta- may desire to visit your town some time, and attention paid to the social feature in the The mere meeting once a week Our Lithographic Work is Escelled by None tions of youth, who can tell what may be their if so he will want to know when your lodge lodges. meets and who manages its affairs. A card in or every other week, and going though a in the East or West. eventual fate ? Behold the picture: A grief-stricken woman, the WORKMAN’S directory would give all the hum-drum performance is very good as far WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND ESTIMATES. desired information. Wake up, brethren! Hang with five little human souls looking to her for as it goes, but a diversion is necessary guidance, the author of their being over the your shingle on the outer wall, so that he who sometimes, New departures should be runs may read. In other words, advertise your Dark River; destitute, without means of supmade andthe progress of the times not JOB PRINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. port, nay, denying herself that her babes may lodge in the Rocky MounTAIN WoRKMAN and forgotten. keep in readiness to entertain all visiting not want ! OUR SPECIALTIES: A public meeting to which the members members. pan Ree y Ser eet can bring their families and friends, and Banking, County, Commercial and What a commentary on man’s providence! ATTEND YOUR LODGE MEETINGS. Mining Books and Blanks. by which an acquaintance can be formed, What an eloquent endorsement of the poet’s Get up somewords: - Away back yonder in the ages when is a good thing for a lodge. thing new. A supper or public exercises t= Order your Blank Books made with the Masonry was in its infancy we are informed ‘*Man’s inhumanity to man Kelly Flat-Opening Back—a Utah InvenMakes countless thousands mourn.”’ that Solomon admonished his peers to at- in the way of public speaking or reading tion— Superior to any in use. tend their lodge meetings regularly, and so is very nice, and will do a lodge a great In marked contrast to the foregoing, is the we say to you, Brothers, attend your lodge deal of good —A. O. U. W. Messenger. work being accomplished by that noblest of all meetings regularly. Allow no idle excuse to fraternal societies, the Ancient Order of United keep you away. INSURANCE, You should attend your WHERE THERE IS HONEY THERE Salt Lake City. All subscriptions, communications relative thereto, and matter for publication to be addressed to RocKyY MOUNTAIN WorxMAN, P. O. Box 619, Salt Lake City. Gardens Beautifully Illuminated EB LULU | nL THE 2 ————a Kelly & Go., LITHOGHAPHERS, PRINTERS, Blank Book Manufacturers. Oa ee aD ata eee ts eS A One . Workmen. Organized in the year 1868, with a lodge, because it satisfies a duty; a duty to membership of about fifty earnest men—artisans yourself to know that the business of the and mechanics, who appreciated the necessity lodge is properly transacted, that your of providing for the future welfare of their wives and children, when they themselves had business interests are properly managed; a succumbed to the scythe of the Great Reaper— duty to the lodge to be present and ever for the purpose of mutual protection, the course ready to perform any work which may be of the Order has ever been onward and upward, required of you in working for the good of until at the present writing its members consti- the Order, It is in the lodge room that we tute a grand army of two hundred and eighty- are taught the sublime lessons of our Order, five. thousand men and its protecting mantle which can be learned nowhere else. It is envelopes over a quarter of a million homes. there that we are taught we need the help From its inception up to April 1st, 1892, this of one another. It is there we are taught organization has disbursed the vast sum of forty the lessons of brotherly love; to look after million, twenty-eight thousand, five hundred and each other’s interests and welfare; to guard forty dollars and twenty-three cents! For what? For the purpose of alleviating poverty and dis- the honor of a brother Workman, and also the honor of his family; to minister unto tress; to lighten the burdens of the widow and the fatherless; to put to rout the Giant the wants of a brother or his family when Want; to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, in distress; to watch at the bedside in and to ameliorate the condition of saapeintedial in sickness; and should Time’s reaper gather general. in the matured stalk, removing the soul of From the rugged shores of New England to our brother hence, to lay his earthly the laughing, sun-kissed waterscof the Pacific, remains to rest in a manner sug ggestive of from the snow-clad regions of the Canadas to our fraternal relations; and, to provide for the orange groves of the sunny south, the land resounds with the grand watchwords of the A. and protect the widow and orphans of the Failing to be present at O. U. W.: ‘Charity, Hope and Protection !”’ departed brother. See to it, brethren, that the good work rolls on. lodge, we remain unknown to our brothers Our serSee to it that the strain ascends, with ever- and unappreciated in our worth. increasing volume, until from million throats, vices are not called into requisition when in thundering diapason, its mighty tones encircle needed because we are not present to tender the globe and fill with joy and gratitude the them; then in the hour of our direst need hearts and homes of the bereaved and sorrowful. we will not be forgotten but be unattended, ———————_————_--_<--—- THAT was a right royal reception the Park City Workmen gave the visiting brothers, the evening of the 4th ult., on the occasion of the institution of Enterprise Lodge, No. 27. The members of the banner lodge of Utah, Ontario, No. 1, who are always in the front in the matter of entertaining their friends, outdid themselves on the evening mentioned. After the initiation of the 104 new Workmen who went to make up the roll, the installation of the officers-elect, and a rich supply of speech-making, a banquet at the Palace Restaurant was in order, which was in every respect enjoyable. In various ways the Park City brothers took care of the visitors and a good, social, friendly time was had all around. Quite a number remained over Sunday and took in the sights of the city, the mines, mills and concentrators, etc. The visit will be long re. membered by all who participated. because we were event of death unknown. we should not Even in the be missed, WILL BE FOUND BEES. Oldest Residents in the Real A lodge which attracts its own members HEBER YOUNG. to its lodge meetings will have a healthy Wm. FULLER. growth. <A lodge which meets only twice a month will have a slim attendance of members and rarely an initiation. Its numbers will be liable to diminish. The lodge which meets every week and entertains its members and visitors, they will be there care of life, and there is to any Banker or Mer- chant in Salt Lake City. In Business Fifteen Years REAL ESTATE, to the entertainment, will grow in numbers and also exert a good influence—a spirit of charity, fraternity and benevolence—in the community. The members of some lodges are not content without giving some kind of an entertainment for the benefit of the lodge at short intervals. They are constantly devising some new plan to boom the Order. A little fun breaks the monotonous state Business. Refer Fire and Life Insurance, 110 Main, Salt Lake City. INSURANCE. no better place to enjoy mirth and music than in the lodge room. Such work will popularize the Order, and it is safe to say that a number of applications will be received and several candidates initiated. Every lodge that gives a simple social, musical and literary entertainment once a month, will report additions to its membership. We should be glad to chronicle the reports of entertainments in at least a dozen lodges during this month. Send them in, brothers. —A. O. U. W. Messenger. a CONFECTIONERY. M.H. WALKER, JOHN President. STRICKLEY, Manager. TheKentuckyLiquor Go, (INCORPORATED) because, by our failure to be present at the Some one hasinvented an electric mouse-trap. regular gatherings of our brothers, we were It consists of a metallic cage containing Importers and Wholesale Dealers in unknown. How could we expect a prompt cheese. The mice naturally approach it. for of investigation, but the instant they and sympathetic response to our distress purposes touch the wire an electric current strikes rape call when we are unknown by our brethren ? dead. To reap the benefits:of association we must ' ALES AND PORTERS, WHo ever heard of an insurance company or We should! be known to one another. assessment society doing what the brethren of esteem it a high privilege to attend the Michigan are now doing? A member became Schlitz Milwaukee Beer, Case Goods, Fine Cigars and Cigarettes. lodge and be ever ready to help to exemplify | 8 suspended, through the neglect of another brother to pay his assessments when they were the cardinal principles of our Order. We due, and during the time of suspension the should not regard the matter lightly nor as member died. The case was peculiar, still no Family Trade a Specialty. Mail Orders Solicited a task, but as a pleasant duty. Weshould legal responsibility rested for payment by the Grand Lodge. The Executive Board, however, therefore be present in the lodge room when issued a circular asking for donations, and no Il, iS and 15 E. Second South Street, Se Sa seer Fine Whiskies, Brandies &Wines, possible, and also invite a brother to attend, doubt the brother’s family will receive the full and amount makes make manifest us one common that charity which brotherhood —E&£ +. of $2,000. Verily the widow and orphan’s trust “is well founded” in the charity of the A. O. U. W.—Ez. SALT P. ©. Box 477. LAKE CITY. Telephone 231. |