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Show . CLUMSY THE CHIPS. THE ROCKY SUPREME LODGE. MOUNTAIN WORKMAN. THE LIGHT A. O. U. W. O° MAY. DIRECTORY. J found a new, sweet world to-day When I was ill and sad; OF SUPREME RECORDER, A. On Uwe, (rand Lodge of Nevada, Utah, Wyoming & Idaho Green carpets frsm the looms 0’ May That made me almost glad: MEADVILLE, PA., May 2, 1892. Organized May 19, 1881. And birdsare building in the trees tives, That welcome all the miser bees, To ihe Officers, Committees and Representa While boys that plow sing in the corn Oraer Supreme Lodge Session, 1892: From every joy that June is born, will be The next Session of the Grand Lodge notiBRETHREN :—You are hereby officially of the held at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the ‘Twas but a little light 0’ May U and yours fied that the twentieth stated meeting With day of August, 1892. "Hell on the willows brown, in convene U. W., will And cottonwoods burst out as gay . Supreme Lodge, A. O. TuesW ould do well to join. s blackbirds o’er the town. the City of Helena, State of Montana, on Oh ! have we ever seen before OPEN meetings now and then day, the fourteenth day of June, 1892. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES—1891-2. Such flowers upon this prairie shore, um, Auditori an in held be Are relished by the best of men. will With nature’s music drifting in .-- P: G. M. W Whe session Pp. J. Dunne, Virginia City, Nevada....our for expressly Like boatman’s song with violin? Helena ee ee G. M. W ce built by the citizens of John Strickley, Salt Lake City, Pel We invite correspondence. a. o’clock 9 .....-+.--+-:- G. at W.M. Masi, Gheyenne, Wyoming will be called to order and use, _ re. +. 280. Bach path along the shining land ...-...-. March, Nevada in City, : L, M. Gile, Virginia Members died date. above the Recorder. Is clothed in full with green ; on Grand -.m., .... Utah. Ogden, Thorburn, David R And morning with her beauty hand yp. .) saci ca ia ues cio ae Invest a dollar in a fraternal paper. ‘he Supreme Master Workman says:will‘“The WE Voblelimiehs Occen Ub. x. G be Sows chrystalsin between ; ? It $25,000. 4,219. Idaho... ..--.----Pocatello, about March, Moyes, cost Alf. in has um Auditori Members suspended J. N. Russell, Murray, Idaho.....-...+.--+.-. x. I. W. And fragrance from the boughs that blow, sessions, 2,956. The cottonwoods and willow row fitted up with every convenience for ourcopy Carson City, Nevada. ...-.-.-- G, O1 Wee Taylor, L. W. Members reinstated in February, for of And walnuts tossing arms of brown G. M. E. +: committee work, preparation P. Manson, Gold Hill, Nevada... .----+-++ 6,100. Upon the bushes farther down. sicheres G. M. E. cs wre New members admitted in March, S. L. Brick, Ogden, Wisi printers, storage of supplies, etc.” . G. M. E. MARY BAIRD FINCH. 4,620. ComL. S. Barnes, Laramie, Wyoming. ....+.+:+:Net gain in membership in March, The headquarters of the Officers and sos ce ee G. M. HE. RC. Dubois. Boise City, IGaNOr ee Perse eee $3,525.00. m. 1892, 1, M. W. G. Auditoriu D. Apl. the °+-+-+-at Fund be ..-. will Nevada Relief mittees B. CG. Shearer, Reno, Balance in will tet een ts eye D. G. M. W. adore PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Wm. 8. Stone, Wmcien, Ma MouNTAIN WORKArrangements for hotel accommodations on = 3.4: D. G, M. W. SUBSCRIBE for the ROCKY Robert Smith, Rock Springs, WyOMile. be gathered from the following informati Boise City, Idaho. .......-.- D. G. Mow. Fallon, Robt. MAN. Work1, 1892, communicated by the Supreme Masterbeen arNature works in circles, GRAND TRUSTEES. Members in good standing April Every one agrees: man: “Hotel accommodations have Trees grow out of doors— ; er Hotel, situB.B. Lemmon, Hailey, Idaho. T. E. Haley, Eureka, Nevada. 284,195. gentlemen ranged as follows: At Broadwat Doors are made from trees.—Judge. John A. Boyle, Ogden, Utah. lists, miles three subscription about canon, your in Spnp ated in the mountain her through the go in to um small REPRESENTATIVES TO THE SUPREME LODGE. natatori be Need a woman Recorders. Helena, with the largest firstdo the from Thos. Cupit, Park City, Utah. Robert Smith, Ogden, Utah. world. This hotel is conducted in strictlyrender husband’s pockets at night? Put your adver tisement where it will Pp. J. Dunne, Virginia City, Nevada. railroad bridge in the United class style. The United States Band will highest The most good. etc., from the Order in a concert every evening. The rate has been States is the Kinzua viaduct on the Erie road, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Members withdrawn, to 305 feet high. made at $3.50 to $4.00 per day, according Win. H. Turner, Ogden, Utah. F. J. McLaughlin, Park City. March, 56. ™, K. Stevens, Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 st twelve conveniences, upon conditions that every room in his Autocrat papa Holmes, for Wendell Oliver membership be in wil! Net gain have at least two occupants, No rate room, as pers, first used the expression, “Boston is the COMMITTEE ON LAWS AND SUPERYISION. months, 32,838. single rs, in the Lodges made for one person to occupy N. M. Ruick, Bellevue, Idaho. A. C. Bishop, Ogden, Utah. . hub of the universe.’’ capacity utmost its to filled be wili Ler us hear from you, Brothe house the J. H. Shaw. Dayton, Nevada. er A Southern paper explains that when it referof the jurisdiction. Two lines of electric cars leave the Broauwat Enpaid out in Hotel platform, going directly to the place of red to “the Puritan spirit’? it meant New Amount of Beneficiary Fund gland rum.—Cin. Com. Gazette. IDAHO LODGES. and cars will meeting in about fifteen minutes, March, 1892, $609,290.04. so and The Korean alphabet is phonetic, Grand Lodge of yun as often and as late as required for our conLODGE, No. 1, Hailey, Idaho; meets first Ys, inquisitive inquirer, the to the simple that any one can learn to read in a day ; FAIL EY go to wishing not Those third Monday evenings each month. J. S Waters, venience. and Nevada is an August body. to remain in nearly all the women in Korea can read. ‘ Wasa e, M ; Geo. Chillingworth, Forethan ten en- Broadwater Hotel, but desiring I man; James Dunn, Overseer; I,eon Fuld, Recorder; J. H. One grow! produces more harm the city, can secure first-class accommodations Snodgrass—l’d like to pay that bill, but Beamer, Financier; W. T. Riley, Receiver. eradicate. can blocks words couraging a new large hotel three can’t just now. You must give me time. disbursed by at ‘The Helena’? um. Rates from $3.00 to $4.00 Grand total of Beneficiary Fund NEVADA LODGHS. Creditor—I don’t mind giving you time, but to. ham. 1, 2892, from the Auditori al acthe Order from organization per day. Those desiring more economic you seem to want eternity.—Life. of either at them secure $38,964,206.97. can GeLpD KILLEL LODGE, No. 2, Gold Hill, Nevada EPITAPH ON A LIAR. commodations per from $2.50 to buttons meets Wednesday evenings. HE. B. McTigue, P. MW. $1.50 lapel W. other hotels, at from Get one of the A. O. U. Here lies a man who while he lived John Crowley, M. W.; T. H. Smith, Foreman ; John Marks: They are modest, neat several Was happy as a linnet; , day. Anticipating as we do a large gathering the Boston Regalia Co. Overseer; John M. Kelly, Recorder; J. K. Estep, Financier of the He always lied while on the earth, Receiver. at the time of the session, the members Goetz, H. new and enduring. d now he’s lying in it.—N. Y. Herald. ER as ioe RT 2a in 1891 to and visitors desiring to stop at KVADA LODGE, No. 5, Reno, Nevada; meets every Total Beneficiary Fund disbursed monthly re- Supreme Lodge HAD ENOUGH OF IT. | notify must Hotels Helena or er the N Tuesday evening. The present officers are: J. A. Zeigler, the Broadwat January 1, 1892, as shown by rooms H. F. Pavola, Overseer; Mr, Johnsing, do you eber take stock in poli-’ M. W.;7. B. Campbell, Foreman; the Committee in advance and have whereby ports, $5,355,867.22. Niles F. McRae, Recorder; H. L. Fish, Financier; D. McKay, ReWehave made arrangements ics ? hem is quoted secured. R. L. Buncel, I. W.; John ceiver; W. D. Wagar, Guide; ' Tue fashionable handkerchiefThe fashionable the entire Supreme Lodge and their families can all my stock is in poultry Votemin, Mr. No, narrow. Kennedy, O. W. as very neat an d is sent in: jest now.—Schnorpske. word if for, provided bly of as comforta be deep, and delegates ERALDA LODGE, No. 15, Candelaria, Nevada; all grippe ‘‘a-hem”’ continues loud and request we | mS" end that HE SAID GRACE. time. To meets first and third Monday evenings. A. J. Corkill, yore. Secretary of General ‘Will you say grace?” said the editor, ; W.: Robt. Christian M. W.; W.E. Hill, Foreman; Workman— others to notify the First As the minister took his seat; Harp to po—Editor Keystone Harry McNamara, Oversecr;, G. L Albright, Recorder; Fred Reception Committee, Dr. W. M. Bullard, he spied :— Corkill, Financier: W. H. Thomas, Receiver. ; died, but please keep on sending National Bank Building, Helena, Montana. And the la ter cried, as the food “Brother soon “Tord, give us something to eat ! son will —Atlanta Constitution. paper to him, as T think his eo) Send this notice at the earliest date possible, @r. ELMO LODGE, No. 22. Lovelocks, Nevada. Peter ajou.” cer, P. M. W.; P. K. Reid, M. W.,; W.c. Ruddell, Forestating how many each will wanoc accommodthey Gatos News, signing himLos the in L, M. A writer ravages Recorder; gad hotels Thies, H. J. two made the Overseer; of Anker, grippe Peter man; for, and which Notwithstanding la self ‘‘Fair Play,’’ says: “There is something Donelin, Financier; J. T. Huskins, Receiver. a reduction tions woman who cannot in 1891, yet the A. O. U. W. showsless in assess- desire to stop at.” wrong with the man or LODGE, No. 25, Reno, Nevada; The Supreme Master Workman, the Supreme of 0.75. in death rate and $2.00 on sign oir names to letters th ey write, None Wy ASHUNGTON meets Wednesday evenings. J. H. Burger, P. M. Wi Recorder and the standing Committees ments than that of 1890. F. M. Taler, otherwise.” Ahem !—Golden .G. Shearer, M. W.; Jos. Parsons, Foreman; out in 1892, Appeals wiil meet at Helena but cowards du Financier ; THe Order will collect and paywithout deduct- Laws and on advance ate. Overseer ; e Conn, Recorder; Fred. Strassburg, the of meeting the of in J, N. Bakless, Receiver. ORGANIZATION. probably $7 ,000,000, all of which, be paid out to four days Lodge; on es Committe the and ? ing anything for expenses, willof that! at organization UTAH LODGES. A—Do you believe in Credentials and on Distribution will meet widows and orphans. Think in advance of the meeting of B. and C.—No! of the jurmeets the No. I, P ark Cit y, Utah; THe awakening among the Lodges LODGE, A.—As there ar three of us of one mind, lets GNARL to the Grand the Supreme Lodge; in accordance with Sitch, , P. M. W.; D. G. Wil. Wednesday evenings. isdiction will be an eye-opener the statistical standing regulation adopted by the Supreme form a club. A. EB. Cunnington, liam, M. W.; M. ©. Sculley, Foreman; Lodge atits next session, when rn is read. They organize. €. A. Ormiston, Financier ; Lodge. Overseer ; Con Hunt, Recorder; Thorbu r Recorde Grand of Yours in C., H. and P., . report The large sum of mo ney that the government B, C. Lhompson, Receiver. for the year Death rate in the A. O. U. W. reports, 9.57 of India devotes annua lily as reward for the de- GALT LAKE VALLEY LODGE, No. 12, Sait Lake M. W. SackErt, Supreme Recorder. eaverill, Ps 1891, as shown by the monthly struction of snakes has prought about an unCity, Utah; meets ‘Thursday evenings. ent rate of $9,59 |. M. W.; J. B. Taylor, M. W.; R. J. Deighton, Foreman; Geo. to a thousand and assessm expected result. The snakes are being bred Order can THI REPRESENTATIVE. of ob- Jucas, verseer; James A Fryer, Recorder; T. C. Crawford, for each $1,000 protection. What and reared by the natives for the purpose Financier; Geo. A. Hill, Receiver. Ren wera ieer eerie NM ee eee pre Nee ee ee De usual head money offered. show a better record? frater- taining the THE BABE OBJECTED. No. 15, Salt Lake City, Utah; indulged in more LODGE, TEN ML? 3 The Keystone Workman is an influential P. M. Ws Bolton, FRATERNAL visits should be brother Jackson evenings meets Monday s become nal paper, published at the birth- place of Father CY the Weds do ; only Foreman in Not Neder, nurse Philip tly. new frequen j. M. Bowman, M. W.; ‘‘Rock-a-bye, baby,’’ began the that is engen- Upchurch. Recorder ; H. L, Glenn, It speaks ‘right out in meeting” | Visick, Overseer; W. A Pankhurst, better acquainted, but the spirit a family, as it and says many good anc truthful things to its a Boston family. med the infant imperiously. Financier; Peter Glsen, Receiver. dered in mingling together like g cy Uk ihe Aa Ees ; ‘Desist 1? exclai find we lasting. Utah; meets every readers. Among its recent effusions and well- “T am aware that the vibration of the atmo- QPEvEN LODGE, Neo. 16, Ogden, were, is cheering, inspiring and y ine BOM WisPsy OES W. which is applicable es his time, evening. spended in a tree Wednesday THs Grand Officer who sacrific s and ease the following, Jesse J. Driver, Oversphere will cause a eradle su Rich, M W.; James Allen, Foreman; directed: G. K. Ott, Financier; T. G. his business and his domestic comfort oscillate. _N. Y. Sun to members | seer; Cc. J. Flowers, Recorder; of top number the the s deserve suprising really rder, It is of the © Thomas, Receiver. FROM A NEW DRAMA. in the interest t permanage active, always 24, Ogden, Utah; meets heartiest encouragement and most in his juris- who can the you. dge and PROTECTION LODGE, No. Corlew, Gran R Armand—Come, fly with me, I implore W.; e days at P. M. J. $8. on, sistent assistance of every brother ! every Thursday evening. W.R. Williams, OverCamille—Never ! Sir, you insult me profusely at the expense of the Jurisdicti White, M. W.; J. P. Stone, Foreman, diction. l W. T. Kelly, Financier ; you will not go ! they are asked to devote an occasionaor A. ifurssell, Recorder; C. when Armand—What, | seer; who alled the children’s friend, “T would rather be ce strength | w. A. McGaw, Receiver. the deputies all as with Order you the of resist work will the to evening ” said the great P. the | CGamile—I tear me than the world’s king, Wedmy woman’s nature. if you would me and | ALINA LODGE, No. 25, Salina, Utah; meets; Henry It is a noble expression assist in the task of arousing and enthusing ‘‘too busy”’ of sS nesday evenings. Hans J. Gottfredson, P.M. W Barnum of circus fame. from this place, you must first drug every. Workman. Lodges in their vicinity, are always R. Thomas Foreman; You will find a bottle N. Hayes, M. W.; Byron Kessler,llestrup, and worthy of adoption by a friend to protect or “haven’t the time to devote to it.” “*ineligar render me unconscious. Recorde: ; Percy es Schroder, Overseer ; Walter E. To The brother who persuad in the A. O. U. W. i tion” is probably the word they mean. the bureau over there. on chloroform | e, Receiver. of Candland, Financier; EH. W. Cran his family by membership and file, the day has rank the of Brethren no the children’s friend indeed. WYOMING LODGES. WAVE A S MULE. one by for representatives that have “Soda has else. A reliable Philadelphia daily says: it be possi- inclination to do anything meets HEVENNE LODGE, No. 3, Cheyenne, Wyo.; to give representativeship in the Grand been selling for a weex back.”? (‘an old porous occupied accepting In space the R. W. Bryant, worth is it 7.30 p.m. at Perhaps every Wednesday evening ion has a right to their mind, ble that the familiar and reliable TY. Clark, Foreman; A.D. on to the thought which is in our care by a squirt of Lodge the Jurisdict Pp. M.W.; J. A. England, M. W.; A. Recorder; W. S. Hurlbut, as plaster is about to be side-trackedhabit continues services in the carrying into successful operation expressi Nichols, more J. d M. ; exercise McNeill, Overseer ‘there needs to be We do Financier ; I. L. Fredendall, Receiver. soda water? Ifthis drinkingnext thing we may of the legislation they took part in; and your | thatthe atmosphere in our lodge rooms.’”? a moral polto grow on the populace the guzzling some en- | Lodge owes it to itself to have a representative | to not mean by this that there exists but the word— we me an expect to hear is that they are , is a Workman in every sense of who removed be should that JOuIN STRICKLEY, lution WALKER, ticing liquid for inverted nails. and not a figure-head. lodges that lack of | M. H. in many Manager. signified | Let it be your duty to ascertain the practical that there exists ty and sympathetic friendliPresident. urrp a number of Workmen have on Satury cordiali brotherl | see and atives, of represent ing City would-be value of these so essential to the inbreath their intention of visiting Park of officers rolis around ness which is of the instituforce. vital | day, the 4th inst., on the occasion Most of those to it when the election ‘‘too always grasp atives who are tion of the new Lodge there. U. P. via Ogden, | that these represent time,” are not allowed there |. A happy face, a bright smile, a cordial Wonword possesses going from here will go by the and reaching the busy” and “‘haven’ttime or neglect their business of the hand and a welcome p. m., to sacrifice their derful power of attra ction and a potency to leaving here at 3:30 joined Lodge. be _ (INCORPORATED) will Grand fogs of gloom and indiffthe They just to attend Park at 7:30intheevening. but clear away the murky at 5 p. m., an Let the historical saying, ‘‘Place none Don’t try to impress others with the by the Junction City contingent from there guard to-night” guide you in your erence. of your wisdom held in reserve under | and Wholesale Dealers in s Importer the two bodies will travel together ng company Americans on“place amount | none but zealous Workmein on says “I am choice, and A special will bring the returni on. | cover of a noticeable reticence that Be careA round-trip fare of duty in the Grand Lodge.” back the next morning. | loaded, look out for me when I fire.”” utmost your do and $2.25 has been secured. | ful of the feelings of others harmony. up your family | to generate a spirit of concord and it to your“Brrrer would it be to train insure them to If you feel cross and crabbed, keep ring to EVERY LODGE endeavo in penury and want; better to by ALES AND PORTERS, relief get not them will treat You to | self. the bitterness of poverty; better | divide it with others. thus prepare them | Goods, with uniform contumely, and and scorn of the Remember that the w orld nor the lodge room Schlitz Milwaukee Beer, Case neglect and was Should take at. least but insults in, the tes. for all the appliFine Cigars and Cigaret | was not made to be glum and sad. There is a | world than to surround them witha necessity, to cheerful and bright be to meant | luxury of the best of these ances of wealth, to make thread of | ‘time for all things, and one i ee ten your brethhang their happiness on the slender | times is when you can gather with it breaks, to cast to the sweets of your own existence, and when than beggars!’ | ren and with wit and story add Nat- | them upon the world little betterthese OF for | laugh was one of the first things darkTo words life, t in rmon se a i 1s cloud of Brother, there ‘ure did after she threw olf the sunlight it constantly. E. Second South Street, .” thousands around us. Preach in the snulcd earth he | 14, 13 and lb ness—‘‘t | THE WORKMAN. d a circus last -_MEADVILLE, No. 234, enjoye an airing, with | LAKE CITY. | "SALT for out AND was Its “‘goat’? HELENA evening. TO @ $24.55 ONLY r,” Deputy | Telephone 231. P.O Box 477. RETURN. Brother P. M. W. McCoy as “steere Hoffman | Brother Armstrong as ‘‘pusher.”’ A. OU. W. | n ‘trained’? tickets from Salt “played thunder.” Brother Heckma | The UNION PACIFIC will sell ed” in| “swash Porter turn at one fare for | Brother while the steed, to Helena and re Calvin got) The Supreme Lodg e of the Ancient Order of Lake City trip. Tickets ons ale June 7 to 14, in- | || among the breakers, while Brother10,0. B18] the round date of sale, Workmen convenes at Helena, Montana, | up a “breeze” all avound.) The. g and re-| United15th, 1892. For this occasion the Union | elusive, limited to 30 days from D. E. June the room above let out their meetin additional iniormation apply toCity. any | redrowned in the will sell tickets to Helena and the | For tired, the closing ode being below. P. System, Salt Lake | BuRLEY, Agent U. <> Tell you| Pacific System fare for first-class from one S35. —— of arose rate that low the ny’’ at “harmo | | turn 14th, just to out 7th s opes, June member sale get observmicrosc on to want Tickets trip. what it is, if you by means of | animals—the | round to 30 days from date of sale and 10 days | Leuenbock, ain of sand, which limited get the ‘rio? and harness up the Workman. | ed spider 3 no bigger than a gr k 4,000 of them to | transit limit in each direction. ds so fine that it too boys will be there to ride.—Keystone n | For tickets or additional information apply to | spun threa the fly spider, | brethre the that e a single hair: learn to | equal in magnitud pleased We are | System, Sal | the members | D. E. Burtey, Agent Union Pacific itis known, lays an egg as large as itself. have hit upon one inducement for Lake City. to goat to meeting. An OFFICE > r% ee | | | TheKentuckyLiquorGo. } ! Fine Whiskies, Brandies &Wines, | | Family Trade a Specialty. Mail Orders Solicited 1 | | | CONFECTIONERY. |