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Show THE 2 THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN. WORKMAN, ROCKY MOUNTAIN WORKMAN. THE SALUTATORY. CHURCH AND THE WHERE, oh where, is that button ? ORDER. (= Send us what news you think will be of Considerable discussion has taken place, one In issuing the first number of the ROCKY interest to your fellow Workmen. MouNTAIN WORKMAN we confess to some little time with another, regarding the connection of diffidence, not because an organ such as we de- the Order with the church. Secret organizations THE paraphernalia for Salt Lake City arrived Published Monthly by . sign to publish is not needed in the jurisdiction, have been denounced from the pulpit through- on Monday. It will no doubt be put into use EVANS AND CRAWFORD, exactly, but principally because of the stringent out the broad land as works of the Evil One. at once. Who speaks first? This application, we confess, was general ; but condition of the financial system. Everybody 52 W. Suconp Sours Sr., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. From indications, there will be a big turnknows that throughout the length and breadth of when we consider that the A. O. U. W. is to a SINGLE COPIES, ONE YEAR, : © = $7.00. the land dollars and dimes have been as scarce certain extent of a secret character, we strenu- out of visitors to Park City to attend the instias hen teeth during the last year or so, and, ously object to having our Order classed among tution of the new Lodge on the 4th. Communications ee to advertising ay. be addressed to The mission of the church is therefore, starting a new paper was thought by those of the E.O. EVANS & CRAWFOR publishers Rocky Se WORKMAN, SALT LakE VALLEY LopGE did the handsome tobe a hazardous undertaking in conse- asacred one—the perpetuation of the teachP, O. Box 619, ; Salt Lake City. quence. But we believe in thesecond principle of ings of our Savior. The aims and objects of some at its meeting a couple of weeks ago, in subscribing for 100 copies of the WoRKMAN for All subscriptions, communications relative thereto, and The first our Order’s groundwork—Hope—and have faith our Order are of the same nature. matter for Ree to be addressed to RocKY MOUNTAIN Go thou, and do likewise. that our labors toward the ineulcation and es- principle upon which it is grounded was said to three months. WoRKMAN,P. O. Box 619, Salt Lake City. tablishment of those principles which tend to be the greatest of the three graces—faith, hope OuR advertisers in this issue are of the class SALT LAKE OCI 1-0-4 io = JUNE 1, 1892, elevate and improve scciety, will be seconded and charity—charity. In their labor of love, which makes up the solid business of a comby the fraternity of the jurisdiction, and that the members of the Ancient Order of United munity. The patronage bestowed in the first DO NOT REFUSE a copy of this journal Workmen carry out to the letter the injunction number, we are confident, wil] be greatly inthe little journal will prove ‘‘ago.”’ ‘from the fear that you will be billed for asubIt is usual, on occasions of this character, to of the Redeemer to “‘visit the fatherless and the creased in succeeding ones. seription. The paper is never sent to any person who is notentitled to it. Lodges freThey are taught, and they teach, make premises ; but we have very few to offer. widows.”? SALT LAKE VALLEY LODGE received a visit quently pay subscriptions for their entire In the first place we shall always advocate any- that when a man is providing for the comfort membership, and in this way many persons from Bro. Wm. EH. Barnes, of Springfield, Mass., and welfare of those God has entrusted to his thing for the advancement of the Order, the receive the paper who do not directly subseribe at its last meeting. The brother isa young and cause of humanity, brotherhood and genuine care, he is serving his Creator, and every forit. zealous worker in the interests of the Order, fellowship. We realize that the Ancient Order Workman does this when he throws around his and gave some excellent advice to the members Wuo’s a buttonshort? of United Workmen is growing in numbers, dear ones the protection of $2,000 to aid them in to be up and doing to increase membership, power, usefulness, influence and greatness, and the battle of life, after he ‘‘shall have passed 4G= Get us one new subscriber. WE are pleased to chronicle the fact that the that in its noble work and glorious achievements that bourne from which no traveler returns.” Therefore, the members of our Order can also Pacific 8 tates Watchman has been made the offiIr you are a Workman, let the fact be known. it stands in need of substantial, earnest assistThe work of both cial organ of the jurisdiction of California, in ance from those who have the success and be members of the church. is a grand one—the elevation and redemption of which, hereafter the notices of assessments will AN increase of membership means a decrease growth of the institution at heart and wish to There is no conflict. We are labor- be published, as well as other official communiprove themselves worthy disciples of Father mankind. of assessments. ing for the uplifting of humanity; the church cations. The WORKMAN offers Brother Barnes John Upchurch, THE ROCKY Mounratn WORKMAN is a lusty Let the two go on in the its sincere congratulations. Should there arise, at any time, a discussion is doing the same. infant. Mark its growth. concerning any principle, Lodge work, or tech- good work. It is not improbable that the returning Supreme Lodge members, or some of them, Wuo is going to the Supreme Grand Lodge nicalities of the laws, the columns of the WoRKOFFICIAL VISEITATIONS. MAN will ever be open fora friendly settlement. may be kidnaped on their homeward way, meeting at Helena, this month? We solicit correspondence from all the Lodges, We are of the opinion that visitations by the either at Ogden or Salt Lake, or both, in which Drop a dollar in the slot, and let the Rocky giving the assurance that it shall be published. Grand Officers made throughout the jurisdic- event, wouldn’t a big gathering at some promiWith these few preliminaries, wesend out the MOUNTAIN WORKMAN do the rest. tion more frequently would result in much nent public place be in order? The good that Rocky MouNTAIN WORKMAN, on its labor of good. It may be advanced that there is no is sure to result will repay an effort in the EVEN Michigan has been having two assess- love. Its watchword shall always be the theme fund to liquidate the expenses—traveling and direction of finding out. ments per month for some months. of the Order—‘‘Charity, Hope and Protection’’— other-—necessary in so widespread a section as WE notice, every now and then, in the fraterand on that platform we base future success. SUPREME LODGE meeting at Helena on the What we shall teach will be what is taught, this of the Rocky Mountain region, and the ar- nal papers, a request for the abolition of the J. W. gument would be a correct one. But the Sub- Degree. One eastern association has resolved 14th. Wonder what the harvest will be! week in and week out, in our Lodge rooms, pure ordinate Lodges could so arrange it that asmall to ‘‘request its Committee on Ritual to report and virtuous lessons, whose influence is good Ler none but live Representatives be selected and noble upon those who heed and profit by percentage of their General Funds could be to the Supreme Lodge a single initiatory cereused for such purposes as bringing from the mony in the new ritual.” We believe that the to attend the next session of the Grand Lodge. them. headquarters of the Grand Lodge those who moral and practical lessons can be impressed The growth of the Order in the mountains is TwENTY members elected May 16thin Laracan impart information and infuse new spirit upon a candidate’s mind by a single initiatory an aim for which we shall bend our best enermie Lodge, No. 4, with several more on the into members, and having them dispense, under ceremony, and, would, therefore, second the gies. There are hundreds of good men in Nedocket. the head of Good of the Order, those choice les- motion. vada, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, to whom the ILLINOIS has commenced to grow in member- plan of operation of the A. O. U. W. is a sealed sons they are capable and willing and ever We take this opportunity of thanking our ready toimpart. It is understood that a Grand ship. That jurisdiction ought to have about book. brethren for the cordial spirit in which they To these the WORKMAN would refer the Lecturer forms a part of the working force of 30,000 members. rallied to the support of the Workman. While article on the ‘“‘Mission and Purposes’? of the the Grand body, but how often does he get WHEN we read of jurisdictions with 30,000 Order, published on the first page. Take it to around to the Subordinate Lodges? Not often confident that the time was ripe for such a publication, we were more than surprised at the them, show them its beauties, advantages and 40,000 and 50,000, we want to know why our enough. There are many matters and subjects encouraging manner in which subscriptions benefits, and applications i membership will figures can’t be doubled. Devoted to the interests of the A. O, U. W. connected result. THe and circulation of the WORKMAN is so varied extensive that an adv. in its columns is bet- ter, five to one, than a city paper. SUBSCRIBE for THE Rocky MOUNTAIN WoRKMAN and learn something about the Order_ with which you are associated. Keep posted. MASSACHUSETTS compared with now has 28,000 members 31,500in New York. The new The present number is not a criterion of hat the WORKMAN will be in the future, as to size. We will enlarge it right away. The next number will be double the present size—eight pages. We have begun the work, intend to stay with it, and ask your earnest co-operation, and assistance. TAKE THE and the Workman Helena. on three applicants. KANsaAS City boasts a new fraternal paper devoted to the interests of the National Union. We wish the new venture a full measure of success. The city of Helena and in fact the en- tire State of Montana will unite in giving welcome to those who join in the excursion. The rate given is an open one to all members and their friends, at one fare for the round trip. A choice of routes can be taken, going one way TuE indications are that the Supreme Lodge and returning another. Therailroad companies session at Helena, will have the largest attend- are joining hands with us in the endeavor to ance of members of the Order that it has ever make this grand A. O. U. W. excursion a suc| cess. Go yourselves and get your friends to acenjoyed. company you, and see the great West, and esCut this out and paste ae in your hat: The pecially the great National Park. A. O. U. W. pays $1,000 every hour of the day to the beneficiaries of its deceased members— OH, WHAT A CHANGE! $12.000 a day. A GRAND, wide, roomy, Wen antec aghal stered niche in the sacred temple of fame awaits the brother who organizes the first Degree of Honor Lodge in this jurisdiction. the language Nevers, ON the 16th ult., Temple Lodge, No. 15, of this City, conferred the J. W. degree on one degree WE In TRIP. No better opportunity will probably ever be offered for our members to visit the ‘“Wonder Land of America?’ than that offered this month at the meeting of the Supreme Lodge in England jurisdiction is making rapid strides. It is confidently expected that at the next Grand Lodge convention a movement will be made to amend the present system ofissuing notifications of assessments, monthly reports and general circulars, by which one copy is sent to with our growing Order that the lay members do not thoroughly understand, which ean often be explained by those best posted, and we favor the adoption of some means to have the brethren ‘‘swing around the circle’ a little more. ‘‘'We are ARE HERE. of the illustrious here.’? On second Duc de thought, however, these may not be the exact words of his royal highness, but nevertheless we are here. Weare here to fill the proverbial long-felt want. We are here to spread the principles of Charity, Hope and Protection. We are here to teach the people of this and other ilks what it means to be a Workman.’ We are here to h2rald the fact that there is a body of men in existence who believe in doing to others as they would have others do unto them. We are here to aid and encourage our bade ren in their glorious task: To upraise the standard of humanity; to dispel the mists of igno- rance ; to lighten the burdens of our fellow men and induce them to share with us the benefits of our noble Order. We might go on enumerating ad lib. our reasons for being here; but let it suffice to say ‘we are here’”?—to stay, and will be heard from quite regularly. THERE is an Association of the Order in Philadelphia which has a quartette of excellent committees provided for, which, if they attend to business, should accomplish a vast amount of pensive, and that the medium of a fraternal good work. One is the Committee on the press, paper, duly authorized, would be far better and whose duty it is to secure recognition and meninfinitely more economical, both to the Grand tion regularly in the various fraternal Order In this issue we publish the assessment list for and Subordinate Lodges. The plan has been The second the current month, which though unofficial is adopted with marked success in the east and columns of the local newspapers. one is the Committee on Public Meeting, who correct and will be taken cognizance of by all west. are instructed to place the A. O. U. W. more good Workmen who > peruse t this number. permanently before the public. Next isa ComWHAT WE’LL DO. THE members and officers of Lodges should mittee on hali—or temple—to be centrally lomaintain enthusiasm and not suffer themselves The fourth is that on We attach an importance to an organ of this cated in the jurisdiction. to grow luke-warm or indifferent. We would description, which should be considered by our visitation to arrange visitations to the various suggest as a means to this end, entertainments, Lodges. Such appointments in Subordinate readers: The Lodge news that is intended to social gatherings, fraternal visits, and other The third one be printed every month will bring the scattered Lodges would be appropriate. similar means. mentioned is a hint for the financiers to specubodies of the jurisdiction more closely together ; Park Crry will institute a new Lodge, June the doings of the brothers at the north can be late upon a hall or temple which the Order can 4th, with over 100 charter members. Three perused by the Workmen in the south, and the call its own, located in some leading section of cheers for the Park! May she ever be as pro- proceedings of the eastern portion of the baili- the jurisdiction. lific in producing good Workmen as she is in wick can be scanned by the westerners ; thus the production of the components of our great uniting and cementing the bonds of the comA member of the A. O. U. W. died a short American dollar. time ago in Philadelphia, who was evidently a mon brotherhood already existing. chronic ‘‘jiner’” from “away back’’ His death ’ Tae Rocky MOUNTAIN WORKMAN is bound Wirn the paraphernalia it is confidently notice occupied twenty-two lines in the newsto be one of the best mediums of advertising of any society paper printed in this western coun- expected by those most zealously interested in paper and invited nineteen different societies Then added a scoop-net securing it for this part of the vineyard that an and Lodges by name. try. A 2,500 circulatiom to begin with, and a good show to greatly increase it, is a fact ad- awakening will result from the introduction of invitation to ‘‘al) other societies of which he was a member.”’ the “goat.”’ vertisers should know. WE expect to give next month a report ofthe proceedings of the Supreme Lodge session at Helena. The occasion will be an enjoyable one both for the members and the visitors. each member. It is conceded that the present method in these matters is cumbersome and ex- came rolling in upon us. Again, thanks. Inci- dentally, however, we will remark that our subscription list is not yet quiie filled, nor is our advertising space exhausted. Some thoughtful writer in speaking to the members of a sister organization said that he had noticed that the most virulent opposers of fraternal societies were those who were most ignorant of those principles and designs. To goa step farther, the men who are the most discontented in our ranks, who make the most objections and who are generally disagreeable and cranky are those who do the least active work and least understand the principles and- necessities of the Order. TuE visit of Brother P. M. E. L. Cobb, of Camden, N.J., to this city, a couple of weeks ago, was indeed a treat to those who were fortunate enough to be present at the meeting of Temple Lodge, at which he spoke. He is an enthusiastic and zealous worker for the Good of the Order, and as such the fraternity should give him a cordial welcome in his few-and-farbetween visits. Those who listened to his eloquent remarks, telling, truthfal anecdotes, and sincere and earnest exhortations will eagerly await his ‘“‘second coming. Me THERE are numbers of non- affiliating Workmen in Salt Lake City, and we presume in other cities of the jurisdiction. They the n.-a. W., give as their reasons for not depositing their cards and joining the ranks here, that the assessments and dues, are lower where they re- tain their membership, and, consequently, they prefer to be economical and “send on’ their monthly checks, postoffice orders, or drafts, to being numbered among those wifh whom they have, in some instances, “‘come to stay.” What’s the matter with rounding up these brethren into a Lodge of their own, and giving them an opportunity to work for increasing the membership, lowering the assessments and making this a cheap jurisdiction ? OuR congratulations are sincere for the earn- est workers who have been laboring for the welfare of the Order and the increase of its membership in the Rocky Mountain region. The results of their work during the past few months have been excellent. And yet the good work in this section has but fairly begun. Two new Lodges in Ogden, one in Provo, one in Eureka, another at Mammoth, another in Logan, one at Heber City, and thrifty organizations.in each of the following towns: Payson, Mount Pleasant, Manti, Salina, and Richfield, with the prospective new Lodge to be instituted at Park City on the 4th, speaks well for the enterprise and zeal of Brothers Mahan and Darke, aided by the fraternity of the localities mentioned. |