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Show [Correspondence solicited. A. O. from members of the Order is WORKMAN. NOTICE earnestly 4 Titre MOUNTAIN FOR JUNE Wm. SKEWES & SON, Communications on allsubjects pertaining to the U. W, will be received and published, but the editors assume no responsibilities for the sentiments expressed or arguments used in the communications. All communications ROCKY should be accompanie y the name of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guaranty of good aith. Anonymous communications will not be considered.] new members, and that are hereby notified Assessments Nos. Fidelity....| 5;Ogden, Utah 17/T. McLelland.. Murray /16)Murray, Nichols..... Gold E. OF a DEATHS. Undertakers and Embalmers, | ce ° NAME. 2 16) AS SEUSS: 3. Sees 18) Jacob there LODGE. |9| LOCATION. i= ged eeeto det 7 . Hill 2\Gold { were a number of applicationsin toacton. The brother concludes his brief letter by saying: “Expect to have 100 members by July 1st.” Laramie’s membership according to the April report was 34, so that the increase will show some good work in that part of the land. that 12, 15 and 16 amounting to three dollars, are now due and will be delinquent on the 28th inst. LIST Under date of May 18th, Financier Beltz, of Laramie Lodge, No. 4, Laramie, Wyoming, writes that on the night of the 16th that Lodge elected twenty Brother:—You rer a THE | AODESSMENT Gommunications. Idaho DIED. CAUSE. PN eeigeh hie e f) ..... Mintvedz, tsd2..2) Paralysis ise. k) sa Me al .. /Mar. 80, 1892.... Hill, Nevada./April 9, 1892... Gangrene, at. Consuniption .. Be Pe 18 E. | JOINED ORDER. | DATE AGE jOct. 80, 1888.....] 51 pth eee Nov. 16, 1885......| es Sel cae Jun. 22, 1881......) 58 yourself from South Street, LAKE OITY. Hour in 44 Open AgIf $ou do not pay the amount called for in this notice before the 28th inst., you suspend privileges of the Order, and Lodge action must be taken before you can be reinstated, Third SALT Every the Year. all the BUY A. Fisher Srewing Company, Wm. J. LEMP’s From a personal letter to the editor from Grand Recorder Thornburn, we learn that he is aware of the activity displayed by the Lodge MANUFACTURERS OF mentioned above, also that Cheyenne Lodge, No. 3, is doing some capital rustling ; there had been issued to the first-named Lodge thirteen Beneficiary Certificates, and to the latter thirtyeight during the week preceding the date of his’ FOR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE, letter—the 24th. From the same source we glean that the P. O. Box 1255. Lodges ina Ogden, week ago, had twentiythree applicants under way; that Richfield, Sevier County, had sent up sixteen applications A PONDEROUS DECISION. Leave Orders at “THE RESOR is to encourage the organization of Degree of T,” to Bro. Grand Medical Examiner S. L. Brick, Honor Lodges. By this means we can unite 2%6 S. Main, or call Telephone 380 or which, if approved, would constitute Lodge No. The following juicy decision will be read and our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters with us in a systematic manner to become helps. 26 in Utah. enjoyed. Experiences similar to that contained Our meetings, as a rule, last but a short The Grand Recorder adds: “A number of below have been had by so many that the story Space lodge of time, and immediately afterward the brethren are making arrangements to be in will appear like a twice-told tale: meeting of the Degree of Horor could be helda Park City on the evening of the 4th proximo, Once upon a time there was a certain A. O. without extra expense and be a source of much on the occasion of the institution of a second U. W. Lodge that always indulged in an ex- added pleasure. Wherever there is a flourishing tended recess, under the Good of the Order, for D. of H. Lodge there you find the A. O. U. W. Lodge in that city.”’ prosperous. Let us try it in Pennsylvania. The Lodges in Nevada were holding their entertainment and amusement, and they always Hoes gee MR had such a happy time that members would Azent, own, he was pleased to state; but regretted come in late rather than not at all, just to enjoy 4e- When you’ve read this paper, hand it to that there was little activity to report from it. Oftentimes they would enter during the your brother Workman or to one whom you’d recess. like to become a brother. Circulate it. Idaho. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Seen The brand new M. W. of this jovial lodge one In relation-to the status of the assessments time hatched out a brand new idea which he THE next number of THE WorKMAN will bejust now, we will quote from the gentleman’s carefully nursed until he could promulgate it eight pages. letter.”’ “Our maximum of assessments for the with proper effect. Said he, mentally, here are a Beneficiary Fund is 28, of which number, in- brothers coming in late every week, and they INSURANCE, THE Supreme Lodge at its next session cluding those called for June, i6 have been is- always miss the exhilarating calisthenic open- make provision for a lien on the benefit should certifiing exercises which are physically beneficial as cate in favor of sued, leaving but twelve to complete our year. well as educationally advantageous,” so he dethe Lodge which is obliged to pay the assessments of a member because of his HEBER YOUNG. Oldest Residents in the Real Wealso have to comply with the requirements cided that when the recess was over, all memstate Business, sickness or insanity. Where a Lodge which is ofthe amended Supreme Lodge Relief Law, bers who had entered while it was in progress not very strong has, for example, Refer to any Banker or Merinsane Wm. FULLER. which is that each jurisdiction assesses $1.00 per should ‘‘mosey’”’ to the altar and perform the member, it has to pay out considerablan chant in Salt Lake City. e money salutation act. for his support, and at the same time pay his ascapita for members in good standing on June in Business Fifteen Years When some wise old members, figuratively sessments, and the burden is tolerably heavy. 30th, the proceeds to remain intact in the hands speaking, hoary in the service of the lodge, Our laws in this respect need3a change.—The of the Grand Receiver until the Relief Board protested against this innovation which com- Overseer. ilar areas Sot Fee makes its annual callin January. By this en- pelled them to witness this insipid athletic performance every meeting, the matter was reWHAT are the watchwords of our Order? actment, prompter relief can be afforded to ferred to the G. M. W. for his official consideraCharity, Hope aud Protection. overburdened jurisdictions.”’ Let us be true tion. Now, this. G. M. - was, poetically to them, “so that when our Charity has run its speaking, one of the course ; when our fondest Hope has been realFire and Life Insurance, We respectfully remind the brethren throu gh“Tall men, sun-crowned : who stands above fog ized; when human Protection can no longer In public duty and private thinking ;” serve us, and when our souls have been anchored out the jurisdiction that letters upon topics of upon the shore of the river of peace, those who interest to the fraternity are earnestly solicited. and but a short time before, in an unguarded {10 Main, Salt Lake City. moment of levity allowed a lot of Mogullian live after us can say of us: ‘He lost sight ++ highkickers to give him a hypodermic injection self in his Charity for others, reaching out withof WHAT WE SAY AND DO. INSURANCE: of their ‘‘care annihilator and ‘wrinkle the Hope that they, too, might be enfolded in banisher,”’ and his ‘funny bone” still tingled the Protection of the Order.” Our thoughts often times bring to us consola- from the cffect of the asinine laughing gas. So tion, in the fact that what we say and do are when this momentous and original question THE following is the list of officers of the new not lost, but live on and on, no matter what may held him up” like a highwayman, as ’twere, he become of the identity of the one who gave ex- chuckled seven gutteral chuckles as he pranced Lodge instituted at Richfield, recently, by Bro. into the back yard, pulled a tail feather out of pression or who performed the act. Mahan : This being true, what joy should the thought his last_ goose, and indited the following bit of Simon Christensen P.M. Ww. bring to each and every one. Mankind are the official humor : J. M. Bolitho M. w. I am very nearly paralyzed at the contents of your comrecipients of what effort brings, and while the —— THE ——_ Sol Sprague Foreman and I suppose the best way to get out ofthe Henry Neill...:.. individual may be either benefitted or other- munication, scrape would be to tell you that the seal of the lodge was Jacob Lauritzen eeconder wise, as the word or action is either that which not attached, and that, therefore, I decline to answer ; but Samuel G. Clark -Financier ennobles or debases, so may we be made the bet- on close examination I find a faint impress in the northwest W. EE. Thurber -Receiver which looks something like the cabalistic emblems ter or worse by our ownendeavor. No thought corner of our Order, sol suppose I will have to make an effort in According to the U. C. Press there have been or deed is lost amid the vast ocean of multiplied reply and thereby expose my ignorance. i half-a-dozen applications for membership in the in deciding this question 1 am placed very much in the thoughts and actions. We make but one of the osition, and my decision will be similar to that, of a commyriad of those who have gone before, and so mittee appointed in a certain town of my native county to new Lodge already. The intant promises to our thoughts and actions go to swell the vast decide a bet for the drinks between two men who were grow immediately and keep on growing. accumulation of the world of thought and action disputing as to which was the darker complexion. The Bro. Mahan, as soon as it is decided by D. G. committee decided that one was the whitest black man they by which mankind is guided and directed. S. © EWING, Prop. ever saw, and the other was the blackest white man they M. W. Stone, will be out in the field again in a Once put forth a word, or action, like the current of air it moves onward in its ceaseless way, few days, probably in Davis County, where it is Just decision of the Order that requires a member, after the Opened... Everything New. gaining force from contact with other particles Guide has reported that all are qualified to sit in the lodge expected two or three new Lodges will shortly until, perchance, what was but an almost im- room, to advance to the altar and give the salutation sign ; perceptible movement has developed into a neither can I think of any reason why a brother, ifasked be organized. EXPORE BEER St. Louis Beer, Salt Lake City, Utah. : 384. L. W. DITTMANN, REAL ESTATE, THE CULLEN. Modern Hotel of Salt Lake City AAAI force resistless and overpowering in its results. How careful then should we be that each word and deed be so considered and weighed that, when put into action, nothing but good will be accomplished. Asin material things like attracts like—so good thoughts and deeds gather to themselves those of like character, and ag they float onward ever gather strength and power by accumulation. So likewise bad thoughts and actions gather and intensify evil words and deeds. Happy ishe whoso regulates each thought expressed and each deed done, that as it takes its endless course down time’s unceasing way it gathers not of the dross and impure but of the pure essence and refined gold. —_———-——- <> HEED THE —- LESSON. * BROTHER BARNES, in a personal letter, writes as follows: ‘“We have had a siege in California, butI think that this unusual death rate will have the effect of making the members stop and think. Death has come pretty close to many homes, and it brings most forcibly to the minds of those who have heretofore been careless and indifferent, as they see their friends—old and young—fall at their side, the reflection: ‘This might have been me,’ and the long list of dead associates presents the fact that the destroyer is among us, and the query: ‘What would these families have done without the practical pecuniary blessings of the A. O. U. W.? is heard on every side. No evil without a corresponding advantage. The passing away of those who die is intended to teach a lesson to the living. May they heed it, and may this scourge be the means of awakening the attention of thousands of men whose homes are now unprotected, — ~<a + to the absolute duty and necessity of shielding those whom God has committed to their care.,’’ t Advertisein culation of 2,000 that number. the and Workman. will be read It has a by four cir- times y the M. W. to advance should refuse to do so. “You, therefore, pays to the altar and give the sign, your money and takes your choice.”’ Should the lodge think it inctfmbent upon the dignity of my official position to give to them a more explicit decision, they will, of course, their wishes, inform me through your ready pen of T hardly think the above decision will appear in my final report to the Grand Lodge. DC. LE WAS, J. B. TAYLOR. LEWIS & TAYLOR, Plain and Ornamental Plasterers 126 W. Eighth OUR WOMEN potency in the “A level-headed woman, whose husband is a member of our fraternal societies, never allows to lapse. on prompt payments and no lapses of married members’ certificates.’ What we should do in this Jurisdiction where need to call into play every helpful factor, we Elevator, Steam Meat and improvements. PICNIC, INCLUDING Boating,Dancing,Ete. DON’T FORGET THAT CALDER’S YOU WILL AT PARK Gardens Beautifully illuminated Take Rapid Games Transit Cars, marked CALDER’S ; for Salt Lake City. sroprictor, Leaver, iO Conrad & DEALERS IN WAR Co., EE, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Nails, Ete., Etc. Office and Yard, 255 W. South Temple, Telephone 514. Salt Lake City. R. H. ALLISTON, PROPRIETOR Salt Lake Towel IM. Supply Co. Supplies a Specialty. Salt Lake City. EFLOPEP, Manufacturer of Fine Candies and Jobber of Cigars, Etc., AT NIGHT. RESTAURANT ON THE GROUND’ PARK. Pacific Depot, BEN. F.WHITTEMORE isk, ©. Box 1478. Bar and Club Room P. ©. Box 603. BH ENTERTAINED. BY ELECTRICITY all Modern City. AN (OLD TIME In this respect she is a helpmate to the society as weil as to her husband. 0 “It would be a good thing to add 20 per cent. to each married member’s assessment and pay this amount to the wife. If this was the case we could depend FOR quiet influence of the wife or mother when called into action than in that of the husband or father. They appreciate the protection which our Order throws around their little ones far more than does the member himself. Why do we close our doors and refuse to invite them to our aid? Women are modest and retiring and will not force themselves upon our notice or interfere, unasked in our work. Still they feel they have more at stake than we, and would willingly labor in our behalf. An exchange says: his assessments Salt Lake AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. Rates, $1.00 to $2.50 Per Day. Opp. Union The Keystone Workman, in a recent issue, published an interesting article with the above caption, which carries with it so much that is sound doctrine and good, common sense, that Wwe present it to our readers. This is it: Have our Grand Officers and those who are actively engaged in the work of building up the Order ever endeavored to measure the loss of helpful aid caused by not more fully enlisting the good offices of the women folk of our Order? There is more South, FOLK. Union Pacific Hotel, Children. 54. W. Second South, Salt Lake City. ADVERTISE in THz Rocky Movunrain Workmay, the only exclusively A.O.U.W. journal in three States and one Territory —-Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. : |