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Show 7 le, = = 0 eR aE i \ cos STU me et Beel Bliner. & CS Wakao oc", + ; _ Bavaivare, Sir, : Permitted to walk the earth free, way leave. srarwommuset: bag Tie tiéned, TE A RG RNS Ne rer,» « 2 fee TENTED, JP Rn aes . ‘Nelms ast eed PIREWAT-OP ves "9 YE ‘RY ae RR sive = Wall Paper $: ~-_o &$4 RBorders. vt: t, ‘OF ALL oy :t oe if e4 ' | PER tet she o~ || +: one ne et Be: FOR MAN OR BEAST. + tees Tteta daha rs ens veut casa tetis ere abcd + + + north-west When a medicine has aes done its work in millions of cases for more than dof a century; wien it has reached every part of the asia: when numberless families everywhere conRider it the only sate reliance in case of pain or ace aay itis pretty sufe te-cab such a medic HAVANA CIGARS - FMill, Mine and Blacksmith’s eessAND BEST ‘supplies, i LIQUORS "My. crime J freely confessed! Teas not for myseif I pleaded,~ GAS PIPE AND TUBING, Also TRON AND BRASS FITTINGS. < BELTING, PAOKING, She was—she was—my wife, He is Going Ont Business and Steck Condemned two beings to prison, Oh, God! Tcan hear the moang, that followed A FULL Wirén ‘the ‘sentence reached her ear: And I knew that her heart had broken, Broken without a tear. Assayers’ Goods ‘ pwadtwo years ago, Wartien, | { you'esyTam free, | 9) 5 | yoa point:to the scroll of parchment; My Ged! what's man’s pardon to me, My wife, my one blessing, bas left me, Hae died of a broken heart, *.’, death is the price of my BETORTS, MELTING freedom, And now you bid me depart, ’ POTS — BUNE- ASH, aa Remember wy other house. And all the LATEST & EGGS AT ALL TIMES. sells LITHARGE, At MINING Old DEALERS ; applic ations (er Address all communications and letters of anaes to T.umber | Cooking and Heating Stoves and Ranges Manifesto! and petition are entertained. you ECLECTIC. ask —ALL SASH and PANEL DOORS and WINDOWS DONE In Southern Utah. MIXED AND DRY Carpenter PAINTS, Oils and Glass, 2 Work an and ol a ing without being trivial. number contains something to ater est every member of the family circle, it addressés itself par- KE HAVE PURCHASED MR. JES“sup’s interest in the Peter’s Leap sawnyill and are prepared to offer better inducements to parties wanting Jumber than any other firm in the Keef, and can, deliver special orders much sooner than a59 other mill company. and Heavy & Light tron, Copper & Tinware NEWS The Editorial gticet: sive. and Go to J. B. Stephens, for your GOOD FITTING BOOTS. Orders taken for Ladics’ Dress Shoes. ' not! vin: Te carats OF F. 8. HAMILTON are hereby AND W. B. DODGE— notified that I have. exe improvements upon the Minnie m situated in Harrisburg Mining Disro,Weshing’ ton county, Utah Territory, as certificate of ALL ed on of said Harrisburg Mining under the provisions of section2: Revised Statutes of the United States, reer the amount for the ned ending June 2st, 1879. And if within nin days after this notice by publication you fail or tae to, contribute your proportion of such expendiin said tlaim the property of the. subscriber under said Section 2324, night, By H. 8, Lipohnn Meeirindeot Silver Reef, Utah, July 23, 1879. j¥23-3m Note as NOTICE, » mote it is possible to make them. O JOHN STEWART A AND LUIS ioren— You are hereby notified that there tis due from each of you fur.work..done aes the, Hardscrabble Mine and Mining ease ed in Harrisburg Mining District, W: KICES, FANCY (=> No other magazine is so ah dees aioe ee as the Kclectic. Eb ontains a fine Steel Engraving. Lig fae subject of general interest— usually a portrait— and eac year’s volumes co Twelve or more of these engravings, which are executed in the best manner by the best artists. ‘these engravings are of permanent value, and add much to the attractiveness of the Magazine. To which I beg to direct public attention. CurTcery, éramosa wig-g10 g1Op10 [[V coor, ConvECTIONERY, MaGaAZENks, ODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, CHROMOS, i HVEO ci ‘Aaaa And full line of Miners’ Notions. J. R. RICKARDS. AAATIS Silver MaIN = piesrenersite Ste nto ‘oenoH ef Blacksmith GREET, SILVER Shop.| Work, ee Of all shapes done on short notice. Horse-Shoeing “all the same.” SPENCER, CONTRACTOR wibebr * BUILDER. Corner of Main “SILVER i ED OME5 PAB aud Boyd nex, UTAM. Streets sums WING Stewart, the L you sum shall of pay $16.66 to me or cause to: me the various sums.above set forth within Wash-House, Bonanza, ninety days from the date’ hereof the entire in- terest of each and both of you will become mine by virtue of the law. Silvér (LOWER MAIN STREET.) Reef, July : A, HARTMAN. Tth, 1879 IRONING AND FLUTING. Noncs JIs HERFBY oLvin’ THAT rtnership ierewbre oxietin tween Charies Retallack trek doing business as haba Ws aeant‘Wash: Work done promptly and in best of style. tah, is) this ay day digegl ved by To this department of intellectual activ} ty the Uclective gives larger s cog mutual. consent... C, Ketallack will continue Stee -IN THE PROBATE COURT tho business at the same ries, due , nd for the county of Washington, Tera and, said firm will be collecte ritory of. Utah... Hon. John M,.Macfarlangs: 4pad.liabilities will be paid by h Judge ROSA BAR plain vs. HENK ny . BAER, defendant. The peoplé ofthe Ter“Gee a, oe ftorvot Utah to Henry A. ‘Seer; defendant, Leeds, August 5th, 1879. gree Faw. are hereby sammoned toeerie SUrnenests THE JOSTION'S COURT ‘PERMS—Singie copies, co) 8, 45 conta : one copy action brought SEsint you of Leods.precinct, Leeds,.county of Washone year, #5 in advance: two copies, $); five named ROSA BAER, Rian in the Pea ington, Territory of Utah. JOHN M. McFAR‘Lrial Sitedttgtion for three bate Court in and for the county of Washington LANK, pilsintiff, ve. Gnoros UOSR, defendant, The Ecleetic: gnd any) other $4 and Territory of Utah, und> answer the ¢omTo, George Goss, greeting publication.to one address, $3, or Kelectic and slaigt filea therein ithin ten.days (exclusive Yor ave héreby enti wrbtéd {o'bé and appear of the day of ‘service) after the service om you orth American Keview, $10. Postage free witore me, the undersigned, atmy otras tm said to all subscribers. precinct, in the town 01 Leeds, county of Aspen ington, on the iad ey, of- October, A.D, 1879 ten o’clock, a, oO Answer a complaint fied forty days, or judgment. by default will be ADDRESS: taken against you, according to tho prayer of against you by we stove named weoute wherein he Siew. judgm the sum said complains and upgn the proofs to be adof $2 tude ay rib beg ‘mae aomere) E; R. PELTON, Publisher, uced there _ i. bates Pn him f Tt‘ re t red beThis antion is renee to olitain a decres n the th day of Fe ast » 4877, and dissolving the matrimony oxisting 25 Bond Sireet, N. Y, ihesittonthday 0ofty ay of pees) the between said viaanttt aba efendant,o oe ppear, jag a Wil be rengrounds set for ip the complaint ort ‘he yo priateFo datanls lot the amonnt of my office. An w fal to appear and anie orthe said! dou phaen eg.required, plaintiff said demand, and’ costs hereon, any.Conatable ofahd’ county, Ul take pofautt a ns you and apply to the pessiay ere legal service ae due return for, “Should send for instructions, terms, refefchces,'| ciCourt for the )eliof prayed ag soc? en { have bereusth sot ete., to Broa, Solicitors of Patents, baer. = Hig nth day of 8 my 7 hehe an bepentane the SS gnai Court. ; siven Washington, P= 07,-who-—furnish the same t by tober, A+ # warner CHARGE. re Brothers is a -wellRe aicts 08! 7, WILKINGON, known ’hd ssful firsof Iirge Sxporience, #10 bt amelie of the Peace of sald Precine oe st “olor of Pretets Court, Cavite been establishéd in 1866." tt an any other magazine in # t nota not exelusively seventies REEF. BLACKSMITHING, ‘Wagon. Tsetse NOTICE. AND ‘“ISINOWO19 “Wd For liver and action First of Utah, the for assessment work for the year 1877; you, Jobn Stewart, the:sum of $16.66, from you, Luis Mozer, the sum of $16.66; and fomassessment work for the year ae eg unless Science. ‘UCINIVE pue u3jg SAM WASHING, yoon8 men ‘eluomensg County, Territory Steel Engravings. ARTICLES, jy2s-tf ‘o} popaens A bis cla:m,: and this pended One hundred ($100) Dollars iu Seas and, me PURCHASING principally from first hands, I am prepared to duplicate SALT arn CITY oe of of ee for it. Gentlemen! date W. STAYNER, “Atiorney for claimant. You Departments are ita complete support the District Records, in order to hoid said premises Science, Art and Varieties, andthey are made as comprehen- DEPOT, in entry thereof at the expiration of from required to hold the same Literary re said NOTICE. pe amuse- Foreign proof Nhe Editorial Departments. ee . —GENERAL— oo William A. Terry,H.E. No. 4,130 for the oe 8 E 44, sec. 91, T. 42,8. BR. 25 W, 40 sores, and names the following as his witnesses, vis: W1lliam_Carter, nee Washington county, U. T., and readers who seek protit as well J. B. RICKARDS, final thirty days WHITE LEAD, ZINC and PUTTY A well-appointed work- ‘shop attached, with ESPECIAL CONVENIENCES for manutacturing a ate ticularly te that great dy of intelligent as in in bovk B-of LanD OFFICE at Balt Lake’City, U. T., Nov. 16th, 1879, OTiCE Ik HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE N following named settler has filed notice of is intention to make com njiutation oFhm A. E. THE BEST While each Reet, page’ 172 Notice for Publication — No. A32. and dis- ars sit hndiog svithor mt-a-Sear. It goes to the very or of the matter, manctnttag : even the bor ane See gcretody, and disappoints one.. Jt has been in steady use for wHOre thar twenty-five years, and is positively te The aim of the ECLECTIC is to be instructive without being dull, and entertain- ANDO SATISFACTION CUARANTEED- at Silver te on ty-flve cent bottle of Mexican Literature, Science and Art. KINDS O0F— FRIEDMAN, Under the Harrison House _, ee galls, Old Sores, The largest and most complete stock of The Ladies’, want, Bruises ear Lam s, “at “ts the greatest remedy for the disorders and’ accidents to which the Bruye CREATION are subject that has ever been known. It ctires Sprains, —Swinny,; Stiff — Joints, Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Dis- woceseOFcccace aw Department. as‘ many of them have alréady _ascerthjaéd, 18 perféction ftself, and it will puzzle the most Onions ‘lady patron to call for an article which i is not in stock. To enumerate everything on the shelves would require volumes, so we will content ourselves with issuing .2 general invitation to call and ‘extmine the goods that all may b Satisficd ‘that we have made no statements not susceptible of ocular demonstration. don't see what Cuts, tals Mecake siniment has often saved a eels pa) a life on Grutches, or partment, which no expense has been spared to’render fall and complete, shirts of exery deseriptionand all grades are on exhibition, while a specialty is made of paper and linen If you Scalds, and Moiding, Hardware. In the Gent's De- “collars, underclothing and hose. tai Sore Nipples, Caked Breast, aaeece every form of external MAGAWMINE: CARPENTER'S, and BUILDER’ S ert ae ; rai this notice to be published in the Silver Reef Miner, a newspaper published at aoe are W ec Lerri i published nearest aa full paring of sixty’ days Rereons claiming adversely the mining groun claim, lode, vein or premises or weA vortion thereof as aforesaid. described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse clatia are duly filed as minora ae to law within sixty days from a date of the first publication hereof, they will be barred by virtue of the prov ee toe tate Sores, Ulcers, FPyauthiieds c‘hilbiains, 4zD Doors, Sash, the Ladies of Silver Reef and vicinity with; every conceivable article of personal adornment, he is ambitions atill further to demonstrate his public usefulness. He has just returned from a trip to the best purchasing markets of the West, where he carefully seJected a large and “excellent assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods, to which he directs sey yr with pardonable pride. ‘The w complélé in the: Ladies’ and ore s Departments, and to all who Widh an ‘elégatit and serviceable article of merchandise, the best possible inducements are offeréd:” Considering the unparalleled quality of the goods, the prices are unpre‘cedently low and no fears of successful com- ‘Lerritory, one ee poets ailments of the FLE aration, Swellings, Stiff Contracted Muscles, Burne Sprains, Stings, Sti . THE MINER, Silver Reef, Washington co,, Utah Ter, SHINGLES, In great variety and of best manufacture. een Not content with the conspicuous success which Friedman has achieved in fermishing post No, 3 of said mining claim ¢ 3. Janae sen stone boulder bears north 60 dég west as feet distant. From post Ne. 4 of.said taining claim a large sens boulder bears-seuth 68 deg east 74 tect distan ‘The nearest se cire anxiodal larethe Buck- | eye Lead, Mystic Gslitorniaia and mining clainis. ‘the recorded in the reeo faerie ee ot Harri Mining Yistrict, in Washin LINIMENT eet HU UMAN in senate on the south line of patkioncl 41, south of range 1 14 . weagt of sala ON This robdertod Stand. 12 and claim, thence soutl No, 1 of said mining place of bePaine: Magnetic variation BM ae en east. Containing an area o| Krom post No. 1 of said uiaug weneral monument No. 1. bears rer ty solitary Be to the merchant oodcutter who splits Pr , an is foot with one It cures Rneumatian when all other. Send and Get a Specimen Copy, 18 are MUSTANG NEWS. meqners than re Their disease tang Lin _ Sonctcaee ee membrane and tissue, to the very bone, banishing pain and curing disease with af power that never fails. Itisa medicine aeeded by ey ory. body, from the ranchero, who r ideg Happenings, his cost. this place Local Liniment. of section j of a thousand. MEXICAN Clothing IrZeekethon Miles, el s ) | a Heo York is Friedman’s MUFFLES, FRESH BUTTER ETC., ETO., ETO. Bnd bid me no longer live. Strike off the bars from my prison, Oh, sign the eternal reprieve, And Jet me join Annie in héaven, — i 4 That “Te Ro lower Bricye.! fie, CRUCIBLES, below the selling Mustang A truthful record of ; 3 want no such freedom, Warden, >» No pardon that man “ _- But ion God it goad na LINE OF of is , and All forms of outward speedily cured by the THE LATEST TELEGRAMS, of All RAIL AND BAR IRON. And the justice, with falt’Fing tones, Her a good Supply Sonia quarters follows, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of said Savage mining claim at a pine ry 4 inches square and 1% feet long, marked 1, U. S. 99,” which is # post Nop of ae minieg claim, t ones running south 81 d min west 1,474 feet to@ pine post 4 inc caaakea “No, 2, U. av,’ w 2 ot iais mining claim. thence north57 degw t to a pine post 4 inches acta e aan Te feet a marked ° ‘No. 3, U. S. 59,” which is post ee 3 of said mining sais thence north 31 de; ansd-one other blessings and mercies performed by the old reliable Mex- ican FAMILY GROCERIES life, Warden, But the law knows no mercy, Warden, ow, atified sopbing sien tkeees In the Mryer will be found BatI plead with the Cour! for mercy, The This is the.case with the Mexican ustang Liniment. Every mail brings intelligence of a valuable horse saxweds the pgony. of an awful scald or subdued, the horrors of rheu- —— _ , While the dry sobs shook my breast. . _’ THE BEST OF IPS KIND. To be had in Town.at a Bit a Drink. Conétatise nf part of ALL SIZES of . “Then ¢ame the trial, ‘Warden, loved: me, Only Newspaper Published Southern Utah. THE,,.. NSEC IS HEREBY GIVEN HAT Mathias Magney and Conrad Gi nied » whose pestoGhee address “is Silver Washington County, Utah Territory, mt Solomon: Breisacher,. whose te sane ‘is Pioche, Lineoln county, State of by Conrad Gibfried his duly. auth Swemeed -agent and attorney in eet Ww po poet “Dilicé address is Silver Kee county; Territory of Utah, have: inde app: ao tiomfor-a patent for fourteen hundred and seventy -four Qs 174) linear feet of the Swvage mine or vein bearing silver ore eet with surface ground six. hundr h width, situated in Harrisburg Min eed trict County of Washington, Utah ‘Ll lan designated by the aes ESa ondf official plat on file in this office as~i in ale base No, 41 south Sitarcey 4 wat orSalt Lak and _ meridian, aud in the north-éast THE BEST EEF hy ( mo ¢: IRON and STEEL, And then when the days.passed, Warden, -And my crime had came to _— My first + was of Annie,* “Bnd. he she must hear of sha blight— The awful bight that had fallen .4 A@ross her hushand’s fame) And beside the anguish I soffered Hell's fires mnst Sacely be tame. who PATEST. Unrrsp’ Srares LaYp Orrice,- When I came from that dresGful act, ’Twas to save & woman's F. FOR Nonicea Ms 498." * Ou 2 — Number 9. [ttt thet tHe te ttettteetetetetetteey —AND— To my home in ‘thé early evening , With heaft and conscience racked, A woman 6 DR Oe “APPLICATION sExOOND GREENBAUM HARDWARE, j i And I signed the name of another, That deatblegs deed of shame, The tender welcome that met me = BRE ~Bliscellanirous. Our Own. | Iwemember, Warden,. mt Wetton OR IuporTER AND DEALERI reo cpap ‘na wen bs 6 wappea’s devotion, By a loving wife's last pain. wei FA Salt Lake City, Utah Ter., June 8d, 3am, I tell you she died for m6, Warden; Obrist! RE a Main St., below Centre, Silver Reef. And the Govey’e tende iW: hag cher a Sitseelionerng. But God knows the act is no mercy; ea piiits ass ES JUST RECEIVED! 5. 5! ‘HALPIN: "You say Tam pardoned, Warden, SLE “PATENT INVENTORS and PATENTEES Fen A. LEHMANN, SOLECITOR OF: AMER: n and Foreign Patents. Washington US We business een ectoe with Patents bofnh ae Rika nt Of Ce oF the Courts, SRE atten ed ti rge mado ahlees a patent is secured. Send for'circulas: ee [8 oY ws toactn SOE Nin a sidan oem er eter. j a al pal ltl Naka ots ‘ ss MUCK Biyicnvwrn La ti PU WHITRUBAD, fasts / waar eps et % LOS a Me ie tap. =e LA I TOR ie hie K f |