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Show The Silver Beck Miner, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ‘7.1 BY “aide AND SATURDAY THE... L PUBLISHING COMPANY, Mins. oo OFFTOE—Main St., Silver Reef. Devoted to the Mining Interests of Southern’ Utah. ‘{ ‘pers Or!SUASGRIPION: One year Bix soon 98°00 = Re on) atd> Se aes 15 eobneeterseesepesere me: Delivered by “carrier at 95 ots per week. Cc. i : “COAST —The rora. MANTOR, & - Dr. ~- S. -. G. ‘Main Street, —The Bodieites are having gay tending funerals on runners. Silver Reef. Jornick’s Bank. Notary Public ip Office, y-at- Law any legal business entrusted —Eureka's hospital number —The , Rankong Company, Company last . tab \. main boys H RICE, Oashier, |. PAINTS2. at Ward, (Nev.) was driven’ 90 then, bullion’ shipments struck TO DECORAT- ING & PARLOR. } pulpit: realized The old they pay dirt. the “amber vintage of the Blue Moselle,’ Thatis what they call beer in Bedic. —Thé advance in the price of lead has added a quarter of a million dotlars to the value of Eureka’s product in the last six months. scamp, for whom no punishment is adequate, broke into the. Episcopal Church last week and broke the top of the organ. Lower Main Street, aoe Reef, IN —The Yankee Fork Herald claims country mer, Groceries: Provisions, LUMBER and to order. 4@-> teeta, at of Centre : * and First West A. WINQUIST, 922 tres, One door below Exchange Saloon, _— — Guaranteed. j ve a0. M. LYNCH 39 a Feed and Livery Stable, Lower Main St., Silver Reef, Utah, “S663 8 al in x ur Ti &o., Situ: ‘ine ‘g Sum- from the says the San Sodom. Francisco and Gomorrah,”’ Exchange, was recently at the German Theatre, The views are said to tedious trial, toon . hs sand dress af —The Winnemucca of worship dashed excite our magnanimity, they visitors; they are increase handy at State Fairs and indispensable at oyster saloons. They are eplendid.as escorts for some other fellow’s wife or sister, and as friends they are better than women. As our fathers they are inéxpressibly grand. A man may be a failure in business. a wreck in constitution, not enongh to boast of as a beanty, nothing as a wit, less than nothing as a legislator for woman's rights, as'a-member and of the even press; not very but if brilliant he is..our own father, we overlook his shortcomings and cover his peccadilloés with the divine mantle of charity." —Dnil times and a scarcity of money at Winnemucc¢a (Nev.) is ascribed by the Silver State to the custom of sending abroad for articles of food and wear. Says the level-headed editor: By expending at home the money sent abroad for what can be purchased here, it will enable merchants to reduce prices, because the more they sell for cash the cheaper they can afford to sell: and this rule is aplicable to all-kinds of business. . Printers ‘know how if is themselves.’ Those who are daily sending orders for dry goods and other articles to California, St. Louis and New York, forget that if prices are a little higher here, the money is expended at home and makes times livelier. clothes or.a Others, pair of if they want a boots made, suit must of send abroad to have it done, not thinking that the California tailor or bootmaker never spends a dime here or contributes in any manner whatever to the support or prosperity ‘of the community. It is greatly to be hoped that, purchasers will see the necessity of changing this policy and patronizing home merchants and tradesmen, and that the latter will, by acting on the principle of ‘* quick sales and small profits,” give them no good cause to continue to drain the community of money which, if spent at home, would make business comparatively lively and the has’ been com- ee Silver State thinks there is aplace for standard silver dollars. Of course there is, Every well regulated newspaper office is furnished with a mammoth safe for their especial accommodation. —In digging a cellar at Loe Angeles, Cal., recently, the workmen found about sixty pounds of base bullion, eaid to contain 50 per cent, of silver, They propose to dig farther in hopes to uncover regular smelting works. —It is predictea that the removal of the railroad shops from Wadsworth, (Nev.) $will nearly wipe it out. of existence. A town or two, more or less, don’t make much differencé in Nevada, The State is a regular graveyard in that lige. —Mr. John I. Ginn, well-known in newspaperdom, hab taken editorial charge of thé Bodie Standard, Mr. Ginn was for many years connected with the press of Nevada... He, ig a foreible and original writer, and constitutes’a <a acquisition'to Bodie journalism} Spades and Hearts. Before the war a law was enacted in Tennessee which made. it punishable by fine and imprisonment for a black man and a white man to play carde together. This law was not disturbed the era daring the of reconstruction. war, In and survived fact, it was about. forgotten that: such a law was among the etatutes of the State. Some time ago witnesses went before the Grand Jury and gave testimony which resulted in the indictment of a colored man and a white man, who were charged with having played together a game of euchre. The law had not been repealed, and as the ¢vidence was clear the men were convicted. They took an appeal, and cided that the ‘tresnits of war’’ and the conamendment had, in effect, repealed the law. The defendants were therefore discharged and the State assumed the payment of the costs. wo ee Christmas Party. usual number at a h. xi Riana 3¢ ot man { eTREET.: ea ii —AND— , OYSTER There PARLOR. erste Nk tees, Ps UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLYy inthe publie that they have opened thie x first-class style, All the de ‘the season are on ha and prepared b ks: second to ages oe the camp. 'OYsSTERS in every tuapeaae a greater de- OPEN gree of cordiality and friendliness in thegreeting of members than I have generally noticed DaY AND NIGHT. West & Meyers, Prop’ ¢: heretofore. The hottest contestants In debate: last session were the most demonstrative. In the Senate the meeting between Tharman: and Edmunds was particularly warm. They shook with both hands and Hiughed in great glee for some minutes. These two, both of whom left the extra session in-bad_ health, come batk looking better than they -have for years, Senator Conkling, however, does not OENTRE 8T., SILVER BEEF. look the betier for a rest, if fideed he has had any rest. He looks olderand grayer, and Matt septs’) ED IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE AND Carpenter looks pale, bloated and worn. © Beat Tabie in Town. SENATOR THURMAN'S RETIREMENT. ea Meals 3 The Republicans in both houses complainby the Week.........ecsessesceers ed that the bouquets and baskets of flowers Board Board by the Month...... sive dé besvents 40 00 were mostly bestowed upon, the Democrats. As they came from the Government Botanical Gardens, perhaps good taste would dictated a more equal distribution... Uncle Sam should know no party in the bestowal of his favors. But the Republicans have not thought of this heretofore while they were gobbling up everything belonging to the Government. | Speaking of Senator Thurman, he does not THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a continuance of the same, asI appear to take his prospective retirement from the Senate very much at heart. At any am now prepared to sell the:cheapest and the. best quality of bread in‘the Reaf; Remem rate. he is not averse to joking on the subject. our bread isnot adulterated apd we are soiling They tell a good story about the way Garfield, 164 ibs for one dollar. saré when you bay Tom Young, and several other Ohio states- a loaf that it weighs a‘pound anda half, men stole into the Senate Chamber recently and each parted their coat-tails over ThurReef. man’s seat, to see how it would fit. The other All are invited to call at. the Bilver Reef Bakday when John Sherman came: in, Thurman ery to try our bread and we are sure you will urged him to sit down and try it, saying that never buy anywhere elas, « all the other aspirants had done so, and he wanted to see the Secretary ae a fair chance. THE STOLEN MESSAGE. The message of Mr. Hayes is probably one of the weakest State papers ever sent to-Congress. The little interest that might have attached to its reading was destroyed by, the premature publication of it in New. York, HE BUCKEYE BOAR ‘HOUSE 18 Cincinnati, and Chicago Sunday morning, conveniently situated the Various mines thirty-six hours before Congress met. By being worked on the eater, ich oe fur, ee good board for ae eee PEE whom it was stolen isnot known, but be K. There are good8 ee ceerheenan cause these newspapers paid the thief $500 Methaoted with the Wiocaurase where those deeach for copies Mr. Hayes proposes to shut the auing it can obtain lodgings. you want nice, HOT DINNERS, call corrrespondents out of the clerk’s room at the tie Buckeye ‘Restautant, which is setona ton White House. Perhaps one of his clerks was in the camp. The proprietor is qoing the guilty party. The portion of the message hie be st to pidaie ne customers, and invi ta phe treating of civil-service reform excited posi- public to give him tive derision. Republicans and Democrats alike laughed at it. When Mr. Hayes was a candidate his utterances on this subject commanded respect, and even when he issued his famous‘! Order Nol!’ he was given credit for at least sincerity; but in view of the performances of himself and Cabinet. and.the severe contempt shown for the matter by ofPatronage Generally Solcted . fiee-holders all over.the country, Hayes would certainly have shown good taste and good sense by omitting further reference to the subject. His cant is the sheerest hypocrisy, and it is On a par with the hollow pretense of “competitive examinations’ kept up in some of the Departments. The idea is held out that the applicant's chance for appointment are in a. H. CARLTON, THOMAS JAMES, proportion to the efficiency, or standing on ois _ Mines; Liquorsand Cigars. E ont patibted wats = SUMMER ‘DRINK os Milk Punoh, Sherry Cobbler, oe ae ee cae o, Alt Rihds of Cosmopolitan | — * ‘First Class Lunch: ‘Stand. BILLIARD. TABLE. a. - Private aa Open Or Day and onan: ~L FORDONSKI, CAPITOL:} utes) ‘Wines, ‘Liquors & 1" Pies and-Cakes, the Best in the BuockE BOARDING CIGARS, nei * t a Oblainabl, inte UNITED STATES. YE; HOUSE. LL MELLGRE, Proprietor. st bo 493 rig? t heyy payed on dy iiane OS) and TORMMET 2: gat er Cocete to aifas ond wf ONDE" 8.6. PERRIN, Stormont Boarding House. Billiard Hall One of the finest Billiard Tables im the Territory, * All My Old Friends from Bingham Invited to Call the list after oxamination, while as a matter of fact ‘influence “of the right sort is the only real test applied in practice. The whole thing is dishonest, and dishonesty is not reform. ‘ WILL NOT TINKER- THE CURRENCY. The financial recommendations of the message have met with a cool reception even from Mr. canvass Hayes” of the own House party, by and Mr. a of Republicans and Democrats are about business-like likely frame to be much commodations A and * foolishness,"’ PHONO. Christmas holidays Tree. will soon be here, and in order not to disappoint the little ones a movement is now on foot to get up a Christmas tree, which will be erected in the Catholic Church. Everybody; irrespective of sect, is invited. Om Attention! Go té Stephon’ a for your good- fitting Boots : Y ates and Shoes. pads Oh -mtres teres 1 choicost cute VEAL; alse, Prledehia § , MAIN STREET, SILVER rai a call and see for ie ee. after @ fair trial, FORTMAN & HARTER, Props. judged by our works. MEATS DeLiveReD to all points in the Nicinily FREE OF CHAKGE. ty Kmpire Market, —The Ohotocest Brands of" / WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Obtainable in ‘ths Market ativays ba Hind. am GIVE ME A OALL. “ea MAIN STREET, ©; WESTOVER, Prop’s. CoNncERT and Mutton Always on Hand. ae W> WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO'THE Public that we keep Sonerenttt on hand afi ne assortinent of ABB All orders carefully filled and promptly delived free of charge,-in Silver Beef, Leeds, Harrisburg, and on the River, WINES, TREMONT HOUSE! Washington, D. EXALL, ALPHIN & FISHER, Propritre The Choicest. Cuts of Beef, Pork LIQUORS and CIGARS, And fine MUSIC le attendanee. oti C. u want to spend A vive wan onl, PLEASANT nud gay ELE-HORN BALOON. to contribute, as the tree will be gotten up for the benefit of al) the children in the Reef. \ the and be ———_—___. —_ ~~ << +. The of oi PORK to give us selves, and we are unani- of mind, ey We want at who Jove good meat and good ac- large majority. While, therefore, there will probably be some discussie of the subject, it is safe to predict that there will be no important change in existing financial relations. On this point the Democrats are more united than their opponents, and the agitation of the subject threatens more disturbance in the Radical ranks than anywhere else. Congressmen of all parties are evidently in for the present at least. ‘seerve the ve BOLOGS A, Headcheese, Pickled Feet, Tripe,e' favorably received, and speak the views of a there is not the prepared to a In the rear, HICKOX & CO. HIS NEW FIRM HAS TAKEN SAUSAGE mous in opposition to the recommendations, and very few Democrats from any section will vote for such a measure. Several resolutions have been offered on the snbject—one by Mr, Price of Towa, one by Mr. Fort of Lilinois, and one by Senator Carpenter of Wisconsin, all urging substantially that it is best to“ let well enough alone.’ These resolutions are an earnest, ~ Alwayr on pend, Fine Club Room CARLTON & JAMES, Prop’rs, Silver Reet and f BEEF, MUL } t Liquors. ‘and Cigsie PEOPLE'S MARKET careful Chittenden, New York, developes the fact that there are not twenty members of either party, or both partics combined, who will vote for the proposition to retire greenbacks. Mr. Chittenden is in favor of the Administration programme, and this canvass discourages him. Western FI ret Ciass ® HIS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN ENtirely refitted, paring accom: odalvons for ets, and w ptinue td be thé only fret: class Houro is ‘th city nt moderate’ rates. ‘Terms, $2.50 pe. sit . p HILL, Proprietot. dene cope spat AREER xsi, AT DEPOTB. tress: ras the | bet Wined, Liquors and BEB: Soames os ngemegmarnnee tad rh Main _Roxt door to,the Drug Btove. jat Laoy A age +t ett oer d & Mie. igh ai. + BAR * Of the etait _ EXCHANGE: SALOON, “OQHOP HOUSE of absentées in both houses. It seemed to me that there was a There will be a Social ,Party given at Mrs. Hanrehan’s Hall on the evening of De¢ember 25th, A. cordial, invitation {3 extended, ‘Good music will bo:giratieadbn dd; ©ty | \NTERPRISH!| the roll-call on the first-dey revealed:.an un- the Supreme”Court of the State lately destitutional business session. eens : : J. HIBBERD, Prop'r. our self-respect, they awaken our enthusiasm, they arouse our affections, they control our property and ontmaneuver us in everything. This would be a very dreary world without ‘em; in fact, I may say, without prospect of successful contradiction, that withont ‘em it wonld not be much of'a world anyhow. We love *em, and the dear beings can't help it. As husbands they are always convenient, though not always on hand; as beatix, they are by no means * matchless’. They are most agreeablé Besteurauts, , Many 6f them. haye since arrived, however. wre Ra eee ine open temas the NONI lu <n ALIN a a TS ANNO A canes ai en as Rea pa “cial ft = , =< Va RO UN gis oh omc : =a See _ wlver Reef Bakery an and when direct- munity more enterprising and prospétous, found guilty of murder in the first degree. He will be sentenced shortly. Elegance, Durability and Comfort We The: play ©f |. last, after a long and Maker. Main. the past yield, house “ Yes, and it’s all you will get, too!” —John F, Pritchard, who killed Officer symonds at Virginia City on the 2st of July shoe and Boot total of Sacramento and Virginia City be very realistic. Tailor: N, CHRISTENSEN, a a —It is said that pneumonia fs abating in Bodié;and now the sneering press of Nevada will say: ‘“ Of course, with three-fourths of the population in the cemetery, it ought to abate.” performed fae ‘ Import} CLOTHS, ‘diwayson hand. Corner during and ments. Fine auits made A*assortment of Fime, Shop, production, —The new.C, P. R. R. depot building at Sacramento was lighted up for the first time a week ago last Thursday night., It is a handsome structure, complete in all its appoint- "TAILORING. ed ENGLIGH a $100,000, that discovery of the country to date, of $400,000. GRAIN. IN ALL ITS BRANOHES. of for the —Mrs. Duniway, of the New Northwest, at a literary reynion at Salem, Oregon, “toasted” the men as follows: **God bless ‘em! They half our joys, they double our sorrow, they treble our expenses, they quadruple our cares, +The Pioghe Record says some unmitigated DEALER VOLUME 2, s Etest aurant answered by the Edinburgh occupant of the the month of November, footed —A $30,00( suit is now in progress at Carson City. Itis brought against the Carson and Lake Tahoe Lumber Company for alleged false measuring. J. A. TURRILL, GEMERAL means to give ns ly opposite the primitive Christian, the wicked dealer in horse flesh vociferated: ‘Forty dollars! only fotty doilara fm bid!” He was by stage fr —Dennie Kearney is going to Washington. Some of the Coast papers think that~-if he -| would depart for perdition he°would be better appreciated, dy23-tf past auctioneer, bestride a cayuse, feet —Rev. J. Blanchard, of Reno, ordained Henry Ward Beecher upon his entering the ministry. He might have been better eniployed. And all-work connected with-the trade, from Cart. the White Senator $haron has actua!ly gone to Washington. He will misrepresent the State of Nevada, of which he is not even a resident. to contract for House and Buggy- Painting MEA and Martin —The Almighty and juries sometimes move in mysteiohs ways their wonders to perform. So thinks the Idaho Avalanche. (Finer Wast SrRExEt, agGre crowded, the —The local of thé Bodie Standard talks about ashe A GELLAR © atl} 36% “wak nothing especially interesting or noteworthy in the opening, beyond the fact that ~The pastor of the the new church at Glendale, Montana, Rev. Hugh Duncan. a high pressure Scotchman, was preaching in Alder Gulch fifteen years igo, and he queried in a jJoud voice: “What will you give in exchange for your souls!** ‘I say! what will you give in exchange for your soul?’ Just —Lawrence Barrett, the actor will assume the maniagement of the California Theater, at San Francisco, shortly. THOS.) HUTCHISON, WHITEWASHING is of —The Pioneets at Virginia City from their fair a net profit of $1,500, Furnishes Exchange on falt Lake, San Francisco, and all parts of the Eastern States and Europe, 3go HN funnel —Tho Bodie Free Press publishes the official figures of deaths in Bodie at sixty for the past two months. RANKING BUSINESS. ) 6 1879, WaAsHincton, December, 14.—Congress is now under way, with every indication that it at- month. —The a Ceneral Is prepared times of indigent sick is increasing daily. Batte, Sane up $102.2 k are re- ~The San Francisco papers want the mine visiting days restored. Seeing is believing, LEEDS “ 20, Whe Stole the Presidenvs Message? — Unanimous Opposition to the Rettrement of Greenbachs. [Correspondence of the Silver Reef MrnER.] —To secure the subsidy of $200,000 in Lander county bonds, the Nevada Central will have to be completed by the 10th of February next. The rails are now laid abonta third of the distance, and the company will rush things the rest of the distance to have the cars running to Austiti on time. —It is stated with much positiveness that Lucky Baldwin is financially embarrassed. PMiscettancous. Transacts DECEMBER . WASHINGTON LETTER. —Leadville turns out $300,000 in silver and | lead per week, or $1,200, 000 per month. SILVER REEF, UTAH, Sliver Reef, * SATURDAY, How Some of the Old-Time Senators Look and Feel. —The jnry In the case of the People vs. James N. Track, which has been on trial at Silver City, Idaho, for about three weeks past, failed toagree. Six ofthe jurors were reported to be in favor of finding a verdict. of ~-—A-minstrel company.is being organized in murder in the first degree; one was for man| slaughter, and five for acquittal: The Court Paradise. Another case of Paradise Lost. refused to admit Trask to bail. Trask was —If water was what they were after, indicted for the murder of Edgar A. Brown at Wonldn't the-Constock bea big snccess? Silver City, D,; P WHEDON, THE UTAR, —The bullion product of Tuscarora for the year wil) not fall abort. of $1,250,000, _ (hate assistant U. 8. Att’y for Utah.) Will attend to his care. COUNTY, —The Carson Appeal is informed that the school text-book war started in Carson is being waged in San Francisco, Last Saturday —Servant girls arein demand at Cheyenne, Charles Bancroft thrashed White, the agent with no prospect of a supply. | of the Appleton series. White charged: that —Arizona, ts reported to have 1,700 wines Bancroft had used questionable means to| for sale on fhe New York market. make himself solid with the Board, wherenp-. on Bancroft erected a frightful head on ~There will be three, days* te at Cherry White. ; Greek, commencing on. Christmas SALT “DAKE OITY,: UTAH; Orvrce! No. @1, Main Street, nextfo Mc- Attorne declared is the —Two hundred cases of diphtheria ported on the Comstock. office. AED 6.8 mle peat + aiw, ‘ wi in Tusca- eating entertainments. MAURICE mM. KAIGHN, + WASHINGTON ~The Euceka Leader thinks that road agents hunt poor game when they tackle, Mormon teamsters. The Saints have been theré often, the Pioche roughs during the flush times making their fobbings specialty, and now the Mormons always send their coin by express and take no chancer. ‘Reno Methodists have bi-weekly pie- Higgins, So “ Tiger ** has litilé show —The Ophir dividend just first since 1864. SILVER REEF. OFFICE — Next door north of Miner CLIPPINGS. —The Sutro (Nev.) cemetery isin a flourishing condition. Surgeon Ovrricz—Next door to Halpin’s store. MAIN ST. REEF, = ‘Protessional. _ Physician SILVER a. @:seamute.Aiiist.icsaerne Ula. LURDBAY, . 055 eveewwe ees case .-Frises, Dah, ta : i 2 henge - it x % H 3 ane y att aslo; ey 7, buts Tait nme a: |